如何判断一个特定的文件扩展是否有一个默认的程序来打开它?例如:PDF,在Windows 7。

时间:2022-09-02 15:51:17

I want to know if there is a specific entry to check in the registry to see if there is a default program associated with a specific file type?


My main example would be a PDF. Documentation in my company is mainly PDF. We want to be able to distribute the latest Adobe Reader because, generally, a lot of the PCs using my company's software will not have access to the internet.


During installation, I want to be able to check if the computer we are installing on already has a program to view PDF files. If yes, carry on. if not, then run the Adobe distribution as part of the install.


I'm focused on Windows 7 PCs, registry entry(ies) I can read programatically to see if, as an example, PDF has a valid program to open it.

我关注的是Windows 7个人电脑,注册表项(ies),我可以通过编程的方式阅读,看看是否,作为一个例子,PDF有一个有效的程序来打开它。

2 个解决方案



No this option not exists. Although HKCR\'PROGID'\shell\open may points to the installed software.


User MC ND have wrong answer. See my screenshot:

用户MC ND有错误的答案。看到我的截图:

如何判断一个特定的文件扩展是否有一个默认的程序来打开它?例如:PDF,在Windows 7。

During installation, I want to be able to check if the computer we are installing on already has a program to view PDF files. If yes, carry on. if not, then run the Adobe distribution as part of the install.


So I have pdf reader (!!!) with no associations. MC ND you are still thinks, I have no pdf reader?

所以我有pdf阅读器(!!! !)没有关联。你还在想,我没有pdf阅读器?



From console


assoc .pdf to get the "fileType" associated to the extension. Once you have the fileType (ex. AcroExch.Document.11):

assoc .pdf以获取与扩展相关的“文件类型”。一旦你有了fileType (ex. acroexch.document.document.11):

ftype AcroExch.Document.11 to get the associated program.

ftype AcroExch.Document。要得到相关的程序。



No this option not exists. Although HKCR\'PROGID'\shell\open may points to the installed software.


User MC ND have wrong answer. See my screenshot:

用户MC ND有错误的答案。看到我的截图:

如何判断一个特定的文件扩展是否有一个默认的程序来打开它?例如:PDF,在Windows 7。

During installation, I want to be able to check if the computer we are installing on already has a program to view PDF files. If yes, carry on. if not, then run the Adobe distribution as part of the install.


So I have pdf reader (!!!) with no associations. MC ND you are still thinks, I have no pdf reader?

所以我有pdf阅读器(!!! !)没有关联。你还在想,我没有pdf阅读器?



From console


assoc .pdf to get the "fileType" associated to the extension. Once you have the fileType (ex. AcroExch.Document.11):

assoc .pdf以获取与扩展相关的“文件类型”。一旦你有了fileType (ex. acroexch.document.document.11):

ftype AcroExch.Document.11 to get the associated program.

ftype AcroExch.Document。要得到相关的程序。