如何在ruby net/http?中实现cookie支持?

时间:2022-09-02 13:29:50

I'd like to add cookie support to a ruby class utilizing net/http to browse the web. Cookies have to be stored in a file to survive after the script has ended. Of course I can read the specs and write some kind of a handler, use some cookie.txt format and so on, but it seems to mean reinventing the wheel. Is there a better way to accomplish this task? Maybe some kind of a cooie jar class to take care of cookies?

我想将cookie支持添加到使用net/http浏览web的ruby类中。脚本结束后,必须将cookie保存在文件中。当然,我可以阅读规格说明并编写某种处理程序,使用一些cookie。txt格式等等,但它似乎意味着重新发明*。有更好的方法来完成这个任务吗?可能是某个cooie jar类来处理cookie ?

6 个解决方案



Taken from DZone Snippets


http = Net::HTTP.new('profil.wp.pl', 443)
http.use_ssl = true
path = '/login.html'

# GET request -> so the host can set his cookies
resp, data = http.get(path, nil)
cookie = resp.response['set-cookie'].split('; ')[0]

# POST request -> logging in
data = 'serwis=wp.pl&url=profil.html&tryLogin=1&countTest=1&logowaniessl=1&login_username=blah&login_password=blah'
headers = {
  'Cookie' => cookie,
  'Referer' => 'http://profil.wp.pl/login.html',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

resp, data = http.post(path, data, headers)

# Output on the screen -> we should get either a 302 redirect (after a successful login) or an error page
puts 'Code = ' + resp.code
puts 'Message = ' + resp.message
resp.each {|key, val| puts key + ' = ' + val}
puts data



#To save the cookies, you can use PStore
cookies = PStore.new("cookies.pstore")

# Save the cookie  
cookies.transaction do
  cookies[:some_identifier] = cookie

# Retrieve the cookie back
cookies.transaction do
  cookie = cookies[:some_identifier] 



The accepted answer will not work if your server returns and expects multiple cookies. This could happen, for example, if the server returns a set of FedAuth[n] cookies. If this affects you, you might want to look into using something along the lines of the following instead:

如果您的服务器返回并期望有多个cookie,那么所接受的答案将无法工作。例如,如果服务器返回一组FedAuth[n] cookie,就可能发生这种情况。如果这会影响到您,您可能想要使用以下内容:

http = Net::HTTP.new('https://example.com', 443)
http.use_ssl = true
path1 = '/index.html'
path2 = '/index2.html'

# make a request to get the server's cookies
response = http.get(path)
if (response.code == '200')
    all_cookies = response.get_fields('set-cookie')
    cookies_array = Array.new
    all_cookies.each { | cookie |
        cookies_array.push(cookie.split('; ')[0])
    cookies = cookies_array.join('; ')

    # now make a request using the cookies
    response = http.get(path2, { 'Cookie' => cookies })



The accepted answer does not work. You need to access the internal representation of the response header where the multiple set-cookie values are stores separately and then remove everything after the first semicolon from these string and join them together. Here is code that works


r = http.get(path)
cookie = {'Cookie'=>r.to_hash['set-cookie'].collect{|ea|ea[/^.*?;/]}.join}
r = http.get(next_path,cookie)



Use http-cookie, which implements RFC-compliant parsing and rendering, plus a jar.


A crude example that happens to follow a redirect post-login:


require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'http-cookie'

uri = URI('...')
jar = HTTP::CookieJar.new

Net::HTTP.start(uri.host, uri.port, use_ssl: uri.scheme == 'https') do |http|
  req = Net::HTTP::Post.new uri
  req.form_data = { ... }
  res = http.request req
  res.get_fields('Set-Cookie').each do |value|
    jar.parse(value, req.uri)

  fail unless res.code == '302'

  req = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri + res['Location'])
  req['Cookie'] = HTTP::Cookie.cookie_value(jar.cookies(uri))
  res = http.request req

Why do this? Because the answers above are incredibly insufficient and flat out don't work in many RFC-compliant scenarios (happened to me), so relying on the very lib implementing just what's needed is infinitely more robust if you want to handle more than one particular case.




I've used Curb and Mechanize for a similar project. Just enable cookies support and save the cookies to a temp cookiejar... If your using net/http or packages without cookie support built in, you will need to write your own cookie handling.

我曾在一个类似的项目中使用过控制和机械化。只需启用cookie支持,并将cookie保存到临时库基贾(temp cookiejar)……如果您使用的是没有内置cookie支持的net/http或软件包,您将需要编写自己的cookie处理。



You can send receive cookies using headers.


You can store the header in any persistence framework. Whether it is some sort of database, or files.




Taken from DZone Snippets


http = Net::HTTP.new('profil.wp.pl', 443)
http.use_ssl = true
path = '/login.html'

# GET request -> so the host can set his cookies
resp, data = http.get(path, nil)
cookie = resp.response['set-cookie'].split('; ')[0]

# POST request -> logging in
data = 'serwis=wp.pl&url=profil.html&tryLogin=1&countTest=1&logowaniessl=1&login_username=blah&login_password=blah'
headers = {
  'Cookie' => cookie,
  'Referer' => 'http://profil.wp.pl/login.html',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

resp, data = http.post(path, data, headers)

# Output on the screen -> we should get either a 302 redirect (after a successful login) or an error page
puts 'Code = ' + resp.code
puts 'Message = ' + resp.message
resp.each {|key, val| puts key + ' = ' + val}
puts data



#To save the cookies, you can use PStore
cookies = PStore.new("cookies.pstore")

# Save the cookie  
cookies.transaction do
  cookies[:some_identifier] = cookie

# Retrieve the cookie back
cookies.transaction do
  cookie = cookies[:some_identifier] 



The accepted answer will not work if your server returns and expects multiple cookies. This could happen, for example, if the server returns a set of FedAuth[n] cookies. If this affects you, you might want to look into using something along the lines of the following instead:

如果您的服务器返回并期望有多个cookie,那么所接受的答案将无法工作。例如,如果服务器返回一组FedAuth[n] cookie,就可能发生这种情况。如果这会影响到您,您可能想要使用以下内容:

http = Net::HTTP.new('https://example.com', 443)
http.use_ssl = true
path1 = '/index.html'
path2 = '/index2.html'

# make a request to get the server's cookies
response = http.get(path)
if (response.code == '200')
    all_cookies = response.get_fields('set-cookie')
    cookies_array = Array.new
    all_cookies.each { | cookie |
        cookies_array.push(cookie.split('; ')[0])
    cookies = cookies_array.join('; ')

    # now make a request using the cookies
    response = http.get(path2, { 'Cookie' => cookies })



The accepted answer does not work. You need to access the internal representation of the response header where the multiple set-cookie values are stores separately and then remove everything after the first semicolon from these string and join them together. Here is code that works


r = http.get(path)
cookie = {'Cookie'=>r.to_hash['set-cookie'].collect{|ea|ea[/^.*?;/]}.join}
r = http.get(next_path,cookie)



Use http-cookie, which implements RFC-compliant parsing and rendering, plus a jar.


A crude example that happens to follow a redirect post-login:


require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'http-cookie'

uri = URI('...')
jar = HTTP::CookieJar.new

Net::HTTP.start(uri.host, uri.port, use_ssl: uri.scheme == 'https') do |http|
  req = Net::HTTP::Post.new uri
  req.form_data = { ... }
  res = http.request req
  res.get_fields('Set-Cookie').each do |value|
    jar.parse(value, req.uri)

  fail unless res.code == '302'

  req = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri + res['Location'])
  req['Cookie'] = HTTP::Cookie.cookie_value(jar.cookies(uri))
  res = http.request req

Why do this? Because the answers above are incredibly insufficient and flat out don't work in many RFC-compliant scenarios (happened to me), so relying on the very lib implementing just what's needed is infinitely more robust if you want to handle more than one particular case.




I've used Curb and Mechanize for a similar project. Just enable cookies support and save the cookies to a temp cookiejar... If your using net/http or packages without cookie support built in, you will need to write your own cookie handling.

我曾在一个类似的项目中使用过控制和机械化。只需启用cookie支持,并将cookie保存到临时库基贾(temp cookiejar)……如果您使用的是没有内置cookie支持的net/http或软件包,您将需要编写自己的cookie处理。



You can send receive cookies using headers.


You can store the header in any persistence framework. Whether it is some sort of database, or files.
