C#和SQL Server 2008:如何从数据库处理null

时间:2022-09-02 13:21:24

I am selecting max(id) from database which are grouped by date. Sometimes there might be situation where date does not have any id. That time it rising error so how to handle it n assign to int variable.


SqlCommand maxid = new SqlCommand("select max(block) from blocks_allocation where date='" + DR.ItemArray.GetValue(7).ToString() + "'", con);

SqlDataReader maxrd = maxid.ExecuteReader();

if (maxrd.Read())
   block_no = int.Parse(maxrd["block"].ToString()) + 1;


2 个解决方案



SqlCommand returns DBNull.Value if the value is null, so if you have a query that could return null values you need to test against DBNull.Value first, like this:


var date = DR.ItemArray.GetValue(7).ToString();
const string sql = "SELECT MAX(block) FROM blocks_allocation WHERE date = @date";
using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con))
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@date", date);
    var maxBlock = cmd.ExecuteScalar();
    block_no = maxBlock == DBNull.Value ? null : (int?) maxBlock;

(This assumes that block_no is a nullable int). I've also changed a few other things:


  • If q query returns a single value you can use ExecuteScalar instead of Read etc...
  • 如果q查询返回单个值,则可以使用ExecuteScalar而不是Read等...

  • You should use using blocks instead of manually closing / disposing of objects.
  • 您应该使用块而不是手动关闭/处置对象。

  • You shouldn't build dynamic SQL as it can lead to SQL Injection - I've modified the query to use a parametrized query instead.
  • 您不应该构建动态SQL,因为它可以导致SQL注入 - 我已经修改了查询以使用参数化查询。

I've used the inline-if syntax to set block_no, but you can also use a standard if should you prefer:


if (maxBlock == DBNull.Value)
    block_no = null;
    block_no = (int?) maxBlock;



Check whether the max(id) is null, if it so then return 1 using ISNULL()


select isnull(max(block),1) from blocks_allocation



SqlCommand returns DBNull.Value if the value is null, so if you have a query that could return null values you need to test against DBNull.Value first, like this:


var date = DR.ItemArray.GetValue(7).ToString();
const string sql = "SELECT MAX(block) FROM blocks_allocation WHERE date = @date";
using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con))
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@date", date);
    var maxBlock = cmd.ExecuteScalar();
    block_no = maxBlock == DBNull.Value ? null : (int?) maxBlock;

(This assumes that block_no is a nullable int). I've also changed a few other things:


  • If q query returns a single value you can use ExecuteScalar instead of Read etc...
  • 如果q查询返回单个值,则可以使用ExecuteScalar而不是Read等...

  • You should use using blocks instead of manually closing / disposing of objects.
  • 您应该使用块而不是手动关闭/处置对象。

  • You shouldn't build dynamic SQL as it can lead to SQL Injection - I've modified the query to use a parametrized query instead.
  • 您不应该构建动态SQL,因为它可以导致SQL注入 - 我已经修改了查询以使用参数化查询。

I've used the inline-if syntax to set block_no, but you can also use a standard if should you prefer:


if (maxBlock == DBNull.Value)
    block_no = null;
    block_no = (int?) maxBlock;



Check whether the max(id) is null, if it so then return 1 using ISNULL()


select isnull(max(block),1) from blocks_allocation