
时间:2022-09-02 08:38:47

I have a singleton class that has LanguageModel in it and i have already done text binding using following code


{Binding Source={StaticResource Language}, Path=Language.HeaderText}

how i want to update this value at runtime. Can anyone suggest me how do I update this in runtime? Where "Language" is inside a singleton class.

我想如何在运行时更新此值。任何人都可以建议我如何在运行时更新它? “语言”在单身人士类中。

3 个解决方案



WPF UI updates are built on INotifyPropertyChanged implementation. For whichever properties you want to see an update you would need to trigger NotifyPropertyChanged event.

WPF UI更新基于INotifyPropertyChanged实现构建。对于要查看更新的任何属性,您需要触发NotifyPropertyChanged事件。

If you don't want to touch your Language model with 200 members. Identify the properties for which you want to see the updates and move them to a ViewModel and implement the NotifyPropertyChanged within ViewModel. But mind that, this will only reflect if you are updating the Value from ViewModel. If the Langauge model gets directly updated it won't notify the ViewModel which inturn wont notify the UI.




You need to implement the INotifyPropertyChanged Interface.


If your class implements this interface the bindings will update automatically when you change the property value.


Follow the documentation to implement the interface, but basically you'll need to notify the subscribers of your property that it has changed. You can do this by calling NotifyPropertyChanged() in the setter of your HeaderText property.


Simplified code, you need to implement the actual interface as well:


public class Language : INotifyPropertyChanged {
    private string _headerText;

    public string HeaderText {
        get {
            return _headerText;

        set {
            if (value != _headerText) {
                _headerText = value;



I resolved it. I was missing "Mode=TwoWay" in the binding.

我解决了我在绑定中缺少“Mode = TwoWay”。

{Binding Source={StaticResource Language}, Path=Language.HeaderText, Mode=TwoWay}

Thanks for your help guys. Really appreciated.




WPF UI updates are built on INotifyPropertyChanged implementation. For whichever properties you want to see an update you would need to trigger NotifyPropertyChanged event.

WPF UI更新基于INotifyPropertyChanged实现构建。对于要查看更新的任何属性,您需要触发NotifyPropertyChanged事件。

If you don't want to touch your Language model with 200 members. Identify the properties for which you want to see the updates and move them to a ViewModel and implement the NotifyPropertyChanged within ViewModel. But mind that, this will only reflect if you are updating the Value from ViewModel. If the Langauge model gets directly updated it won't notify the ViewModel which inturn wont notify the UI.




You need to implement the INotifyPropertyChanged Interface.


If your class implements this interface the bindings will update automatically when you change the property value.


Follow the documentation to implement the interface, but basically you'll need to notify the subscribers of your property that it has changed. You can do this by calling NotifyPropertyChanged() in the setter of your HeaderText property.


Simplified code, you need to implement the actual interface as well:


public class Language : INotifyPropertyChanged {
    private string _headerText;

    public string HeaderText {
        get {
            return _headerText;

        set {
            if (value != _headerText) {
                _headerText = value;



I resolved it. I was missing "Mode=TwoWay" in the binding.

我解决了我在绑定中缺少“Mode = TwoWay”。

{Binding Source={StaticResource Language}, Path=Language.HeaderText, Mode=TwoWay}

Thanks for your help guys. Really appreciated.
