
时间:2022-09-02 00:21:58

I'm looking for examples of specifying files in a tree structure, for example, for specifying the set of files to search in a grep tool. I'd like to be able to include and exclude files and directories by name matches. I'm sure there are examples out there, but I'm having a hard time finding them.


Here's an example of a possible syntax:


*.py *.html
*.txt *.js

(this would mean include file with extensions .py .html .txt .js, exclude .pyc files, anything under a .svn directory, and any file matching combo_.js)

(这意味着包含扩展名为.py .html .txt .js的文件,排除.pyc文件,.svn目录下的任何内容以及任何匹配combo_.js的文件)

I know I've seen these sorts of specifications in other tools before. Is this ringing any bells for anyone?


7 个解决方案


There is no single standard format for this kind of thing, but if you want to copy something that is widely recognized, have a look at the rsync documentation. Look at the chapter on "INCLUDE/EXCLUDE PATTERN RULES."



Apache Ant provides 'ant globs or patterns where:

Apache Ant提供'ant globs或模式,其中:


means "any file ending in '.java' in a directory which includes a directory named 'foo' in its path" -- including ./foo/X.java

表示“在目录中以'.java'结尾的任何文件,其目录中包含名为'foo'的目录” - 包括./foo/X.java


In your example syntax, is it implicitly understood that there's an escaping character so that you can explicitly include a file that begins with a dash? (The same question goes for any other wildcard characters, but I suppose I'd expect to see more files with dashes in their names than asterisks.)

在您的示例语法中,是否隐式理解存在转义字符,以便您可以显式包含以破折号开头的文件? (同样的问题适用于任何其他通配符,但我想我希望看到更多带有破折号的文件,而不是星号。)

Various command shells use * (and possibly ? to match a single char), as in your example, but they generally only match against a string of characters that doesn't include a path component separator (i.e. '\' on Windows systems, '/' elsewhere). I've also seen such source control apps as Perforce use additional patterns that can match against path component separators. For instance, with Perforce the pattern "foo/...ext" (without quotes) will match all files under the foo/ directory structure that end with "ext", regardless of whether they are in foo/ itself or in one of its descendant directories. This seems to be a useful pattern.

各种命令shell使用*(并且可能?匹配单个char),如您的示例所示,但它们通常仅匹配不包含路径组件分隔符的字符串(即Windows系统上的'\',' /'其他地方)。我也看到像Perforce这样的源代码控制应用程序使用了可以与路径组件分隔符匹配的其他模式。例如,使用Perforce模式“foo / ... ext”(不带引号)将匹配以“ext”结尾的foo /目录结构下的所有文件,无论它们是在foo /本身还是在其中一个后代目录。这似乎是一种有用的模式。


If you're using bash, you can use the extglob extension to get some nice globbing functions. Enable it as follows:


shopt -s extglob

Then you can do things like the following:


# everything but .html, .jpg or ,gif files
ls -d !(*.html|*gif|*jpg)
# list file9, file22 but not fileit
ls file+([0-9])
# begins with apl or un only
ls -d +(apl*|un*)

See also this page.



How about find in unixish environments?


Find can, of course, do more than build a list of files, but that is one of the common ways it is used. From the man page:


NAME find -- walk a file hierarchy

NAME find - 遍历文件层次结构

SYNOPSIS find [-H | -L | -P] [-EXdsx] [-f pathname] pathname ... expression find [-H | -L | -P] [-EXdsx] -f pathname [pathname ...] expression

大概找到[-H | -L | -P] [-EXdsx] [-f pathname] pathname ... expression find [-H | -L | -P] [-EXdsx] -f pathname [pathname ...]表达式

DESCRIPTION The find utility recursively descends the directory tree for each pathname listed, evaluating an expression (composed of the primaries'' andoperands'' listed below) in terms of each file in the tree.


to achieve your goal I would write something like (formatted for readability):


find ./ \( -name *.{py,html,txt,js,pyc} -or \
           -name *combo_*.js -or \
           \( -name *.svn -and -type d\)\) \

Moreover there is a idomatic pattern using xargs which makes find suitable for sending the whole list so constructed to an arbitrary command as in:


find /path -type f -print0 | xargs -0 rm


find(1) is a fine tool as described in the previous answer but if it gets more complicated, you should consider either writing your own script in any of the usual suspects (Ruby, Perl, Python et al.) or try to use one of the more powerful shells such as zsh which has a ** globbing commands and you can specify things to exclude. The latter is probably more complicated though.

find(1)是一个很好的工具,如前面的答案所述,但如果它变得更复杂,你应该考虑在任何常见的嫌疑人(Ruby,Perl,Python等)编写自己的脚本或尝试使用一个更强大的shell,比如zsh,它有一个** globbing命令,你可以指定要排除的东西。后者可能更复杂。


You might want to check out ack, which allows you to specify file types to search in with options like --perl, etc.


It also ignores .svn directories by default, as well as core dumps, editor cruft, binary files, and so on.



There is no single standard format for this kind of thing, but if you want to copy something that is widely recognized, have a look at the rsync documentation. Look at the chapter on "INCLUDE/EXCLUDE PATTERN RULES."



Apache Ant provides 'ant globs or patterns where:

Apache Ant提供'ant globs或模式,其中:


means "any file ending in '.java' in a directory which includes a directory named 'foo' in its path" -- including ./foo/X.java

表示“在目录中以'.java'结尾的任何文件,其目录中包含名为'foo'的目录” - 包括./foo/X.java


In your example syntax, is it implicitly understood that there's an escaping character so that you can explicitly include a file that begins with a dash? (The same question goes for any other wildcard characters, but I suppose I'd expect to see more files with dashes in their names than asterisks.)

在您的示例语法中,是否隐式理解存在转义字符,以便您可以显式包含以破折号开头的文件? (同样的问题适用于任何其他通配符,但我想我希望看到更多带有破折号的文件,而不是星号。)

Various command shells use * (and possibly ? to match a single char), as in your example, but they generally only match against a string of characters that doesn't include a path component separator (i.e. '\' on Windows systems, '/' elsewhere). I've also seen such source control apps as Perforce use additional patterns that can match against path component separators. For instance, with Perforce the pattern "foo/...ext" (without quotes) will match all files under the foo/ directory structure that end with "ext", regardless of whether they are in foo/ itself or in one of its descendant directories. This seems to be a useful pattern.

各种命令shell使用*(并且可能?匹配单个char),如您的示例所示,但它们通常仅匹配不包含路径组件分隔符的字符串(即Windows系统上的'\',' /'其他地方)。我也看到像Perforce这样的源代码控制应用程序使用了可以与路径组件分隔符匹配的其他模式。例如,使用Perforce模式“foo / ... ext”(不带引号)将匹配以“ext”结尾的foo /目录结构下的所有文件,无论它们是在foo /本身还是在其中一个后代目录。这似乎是一种有用的模式。


If you're using bash, you can use the extglob extension to get some nice globbing functions. Enable it as follows:


shopt -s extglob

Then you can do things like the following:


# everything but .html, .jpg or ,gif files
ls -d !(*.html|*gif|*jpg)
# list file9, file22 but not fileit
ls file+([0-9])
# begins with apl or un only
ls -d +(apl*|un*)

See also this page.



How about find in unixish environments?


Find can, of course, do more than build a list of files, but that is one of the common ways it is used. From the man page:


NAME find -- walk a file hierarchy

NAME find - 遍历文件层次结构

SYNOPSIS find [-H | -L | -P] [-EXdsx] [-f pathname] pathname ... expression find [-H | -L | -P] [-EXdsx] -f pathname [pathname ...] expression

大概找到[-H | -L | -P] [-EXdsx] [-f pathname] pathname ... expression find [-H | -L | -P] [-EXdsx] -f pathname [pathname ...]表达式

DESCRIPTION The find utility recursively descends the directory tree for each pathname listed, evaluating an expression (composed of the primaries'' andoperands'' listed below) in terms of each file in the tree.


to achieve your goal I would write something like (formatted for readability):


find ./ \( -name *.{py,html,txt,js,pyc} -or \
           -name *combo_*.js -or \
           \( -name *.svn -and -type d\)\) \

Moreover there is a idomatic pattern using xargs which makes find suitable for sending the whole list so constructed to an arbitrary command as in:


find /path -type f -print0 | xargs -0 rm


find(1) is a fine tool as described in the previous answer but if it gets more complicated, you should consider either writing your own script in any of the usual suspects (Ruby, Perl, Python et al.) or try to use one of the more powerful shells such as zsh which has a ** globbing commands and you can specify things to exclude. The latter is probably more complicated though.

find(1)是一个很好的工具,如前面的答案所述,但如果它变得更复杂,你应该考虑在任何常见的嫌疑人(Ruby,Perl,Python等)编写自己的脚本或尝试使用一个更强大的shell,比如zsh,它有一个** globbing命令,你可以指定要排除的东西。后者可能更复杂。


You might want to check out ack, which allows you to specify file types to search in with options like --perl, etc.


It also ignores .svn directories by default, as well as core dumps, editor cruft, binary files, and so on.
