
时间:2022-09-01 23:29:43

This question is a spin-off from this one. Some history: when I first learned Perl, I pretty much always used glob rather than opendir + readdir because I found it easier. Then later various posts and readings suggested that glob was bad, and so now I pretty much always use readdir.

这个问题是这个问题的副产品。一些历史:当我第一次学习Perl时,我经常使用glob而不是opendir + readdir,因为我发现它更容易。后来,各种各样的文章和阅读资料表明,glob是不好的,所以现在我经常使用readdir。

After thinking over this recent question I realized that my reasons for one or the other choice may be bunk. So, I'm going to lay out some pros and cons, and I'm hoping that more experienced Perl folks can chime in and clarify. The question in a nutshell is are there compelling reasons to prefer glob to readdir or readdir to glob (in some or all cases)?


glob pros:

  1. No dotfiles (unless you ask for them)
  2. 没有dotfiles(除非您要求它们)
  3. Order of items is guaranteed
  4. 保证项目的秩序。
  5. No need to prepend the directory name onto items manually
  6. 不需要手动将目录名添加到项目中。
  7. Better name (c'mon - glob versus readdir is no contest if we're judging by names alone)
  8. 更好的名字(c'mon - glob与readdir不是竞争,如果我们仅凭名字来判断)
  9. (From ysth's answer; cf. glob cons 4 below) Can return non-existent filenames:

    (从ysth的回答;cf. glob cons 4)可以返回不存在的文件名:

    @deck = glob "{A,K,Q,J,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2}{\x{2660},\x{2665},\x{2666},\x{2663}}";

glob cons:

  1. Older versions are just plain broken (but 'older' means pre 5.6, I think, and frankly if you're using pre 5.6 Perl, you have bigger problems)
  2. 旧版本是简单的(但是“老”的意思是前5.6,我认为,坦白地说,如果你使用的是前5.6 Perl,你会遇到更大的问题)
  3. Calls stat each time (i.e., useless use of stat in most cases).
  4. 每次调用stat(即:,在大多数情况下是无用的使用。
  5. Problems with spaces in directory names (is this still true?)
  6. 目录名中的空格问题(这仍然正确吗?)
  7. (From brian's answer) Can return filenames that don't exist:


    $ perl -le 'print glob "{ab}{cd}"'

readdir pros:

  1. (From brian's answer) opendir returns a filehandle which you can pass around in your program (and reuse), but glob simply returns a list
  2. (来自brian的答案)opendir返回一个文件句柄,您可以在程序(和重用)中传递这个文件句柄,但是glob只返回一个列表。
  3. (From brian's answer) readdir is a proper iterator and provides functions to rewinddir, seekdir, telldir
  4. readdir是一个合适的迭代器,并向rewinddir、seekdir、telldir提供函数。
  5. Faster? (Pure guess based on some of glob's features from above. I'm not really worried about this level of optimization anyhow, but it's a theoretical pro.)
  6. 更快呢?(基于glob的一些特性,我们可以进行纯粹的猜测。)我并不是很担心这个水平的优化,但它是一个理论支持。
  7. Less prone to edge-case bugs than glob?
  8. 比glob更不容易出现边缘错误?
  9. Reads everything (dotfiles too) by default (this is also a con)
  10. 默认读取所有(dotfiles)(这也是一个con)
  11. May convince you not to name a file 0 (a con also - see Brad's answer)
  12. 可能说服您不要命名一个文件0(一个con,也可以看到Brad的回答)
  13. Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
  14. 有人知道吗?春天吗?春天吗?

readdir cons:

  1. If you don't remember to prepend the directory name, you will get bit when you try to do filetests or copy items or edit items or...
  2. 如果您不记得预先输入目录名,那么当您尝试进行filetest或复制项或编辑项时,您将会得到一些信息。
  3. If you don't remember to grep out the . and .. items, you will get bit when you count items, or try to walk recursively down the file tree or...
  4. 如果你不记得用grep。和. .项目,当您计算项目时,您将会得到一些,或者尝试递归地沿着文件树或…
  5. Did I mention prepending the directory name? (A sidenote, but my very first post to the Perl Beginners mail list was the classic, "Why does this code involving filetests not work some of the time?" problem related to this gotcha. Apparently, I'm still bitter.)
  6. 我刚才提到过目录名吗?(一个sidenote,但是我对Perl初学者邮件列表的第一个帖子是经典的,“为什么这个涉及filetests的代码不工作一些时间呢?”问题与这个问题有关。显然,我还苦。)
  7. Items are returned in no particular order. This means you will often have to remember to sort them in some manner. (This could be a pro if it means more speed, and if it means that you actually think about how and if you need to sort items.) Edit: Horrifically small sample, but on a Mac readdir returns items in alphabetical order, case insensitive. On a Debian box and an OpenBSD server, the order is utterly random. I tested the Mac with Apple's built-in Perl (5.8.8) and my own compiled 5.10.1. The Debian box is 5.10.0, as is the OpenBSD machine. I wonder if this is a filesystem issue, rather than Perl?
  8. 返回的项没有特定的顺序。这意味着你将经常需要记住以某种方式对它们进行排序。(这可能是一个专业的,如果它意味着更多的速度,如果它意味着你真的想要如何和如果你需要分类项目。)编辑:非常小的示例,但是在Mac readdir上,按字母顺序返回项目,大小写不敏感。在Debian和OpenBSD服务器上,订单是完全随机的。我用苹果内置的Perl(5.8.8)和我自己编写的5.10.1测试了Mac。Debian的box是5.10.0,OpenBSD也是如此。我想知道这是不是一个文件系统问题,而不是Perl?
  9. Reads everything (dotfiles too) by default (this is also a pro)
  10. 默认读取所有(dotfiles)(这也是一个pro)
  11. Doesn't necessarily deal well with a file named 0 (see pros also - see Brad's answer)
  12. 不一定能很好地处理一个名为0的文件(请参阅专业人员——请参阅Brad的回答)

10 个解决方案



You missed the most important, biggest difference between them: glob gives you back a list, but opendir gives you a directory handle. You can pass that directory handle around to let other objects or subroutines use it. With the directory handle, the subroutine or object doesn't have to know anything about where it came from, who else is using it, and so on:


 sub use_any_dir_handle {
      my( $dh ) = @_;
      rewinddir $dh;
      ...do some filtering...
      return \@files;

With the dirhandle, you have a controllable iterator where you can move around with seekdir, although with glob you just get the next item.


As with anything though, the costs and benefits only make sense when applied to a certain context. They do not exist outside of a particular use. You have an excellent list of their differences, but I wouldn't classify those differences without knowing what you were trying to do with them.


Some other things to remember:


  • You can implement your own glob with opendir, but not the other way around.


  • glob uses its own wildcard syntax, and that's all you get.


  • glob can return filenames that don't exist:


    $ perl -le 'print glob "{ab}{cd}"'



glob pros: Can return 'filenames' that don't exist:


my @deck = List::Util::shuffle glob "{A,K,Q,J,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2}{\x{2660},\x{2665},\x{2666},\x{2663}}";
while (my @hand = splice @deck,0,13) {
    say join ",", @hand;



Here is a disadvantage for opendir and readdir.


  open my $file, '>', 0;
  print {$file} 'Breaks while( readdir ){ ... }'
opendir my $dir, '.';

my $a = 0;
++$a for readdir $dir;
print $a, "\n";

rewinddir $dir;

my $b = 0;
++$b while readdir $dir;
print $b, "\n";

You would expect that code would print the same number twice, but it doesn't because there is a file with the name of 0. On my computer it prints 251, and 188, tested with Perl v5.10.0 and v5.10.1

您可能期望代码会打印两次相同的数字,但这并不是因为有一个文件名为0的文件。在我的计算机上,它打印了251和188,用Perl v5.10.0和v5.10.1进行了测试。

This problem also makes it so that this just prints out a bunch of empty lines, regardless of the existence of file 0:


use 5.10.0;
opendir my $dir, '.';

say while readdir $dir;

Where as this always works just fine:


use 5.10.0;
my $a = 0;
++$a for glob '*';
say $a;

my $b = 0;
++$b while glob '*';
say $b;

say for glob '*';
say while glob '*';

I fixed these issues, and sent in a patch which made it into Perl v5.11.2, so this will work properly with Perl v5.12.0 when it comes out.

我修复了这些问题,并将其发送到Perl v5.11.2中,以便在Perl v5.12.0发布时能够正常工作。

My fix converts this:


while( readdir $dir ){ ... }

into this:


while( defined( $_ = readdir $dir ){ ...}

Which makes it work the same way that read has worked on files. Actually it is the same bit of code, I just added another element to the corresponding if statements.




glob makes it convenient to read all the subdirectories of a given fixed depth, as in glob "*/*/*". I've found this handy in several occasions.




Well, you pretty much cover it. All that taken into account, I would tend to use glob when I'm throwing together a quick one-off script and its behavior is just what I want, and use opendir and readdir in ongoing production code or libraries where I can take my time and clearer, cleaner code is helpful.




For small, simple things, I prefer glob. Just the other day, I used it and a twenty line perl script to retag a large portion of my music library. glob, however, has a pretty strange name. Glob? It's not intuitive at all, as far as a name goes.


My biggest hangup with readdir is that it treats a directory in a way that's somewhat odd to most people. Usually, programmers don't think of a directory as a stream, they think of it as a resource, or list, which glob provides. The name is better, the functionality is better, but the interface still leaves something to be desired.




That was a pretty comprehensive list. readdir (and readdir + grep) has less overhead than glob and so that is a plus for readdir if you need to analyze lots and lots of directories.

这是一个相当全面的列表。readdir(和readdir + grep)的开销比glob要少,因此,如果需要分析大量和大量的目录,那么这就是readdir的一个优点。



glob pros:


3) No need to prepend the directory name onto items manually




say for glob "*";


As far as I can tell, the rule for glob is: you must provide a full path to the directory to get full paths back. The Perl docs do not seem to mention that, and neither do any of the posts here.


That means that glob can be used in place of readdir when you want just filenames (rather than full paths), and you don't want hidden files returned, i.e. ones starting with '.'. For example,


chdir ("../..");  
say for glob("*");



On a similar note, File::Slurp has a function called read_dir.


Since I use File::Slurp's other functions a lot in my scripts, read_dir has also become a habit.


It also has following options: err_mode, prefix, and keep_dot_dot.




First, do some reading. Chapter 9.6. of the Perl Cookbook outlines the point I want to get to nicely, just under the discussion heading.

首先,做一些阅读。9.6章。在Perl Cookbook的概述中,我想在讨论的标题下很好地说明这一点。

Secondly, do a search for glob and dosglob in your Perl directory. While many different sources (ways to get the file list) can be used, the reason why I point you to dosglob is that if you happen to be on a Windows platform (and using the dosglob solution), it is actually using opendir/readdir/closedir. Other versions use built-in shell commands or precompiled OS specific executables.


If you know you are targetting a specific platform, you can use this information to your advantage. Just for reference I looked into this on Strawberry Perl Portable edition 5.12.2, so things may be slightly different on newer or original versions of Perl.




You missed the most important, biggest difference between them: glob gives you back a list, but opendir gives you a directory handle. You can pass that directory handle around to let other objects or subroutines use it. With the directory handle, the subroutine or object doesn't have to know anything about where it came from, who else is using it, and so on:


 sub use_any_dir_handle {
      my( $dh ) = @_;
      rewinddir $dh;
      ...do some filtering...
      return \@files;

With the dirhandle, you have a controllable iterator where you can move around with seekdir, although with glob you just get the next item.


As with anything though, the costs and benefits only make sense when applied to a certain context. They do not exist outside of a particular use. You have an excellent list of their differences, but I wouldn't classify those differences without knowing what you were trying to do with them.


Some other things to remember:


  • You can implement your own glob with opendir, but not the other way around.


  • glob uses its own wildcard syntax, and that's all you get.


  • glob can return filenames that don't exist:


    $ perl -le 'print glob "{ab}{cd}"'



glob pros: Can return 'filenames' that don't exist:


my @deck = List::Util::shuffle glob "{A,K,Q,J,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2}{\x{2660},\x{2665},\x{2666},\x{2663}}";
while (my @hand = splice @deck,0,13) {
    say join ",", @hand;



Here is a disadvantage for opendir and readdir.


  open my $file, '>', 0;
  print {$file} 'Breaks while( readdir ){ ... }'
opendir my $dir, '.';

my $a = 0;
++$a for readdir $dir;
print $a, "\n";

rewinddir $dir;

my $b = 0;
++$b while readdir $dir;
print $b, "\n";

You would expect that code would print the same number twice, but it doesn't because there is a file with the name of 0. On my computer it prints 251, and 188, tested with Perl v5.10.0 and v5.10.1

您可能期望代码会打印两次相同的数字,但这并不是因为有一个文件名为0的文件。在我的计算机上,它打印了251和188,用Perl v5.10.0和v5.10.1进行了测试。

This problem also makes it so that this just prints out a bunch of empty lines, regardless of the existence of file 0:


use 5.10.0;
opendir my $dir, '.';

say while readdir $dir;

Where as this always works just fine:


use 5.10.0;
my $a = 0;
++$a for glob '*';
say $a;

my $b = 0;
++$b while glob '*';
say $b;

say for glob '*';
say while glob '*';

I fixed these issues, and sent in a patch which made it into Perl v5.11.2, so this will work properly with Perl v5.12.0 when it comes out.

我修复了这些问题,并将其发送到Perl v5.11.2中,以便在Perl v5.12.0发布时能够正常工作。

My fix converts this:


while( readdir $dir ){ ... }

into this:


while( defined( $_ = readdir $dir ){ ...}

Which makes it work the same way that read has worked on files. Actually it is the same bit of code, I just added another element to the corresponding if statements.




glob makes it convenient to read all the subdirectories of a given fixed depth, as in glob "*/*/*". I've found this handy in several occasions.




Well, you pretty much cover it. All that taken into account, I would tend to use glob when I'm throwing together a quick one-off script and its behavior is just what I want, and use opendir and readdir in ongoing production code or libraries where I can take my time and clearer, cleaner code is helpful.




For small, simple things, I prefer glob. Just the other day, I used it and a twenty line perl script to retag a large portion of my music library. glob, however, has a pretty strange name. Glob? It's not intuitive at all, as far as a name goes.


My biggest hangup with readdir is that it treats a directory in a way that's somewhat odd to most people. Usually, programmers don't think of a directory as a stream, they think of it as a resource, or list, which glob provides. The name is better, the functionality is better, but the interface still leaves something to be desired.




That was a pretty comprehensive list. readdir (and readdir + grep) has less overhead than glob and so that is a plus for readdir if you need to analyze lots and lots of directories.

这是一个相当全面的列表。readdir(和readdir + grep)的开销比glob要少,因此,如果需要分析大量和大量的目录,那么这就是readdir的一个优点。



glob pros:


3) No need to prepend the directory name onto items manually




say for glob "*";


As far as I can tell, the rule for glob is: you must provide a full path to the directory to get full paths back. The Perl docs do not seem to mention that, and neither do any of the posts here.


That means that glob can be used in place of readdir when you want just filenames (rather than full paths), and you don't want hidden files returned, i.e. ones starting with '.'. For example,


chdir ("../..");  
say for glob("*");



On a similar note, File::Slurp has a function called read_dir.


Since I use File::Slurp's other functions a lot in my scripts, read_dir has also become a habit.


It also has following options: err_mode, prefix, and keep_dot_dot.




First, do some reading. Chapter 9.6. of the Perl Cookbook outlines the point I want to get to nicely, just under the discussion heading.

首先,做一些阅读。9.6章。在Perl Cookbook的概述中,我想在讨论的标题下很好地说明这一点。

Secondly, do a search for glob and dosglob in your Perl directory. While many different sources (ways to get the file list) can be used, the reason why I point you to dosglob is that if you happen to be on a Windows platform (and using the dosglob solution), it is actually using opendir/readdir/closedir. Other versions use built-in shell commands or precompiled OS specific executables.


If you know you are targetting a specific platform, you can use this information to your advantage. Just for reference I looked into this on Strawberry Perl Portable edition 5.12.2, so things may be slightly different on newer or original versions of Perl.
