
时间:2022-09-01 22:52:20

Is there a way to include all the jar files within a directory in the classpath?


I'm trying java -classpath lib/*.jar:. my.package.Program and it is not able to find class files that are certainly in those jars. Do I need to add each jar file to the classpath separately?

我正在尝试java -classpath lib/*.jar:。my.package。它无法找到那些jar文件。是否需要分别将每个jar文件添加到类路径?

22 个解决方案



Using Java 6 or later, the classpath option supports wildcards. Note the following:

使用Java 6或以后,classpath选项支持通配符。请注意以下几点:

  • Use straight quotes (")
  • 使用直引号(")
  • Use *, not *.jar
  • 不使用*,* . jar



java -cp "Test.jar;lib/*" my.package.MainClass

java - cp my.package.MainClass“Test.jar;lib / *”



java -cp "Test.jar:lib/*" my.package.MainClass

“测试java - cp。jar:lib / *”my.package.MainClass

This is similar to Windows, but uses : instead of ;. If you cannot use wildcards, bash allows the following syntax (where lib is the directory containing all the Java archive files):


java -cp $(echo lib/*.jar | tr ' ' ':')

java - cp(echo lib / *美元。jar | tr ' ':' '

(Note that using a classpath is incompatible with the -jar option. See also: Execute jar file with multiple classpath libraries from command prompt)


Understanding Wildcards


From the Classpath document:


Class path entries can contain the basename wildcard character *, which is considered equivalent to specifying a list of all the files in the directory with the extension .jar or .JAR. For example, the class path entry foo/* specifies all JAR files in the directory named foo. A classpath entry consisting simply of * expands to a list of all the jar files in the current directory.


A class path entry that contains * will not match class files. To match both classes and JAR files in a single directory foo, use either foo;foo/* or foo/*;foo. The order chosen determines whether the classes and resources in foo are loaded before JAR files in foo, or vice versa.


Subdirectories are not searched recursively. For example, foo/* looks for JAR files only in foo, not in foo/bar, foo/baz, etc.


The order in which the JAR files in a directory are enumerated in the expanded class path is not specified and may vary from platform to platform and even from moment to moment on the same machine. A well-constructed application should not depend upon any particular order. If a specific order is required then the JAR files can be enumerated explicitly in the class path.


Expansion of wildcards is done early, prior to the invocation of a program's main method, rather than late, during the class-loading process itself. Each element of the input class path containing a wildcard is replaced by the (possibly empty) sequence of elements generated by enumerating the JAR files in the named directory. For example, if the directory foo contains a.jar, b.jar, and c.jar, then the class path foo/* is expanded into foo/a.jar;foo/b.jar;foo/c.jar, and that string would be the value of the system property java.class.path.


The CLASSPATH environment variable is not treated any differently from the -classpath (or -cp) command-line option. That is, wildcards are honored in all these cases. However, class path wildcards are not honored in the Class-Path jar-manifest header.




Under windows this works:


java -cp "Test.jar;lib/*" my.package.MainClass

and this does not work:


java -cp "Test.jar;lib/*.jar" my.package.MainClass

notice the *.jar, so the * wildcard should be used alone.


On Linux, the following works:


java -cp "Test.jar:lib/*" my.package.MainClass

The separators are colons instead of semicolons.




We get around this problem by deploying a main jar file myapp.jar which contains a manifest (Manifest.mf) file specifying a classpath with the other required jars, which are then deployed alongside it. In this case, you only need to declare java -jar myapp.jar when running the code.

我们通过部署一个主jar文件myapp来解决这个问题。jar包含一个清单(manifest .mf)文件,该文件使用其他所需的jar指定类路径,然后在它旁边部署。在本例中,您只需声明java -jar myapp。运行代码时的jar。

So if you deploy the main jar into some directory, and then put the dependent jars into a lib folder beneath that, the manifest looks like:


Manifest-Version: 1.0
Implementation-Title: myapp
Implementation-Version: 1.0.1
Class-Path: lib/dep1.jar lib/dep2.jar

NB: this is platform-independent - we can use the same jars to launch on a UNIX server or on a Windows PC.

NB:这是独立于平台的——我们可以使用相同的jar在UNIX服务器或Windows PC上启动。



My solution on Ubuntu 10.04 using java-sun 1.6.0_24 having all jars in "lib" directory:

我的Ubuntu 10.04解决方案使用java-sun 1.6.0_24在“lib”目录中包含所有jar:

java -cp .:lib/* my.main.Class

If this fails, the following command should work (prints out all *.jars in lib directory to the classpath param)


java -cp $(for i in lib/*.jar ; do echo -n $i: ; done). my.main.Class



Short answer: java -classpath lib/*:. my.package.Program

简短的回答:java -classpath lib/*:。my.package.Program

Oracle provides documentation on using wildcards in classpaths here for Java 6 and here for Java 7, under the section heading Understanding class path wildcards. (As I write this, the two pages contain the same information.) Here's a summary of the highlights:

Oracle提供了关于在类路径中使用通配符的文档,这里是Java 6,这里是Java 7,在“理解类路径通配符”一节的标题下。(在我写这篇文章时,这两页包含了相同的信息。)以下是一些亮点的总结:

  • In general, to include all of the JARs in a given directory, you can use the wildcard * (not *.jar).


  • The wildcard only matches JARs, not class files; to get all classes in a directory, just end the classpath entry at the directory name.


  • The above two options can be combined to include all JAR and class files in a directory, and the usual classpath precedence rules apply. E.g. -cp /classes;/jars/*

    可以将上述两个选项组合在一起,以包含目录中的所有JAR和类文件,并应用通常的类路径优先级规则。例如- cp /类;/ / *

  • The wildcard will not search for JARs in subdirectories.


  • The above bullet points are true if you use the CLASSPATH system property or the -cp or -classpath command line flags. However, if you use the Class-Path JAR manifest header (as you might do with an ant build file), wildcards will not be honored.


Yes, my first link is the same one provided in the top-scoring answer (which I have no hope of overtaking), but that answer doesn't provide much explanation beyond the link. Since that sort of behavior is discouraged on Stack Overflow these days, I thought I'd expand on it.

是的,我的第一个链接是同一个人提供的最高评分的答案(我没有希望超车),但是这个答案没有提供太多的解释。既然这种行为在Stack Overflow上是不受欢迎的,我想我应该扩展一下。



For me this works in windows .


java -cp "/lib/*;" sample

For linux


java -cp "/lib/*:" sample

I am using Java 6

我使用的是Java 6。



You can try java -Djava.ext.dirs=jarDirectory http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/extensions/spec.html

您可以尝试java -Djava.ext。dirs = jarDirectory http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/extensions/spec.html

Directory for external jars when running java






java -classpath "lib/*:." my.package.Program



java -classpath "lib/a*.jar:." my.package.Program
java -classpath "lib/a*:."     my.package.Program
java -classpath "lib/*.jar:."  my.package.Program
java -classpath  lib/*:.       my.package.Program



java -cp file.jar;dir/* my.app.ClassName

java -cp文件.jar;dir/* my.app.ClassName

java -cp file.jar:dir/* my.app.ClassName

Linux:java - cp文件。jar:dir / * my.app.ClassName

- Windows path separator is ";"
- Linux path separator is ":"
- In Windows if cp argument does not contains white space, the "quotes" is optional

提醒:- Windows路径分隔符是“;”- Linux路径分隔符是":" -在Windows中,如果cp参数不包含空格,“引号”是可选的



If you really need to specify all the .jar files dynamically you could use shell scripts, or Apache Ant. There's a commons project called Commons Launcher which basically lets you specify your startup script as an ant build file (if you see what I mean).

如果您确实需要动态地指定所有.jar文件,您可以使用shell脚本或Apache Ant。有一个通用项目叫做commons Launcher,它可以让你把你的启动脚本指定为ant构建文件(如果你明白我的意思的话)。

Then, you can specify something like:


<path id="base.class.path">
    <pathelement path="${resources.dir}"/>
    <fileset dir="${extensions.dir}" includes="*.jar" />
    <fileset dir="${lib.dir}" includes="*.jar"/>

In your launch build file, which will launch your application with the correct classpath.




If you are using Java 6, then you can use wildcards in the classpath.

如果您正在使用Java 6,那么您可以在类路径中使用通配符。

Now it is possible to use wildcards in classpath definition:


javac -cp libs/* -verbose -encoding UTF-8 src/mypackage/*.java  -d build/classes

Ref: http://www.rekk.de/bloggy/2008/add-all-jars-in-a-directory-to-classpath-with-java-se-6-using-wildcards/




Please note that wildcard expansion is broken for Java 7 on Windows.

请注意,Windows上的Java 7的通配符扩展被破坏了。

Check out this * issue for more information.


The workaround is to put a semicolon right after the wildcard. java -cp "somewhere/*;"

解决方法是在通配符后面加上分号。java - cp“地方/ *”;



To whom it may concern,


I found this strange behaviour on Windows under an MSYS/MinGW shell.




$ javac -cp '.;c:\Programs\COMSOL44\plugins\*' Reclaim.java

Doesn't work:


$ javac -cp 'c:\Programs\COMSOL44\plugins\*' Reclaim.java
javac: invalid flag: c:\Programs\COMSOL44\plugins\com.comsol.aco_1.0.0.jar
Usage: javac <options> <source files>
use -help for a list of possible options

I am quite sure that the wildcard is not expanded by the shell, because e.g.


$ echo './*'

(Tried it with another program too, rather than the built-in echo, with the same result.)


I believe that it's javac which is trying to expand it, and it behaves differently whether there is a semicolon in the argument or not. First, it may be trying to expand all arguments that look like paths. And only then it would parse them, with -cp taking only the following token. (Note that com.comsol.aco_1.0.0.jar is the second JAR in that directory.) That's all a guess.


This is


$ javac -version
javac 1.7.0



All the above solutions work great if you develop and run the Java application outside any IDE like Eclipse or Netbeans.


If you are on Windows 7 and used Eclipse IDE for Development in Java, you might run into issues if using Command Prompt to run the class files built inside Eclipse.

如果您使用的是Windows 7,并且使用Eclipse IDE进行Java开发,那么如果使用命令提示符运行Eclipse内构建的类文件,您可能会遇到问题。

E.g. Your source code in Eclipse is having the following package hierarchy: edu.sjsu.myapp.Main.java


You have json.jar as an external dependency for the Main.java


When you try running Main.java from within Eclipse, it will run without any issues.


But when you try running this using Command Prompt after compiling Main.java in Eclipse, it will shoot some weird errors saying "ClassNotDef Error blah blah".

但是当您尝试在编译Main之后使用命令提示符运行这个命令时。在Eclipse中的java,它会抛出一些奇怪的错误,比如“ClassNotDef Error blah blah”。

I assume you are in the working directory of your source code !!


Use the following syntax to run it from command prompt:


  1. javac -cp ".;json.jar" Main.java

    javac - cp“json。jar”Main.java

  2. java -cp ".;json.jar" edu.sjsu.myapp.Main

    java - cp”。json。jar”edu.sjsu.myapp.Main

    [Don't miss the . above]


This is because you have placed the Main.java inside the package edu.sjsu.myapp and java.exe will look for the exact pattern.


Hope it helps !!

希望它帮助! !



For windows quotes are required and ; should be used as separator. e.g.:


java -cp "target\\*;target\\dependency\\*" my.package.Main



Short Form: If your main is within a jar, you'll probably need an additional '-jar pathTo/yourJar/YourJarsName.jar ' explicitly declared to get it working (even though 'YourJarsName.jar' was on the classpath) (or, expressed to answer the original question that was asked 5 years ago: you don't need to redeclare each jar explicitly, but does seem, even with java6 you need to redeclare your own jar ...)

简短的形式:如果你的主体在一个jar中,你可能需要一个额外的-jar路径到/你的jar /你的jarsname。jar显式地声明要让它工作(即使是“YourJarsName”)。jar在类路径上)(或者,表示要回答5年前提出的最初问题:您不需要显式地重新声明每个jar,但是,即使使用java6,您也需要重新声明您自己的jar…)

Long Form: (I've made this explicit to the point that I hope even interlopers to java can make use of this)

Long Form:(我已经明确地指出,我希望即使是java的入侵者也能利用它)

Like many here I'm using eclipse to export jars: (File->Export-->'Runnable JAR File'). There are three options on 'Library handling' eclipse (Juno) offers:

像这里的许多人一样,我使用eclipse来导出JAR: (File-> export ->'Runnable JAR File')。“库处理”eclipse (Juno)有三个选项:

opt1: "Extract required libraries into generated JAR"
opt2: "Package required libraries into generated JAR"
opt3: "Copy required libraries into a sub-folder next to the generated JAR"

Typically I'd use opt2 (and opt1 was definitely breaking), however native code in one of the jars I'm using I discovered breaks with the handy "jarinjar" trick that eclipse leverages when you choose that option. Even after realizing I needed opt3, and then finding this * entry, it still took me some time to figure it out how to launch my main outside of eclipse, so here's what worked for me, as it's useful for others...


If you named your jar: "fooBarTheJarFile.jar" and all is set to export to the dir: "/theFully/qualifiedPath/toYourChosenDir".

如果你把你的罐子命名为“fooBarTheJarFile”。jar和所有设置为导出到目录:“/ thefull /qualifiedPath/toYourChosenDir”。

(meaning the 'Export destination' field will read: '/theFully/qualifiedPath/toYourChosenDir/fooBarTheJarFile.jar' )

(意味着“导出目的地”字段将会是:'/ thecomplete /qualifiedPath/toYourChosenDir/fooBarTheJarFile。jar”)

After you hit finish, you'll find eclipse then puts all the libraries into a folder named 'fooBarTheJarFile_lib' within that export directory, giving you something like:



You can then launch from anywhere on your system with:


java -classpath "/theFully/qualifiedPath/toYourChosenDir/fooBarTheJarFile_lib/*" -jar  /theFully/qualifiedPath/toYourChosenDir/fooBarTheJarFile.jar   package.path_to.the_class_with.your_main.TheClassWithYourMain

(For Java Newbies: 'package.path_to.the_class_with.your_main' is the declared package-path that you'll find at the top of the 'TheClassWithYourMain.java' file that contains the 'main(String[] args){...}' that you wish to run from outside java)

(Java新手:“package.path_to.the_class_with。your_main是在“TheClassWithYourMain”顶部找到的声明包路径。包含'main(String[] args){…您希望从java之外运行的})

The pitfall to notice: is that having 'fooBarTheJarFile.jar' within the list of jars on your declared classpath is not enough. You need to explicitly declare '-jar', and redeclare the location of that jar.


e.g. this breaks:


 java -classpath "/theFully/qualifiedPath/toYourChosenDir/fooBarTheJarFile.jar;/theFully/qualifiedPath/toYourChosenDir/fooBarTheJarFile_lib/*"  somepackages.inside.yourJar.leadingToTheMain.TheClassWithYourMain

restated with relative paths:


cd /theFully/qualifiedPath/toYourChosenDir/;
BREAKS:  java -cp "fooBarTheJarFile_lib/*"                                package.path_to.the_class_with.your_main.TheClassWithYourMain    
BREAKS:  java -cp ".;fooBarTheJarFile_lib/*"                              package.path_to.the_class_with.your_main.TheClassWithYourMain   
BREAKS:  java -cp ".;fooBarTheJarFile_lib/*"   -jar                       package.path_to.the_class_with.your_main.TheClassWithYourMain   
WORKS:   java -cp ".;fooBarTheJarFile_lib/*"   -jar  fooBarTheJarFile.jar package.path_to.the_class_with.your_main.TheClassWithYourMain   

(using java version "1.6.0_27"; via OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM on ubuntu 12.04)

(使用java版本“1.6.0_27”;通过ubuntu 12.04上的OpenJDK 64位服务器VM)



The only way I know how is to do it individually, for example:


setenv CLASSPATH /User/username/newfolder/jarfile.jar:jarfile2.jar:jarfile3.jar:.

Hope that helps!




class from wepapp:


  > mvn clean install

  > java -cp "webapp/target/webapp-1.17.0-SNAPSHOT/WEB-INF/lib/tool-jar-1.17.0-SNAPSHOT.jar;webapp/target/webapp-1.17.0-SNAPSHOT/WEB-INF/lib/*" com.xx.xx.util.EncryptorUtils param1 param2



Not a direct solution to being able to set /* to -cp but I hope you could use the following script to ease the situation a bit for dynamic class-paths and lib directories.


 libDir2Scan4jars="../test";cp=""; for j in `ls ${libDir2Scan4jars}/*.jar`; do if [ "$j" != "" ]; then cp=$cp:$j; fi; done; echo $cp| cut -c2-${#cp} > .tmpCP.tmp; export tmpCLASSPATH=`cat .tmpCP.tmp`; if [ "$tmpCLASSPATH" != "" ]; then echo .; echo "classpath set, you can now use  ~>         java -cp \$tmpCLASSPATH"; echo .; else echo .; echo "Error please check libDir2Scan4jars path"; echo .; fi; 

Scripted for Linux, could have a similar one for windows too. If proper directory is provided as input to the "libDir2Scan4jars"; the script will scan all the jars and create a classpath string and export it to a env variable "tmpCLASSPATH".




You need to add them all separately. Alternatively, if you really need to just specify a directory, you can unjar everything into one dir and add that to your classpath. I don't recommend this approach however as you risk bizarre problems in classpath versioning and unmanagability.




Think of a jar file as the root of a directory structure. Yes, you need to add them all separately.




Set the classpath in a way suitable multiple jars and current directory's class files.





Using Java 6 or later, the classpath option supports wildcards. Note the following:

使用Java 6或以后,classpath选项支持通配符。请注意以下几点:

  • Use straight quotes (")
  • 使用直引号(")
  • Use *, not *.jar
  • 不使用*,* . jar



java -cp "Test.jar;lib/*" my.package.MainClass

java - cp my.package.MainClass“Test.jar;lib / *”



java -cp "Test.jar:lib/*" my.package.MainClass

“测试java - cp。jar:lib / *”my.package.MainClass

This is similar to Windows, but uses : instead of ;. If you cannot use wildcards, bash allows the following syntax (where lib is the directory containing all the Java archive files):


java -cp $(echo lib/*.jar | tr ' ' ':')

java - cp(echo lib / *美元。jar | tr ' ':' '

(Note that using a classpath is incompatible with the -jar option. See also: Execute jar file with multiple classpath libraries from command prompt)


Understanding Wildcards


From the Classpath document:


Class path entries can contain the basename wildcard character *, which is considered equivalent to specifying a list of all the files in the directory with the extension .jar or .JAR. For example, the class path entry foo/* specifies all JAR files in the directory named foo. A classpath entry consisting simply of * expands to a list of all the jar files in the current directory.


A class path entry that contains * will not match class files. To match both classes and JAR files in a single directory foo, use either foo;foo/* or foo/*;foo. The order chosen determines whether the classes and resources in foo are loaded before JAR files in foo, or vice versa.


Subdirectories are not searched recursively. For example, foo/* looks for JAR files only in foo, not in foo/bar, foo/baz, etc.


The order in which the JAR files in a directory are enumerated in the expanded class path is not specified and may vary from platform to platform and even from moment to moment on the same machine. A well-constructed application should not depend upon any particular order. If a specific order is required then the JAR files can be enumerated explicitly in the class path.


Expansion of wildcards is done early, prior to the invocation of a program's main method, rather than late, during the class-loading process itself. Each element of the input class path containing a wildcard is replaced by the (possibly empty) sequence of elements generated by enumerating the JAR files in the named directory. For example, if the directory foo contains a.jar, b.jar, and c.jar, then the class path foo/* is expanded into foo/a.jar;foo/b.jar;foo/c.jar, and that string would be the value of the system property java.class.path.


The CLASSPATH environment variable is not treated any differently from the -classpath (or -cp) command-line option. That is, wildcards are honored in all these cases. However, class path wildcards are not honored in the Class-Path jar-manifest header.




Under windows this works:


java -cp "Test.jar;lib/*" my.package.MainClass

and this does not work:


java -cp "Test.jar;lib/*.jar" my.package.MainClass

notice the *.jar, so the * wildcard should be used alone.


On Linux, the following works:


java -cp "Test.jar:lib/*" my.package.MainClass

The separators are colons instead of semicolons.




We get around this problem by deploying a main jar file myapp.jar which contains a manifest (Manifest.mf) file specifying a classpath with the other required jars, which are then deployed alongside it. In this case, you only need to declare java -jar myapp.jar when running the code.

我们通过部署一个主jar文件myapp来解决这个问题。jar包含一个清单(manifest .mf)文件,该文件使用其他所需的jar指定类路径,然后在它旁边部署。在本例中,您只需声明java -jar myapp。运行代码时的jar。

So if you deploy the main jar into some directory, and then put the dependent jars into a lib folder beneath that, the manifest looks like:


Manifest-Version: 1.0
Implementation-Title: myapp
Implementation-Version: 1.0.1
Class-Path: lib/dep1.jar lib/dep2.jar

NB: this is platform-independent - we can use the same jars to launch on a UNIX server or on a Windows PC.

NB:这是独立于平台的——我们可以使用相同的jar在UNIX服务器或Windows PC上启动。



My solution on Ubuntu 10.04 using java-sun 1.6.0_24 having all jars in "lib" directory:

我的Ubuntu 10.04解决方案使用java-sun 1.6.0_24在“lib”目录中包含所有jar:

java -cp .:lib/* my.main.Class

If this fails, the following command should work (prints out all *.jars in lib directory to the classpath param)


java -cp $(for i in lib/*.jar ; do echo -n $i: ; done). my.main.Class



Short answer: java -classpath lib/*:. my.package.Program

简短的回答:java -classpath lib/*:。my.package.Program

Oracle provides documentation on using wildcards in classpaths here for Java 6 and here for Java 7, under the section heading Understanding class path wildcards. (As I write this, the two pages contain the same information.) Here's a summary of the highlights:

Oracle提供了关于在类路径中使用通配符的文档,这里是Java 6,这里是Java 7,在“理解类路径通配符”一节的标题下。(在我写这篇文章时,这两页包含了相同的信息。)以下是一些亮点的总结:

  • In general, to include all of the JARs in a given directory, you can use the wildcard * (not *.jar).


  • The wildcard only matches JARs, not class files; to get all classes in a directory, just end the classpath entry at the directory name.


  • The above two options can be combined to include all JAR and class files in a directory, and the usual classpath precedence rules apply. E.g. -cp /classes;/jars/*

    可以将上述两个选项组合在一起,以包含目录中的所有JAR和类文件,并应用通常的类路径优先级规则。例如- cp /类;/ / *

  • The wildcard will not search for JARs in subdirectories.


  • The above bullet points are true if you use the CLASSPATH system property or the -cp or -classpath command line flags. However, if you use the Class-Path JAR manifest header (as you might do with an ant build file), wildcards will not be honored.


Yes, my first link is the same one provided in the top-scoring answer (which I have no hope of overtaking), but that answer doesn't provide much explanation beyond the link. Since that sort of behavior is discouraged on Stack Overflow these days, I thought I'd expand on it.

是的,我的第一个链接是同一个人提供的最高评分的答案(我没有希望超车),但是这个答案没有提供太多的解释。既然这种行为在Stack Overflow上是不受欢迎的,我想我应该扩展一下。



For me this works in windows .


java -cp "/lib/*;" sample

For linux


java -cp "/lib/*:" sample

I am using Java 6

我使用的是Java 6。



You can try java -Djava.ext.dirs=jarDirectory http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/extensions/spec.html

您可以尝试java -Djava.ext。dirs = jarDirectory http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/extensions/spec.html

Directory for external jars when running java






java -classpath "lib/*:." my.package.Program



java -classpath "lib/a*.jar:." my.package.Program
java -classpath "lib/a*:."     my.package.Program
java -classpath "lib/*.jar:."  my.package.Program
java -classpath  lib/*:.       my.package.Program



java -cp file.jar;dir/* my.app.ClassName

java -cp文件.jar;dir/* my.app.ClassName

java -cp file.jar:dir/* my.app.ClassName

Linux:java - cp文件。jar:dir / * my.app.ClassName

- Windows path separator is ";"
- Linux path separator is ":"
- In Windows if cp argument does not contains white space, the "quotes" is optional

提醒:- Windows路径分隔符是“;”- Linux路径分隔符是":" -在Windows中,如果cp参数不包含空格,“引号”是可选的



If you really need to specify all the .jar files dynamically you could use shell scripts, or Apache Ant. There's a commons project called Commons Launcher which basically lets you specify your startup script as an ant build file (if you see what I mean).

如果您确实需要动态地指定所有.jar文件,您可以使用shell脚本或Apache Ant。有一个通用项目叫做commons Launcher,它可以让你把你的启动脚本指定为ant构建文件(如果你明白我的意思的话)。

Then, you can specify something like:


<path id="base.class.path">
    <pathelement path="${resources.dir}"/>
    <fileset dir="${extensions.dir}" includes="*.jar" />
    <fileset dir="${lib.dir}" includes="*.jar"/>

In your launch build file, which will launch your application with the correct classpath.




If you are using Java 6, then you can use wildcards in the classpath.

如果您正在使用Java 6,那么您可以在类路径中使用通配符。

Now it is possible to use wildcards in classpath definition:


javac -cp libs/* -verbose -encoding UTF-8 src/mypackage/*.java  -d build/classes

Ref: http://www.rekk.de/bloggy/2008/add-all-jars-in-a-directory-to-classpath-with-java-se-6-using-wildcards/




Please note that wildcard expansion is broken for Java 7 on Windows.

请注意,Windows上的Java 7的通配符扩展被破坏了。

Check out this * issue for more information.


The workaround is to put a semicolon right after the wildcard. java -cp "somewhere/*;"

解决方法是在通配符后面加上分号。java - cp“地方/ *”;



To whom it may concern,


I found this strange behaviour on Windows under an MSYS/MinGW shell.




$ javac -cp '.;c:\Programs\COMSOL44\plugins\*' Reclaim.java

Doesn't work:


$ javac -cp 'c:\Programs\COMSOL44\plugins\*' Reclaim.java
javac: invalid flag: c:\Programs\COMSOL44\plugins\com.comsol.aco_1.0.0.jar
Usage: javac <options> <source files>
use -help for a list of possible options

I am quite sure that the wildcard is not expanded by the shell, because e.g.


$ echo './*'

(Tried it with another program too, rather than the built-in echo, with the same result.)


I believe that it's javac which is trying to expand it, and it behaves differently whether there is a semicolon in the argument or not. First, it may be trying to expand all arguments that look like paths. And only then it would parse them, with -cp taking only the following token. (Note that com.comsol.aco_1.0.0.jar is the second JAR in that directory.) That's all a guess.


This is


$ javac -version
javac 1.7.0



All the above solutions work great if you develop and run the Java application outside any IDE like Eclipse or Netbeans.


If you are on Windows 7 and used Eclipse IDE for Development in Java, you might run into issues if using Command Prompt to run the class files built inside Eclipse.

如果您使用的是Windows 7,并且使用Eclipse IDE进行Java开发,那么如果使用命令提示符运行Eclipse内构建的类文件,您可能会遇到问题。

E.g. Your source code in Eclipse is having the following package hierarchy: edu.sjsu.myapp.Main.java


You have json.jar as an external dependency for the Main.java


When you try running Main.java from within Eclipse, it will run without any issues.


But when you try running this using Command Prompt after compiling Main.java in Eclipse, it will shoot some weird errors saying "ClassNotDef Error blah blah".

但是当您尝试在编译Main之后使用命令提示符运行这个命令时。在Eclipse中的java,它会抛出一些奇怪的错误,比如“ClassNotDef Error blah blah”。

I assume you are in the working directory of your source code !!


Use the following syntax to run it from command prompt:


  1. javac -cp ".;json.jar" Main.java

    javac - cp“json。jar”Main.java

  2. java -cp ".;json.jar" edu.sjsu.myapp.Main

    java - cp”。json。jar”edu.sjsu.myapp.Main

    [Don't miss the . above]


This is because you have placed the Main.java inside the package edu.sjsu.myapp and java.exe will look for the exact pattern.


Hope it helps !!

希望它帮助! !



For windows quotes are required and ; should be used as separator. e.g.:


java -cp "target\\*;target\\dependency\\*" my.package.Main



Short Form: If your main is within a jar, you'll probably need an additional '-jar pathTo/yourJar/YourJarsName.jar ' explicitly declared to get it working (even though 'YourJarsName.jar' was on the classpath) (or, expressed to answer the original question that was asked 5 years ago: you don't need to redeclare each jar explicitly, but does seem, even with java6 you need to redeclare your own jar ...)

简短的形式:如果你的主体在一个jar中,你可能需要一个额外的-jar路径到/你的jar /你的jarsname。jar显式地声明要让它工作(即使是“YourJarsName”)。jar在类路径上)(或者,表示要回答5年前提出的最初问题:您不需要显式地重新声明每个jar,但是,即使使用java6,您也需要重新声明您自己的jar…)

Long Form: (I've made this explicit to the point that I hope even interlopers to java can make use of this)

Long Form:(我已经明确地指出,我希望即使是java的入侵者也能利用它)

Like many here I'm using eclipse to export jars: (File->Export-->'Runnable JAR File'). There are three options on 'Library handling' eclipse (Juno) offers:

像这里的许多人一样,我使用eclipse来导出JAR: (File-> export ->'Runnable JAR File')。“库处理”eclipse (Juno)有三个选项:

opt1: "Extract required libraries into generated JAR"
opt2: "Package required libraries into generated JAR"
opt3: "Copy required libraries into a sub-folder next to the generated JAR"

Typically I'd use opt2 (and opt1 was definitely breaking), however native code in one of the jars I'm using I discovered breaks with the handy "jarinjar" trick that eclipse leverages when you choose that option. Even after realizing I needed opt3, and then finding this * entry, it still took me some time to figure it out how to launch my main outside of eclipse, so here's what worked for me, as it's useful for others...


If you named your jar: "fooBarTheJarFile.jar" and all is set to export to the dir: "/theFully/qualifiedPath/toYourChosenDir".

如果你把你的罐子命名为“fooBarTheJarFile”。jar和所有设置为导出到目录:“/ thefull /qualifiedPath/toYourChosenDir”。

(meaning the 'Export destination' field will read: '/theFully/qualifiedPath/toYourChosenDir/fooBarTheJarFile.jar' )

(意味着“导出目的地”字段将会是:'/ thecomplete /qualifiedPath/toYourChosenDir/fooBarTheJarFile。jar”)

After you hit finish, you'll find eclipse then puts all the libraries into a folder named 'fooBarTheJarFile_lib' within that export directory, giving you something like:



You can then launch from anywhere on your system with:


java -classpath "/theFully/qualifiedPath/toYourChosenDir/fooBarTheJarFile_lib/*" -jar  /theFully/qualifiedPath/toYourChosenDir/fooBarTheJarFile.jar   package.path_to.the_class_with.your_main.TheClassWithYourMain

(For Java Newbies: 'package.path_to.the_class_with.your_main' is the declared package-path that you'll find at the top of the 'TheClassWithYourMain.java' file that contains the 'main(String[] args){...}' that you wish to run from outside java)

(Java新手:“package.path_to.the_class_with。your_main是在“TheClassWithYourMain”顶部找到的声明包路径。包含'main(String[] args){…您希望从java之外运行的})

The pitfall to notice: is that having 'fooBarTheJarFile.jar' within the list of jars on your declared classpath is not enough. You need to explicitly declare '-jar', and redeclare the location of that jar.


e.g. this breaks:


 java -classpath "/theFully/qualifiedPath/toYourChosenDir/fooBarTheJarFile.jar;/theFully/qualifiedPath/toYourChosenDir/fooBarTheJarFile_lib/*"  somepackages.inside.yourJar.leadingToTheMain.TheClassWithYourMain

restated with relative paths:


cd /theFully/qualifiedPath/toYourChosenDir/;
BREAKS:  java -cp "fooBarTheJarFile_lib/*"                                package.path_to.the_class_with.your_main.TheClassWithYourMain    
BREAKS:  java -cp ".;fooBarTheJarFile_lib/*"                              package.path_to.the_class_with.your_main.TheClassWithYourMain   
BREAKS:  java -cp ".;fooBarTheJarFile_lib/*"   -jar                       package.path_to.the_class_with.your_main.TheClassWithYourMain   
WORKS:   java -cp ".;fooBarTheJarFile_lib/*"   -jar  fooBarTheJarFile.jar package.path_to.the_class_with.your_main.TheClassWithYourMain   

(using java version "1.6.0_27"; via OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM on ubuntu 12.04)

(使用java版本“1.6.0_27”;通过ubuntu 12.04上的OpenJDK 64位服务器VM)



The only way I know how is to do it individually, for example:


setenv CLASSPATH /User/username/newfolder/jarfile.jar:jarfile2.jar:jarfile3.jar:.

Hope that helps!




class from wepapp:


  > mvn clean install

  > java -cp "webapp/target/webapp-1.17.0-SNAPSHOT/WEB-INF/lib/tool-jar-1.17.0-SNAPSHOT.jar;webapp/target/webapp-1.17.0-SNAPSHOT/WEB-INF/lib/*" com.xx.xx.util.EncryptorUtils param1 param2



Not a direct solution to being able to set /* to -cp but I hope you could use the following script to ease the situation a bit for dynamic class-paths and lib directories.


 libDir2Scan4jars="../test";cp=""; for j in `ls ${libDir2Scan4jars}/*.jar`; do if [ "$j" != "" ]; then cp=$cp:$j; fi; done; echo $cp| cut -c2-${#cp} > .tmpCP.tmp; export tmpCLASSPATH=`cat .tmpCP.tmp`; if [ "$tmpCLASSPATH" != "" ]; then echo .; echo "classpath set, you can now use  ~>         java -cp \$tmpCLASSPATH"; echo .; else echo .; echo "Error please check libDir2Scan4jars path"; echo .; fi; 

Scripted for Linux, could have a similar one for windows too. If proper directory is provided as input to the "libDir2Scan4jars"; the script will scan all the jars and create a classpath string and export it to a env variable "tmpCLASSPATH".




You need to add them all separately. Alternatively, if you really need to just specify a directory, you can unjar everything into one dir and add that to your classpath. I don't recommend this approach however as you risk bizarre problems in classpath versioning and unmanagability.




Think of a jar file as the root of a directory structure. Yes, you need to add them all separately.




Set the classpath in a way suitable multiple jars and current directory's class files.

