从C#调用C ++函数

时间:2022-09-01 17:10:49

I have 2 C++ DLLs. One of them contains the following function:

我有2个C ++ DLL。其中一个包含以下功能:

void init(const unsigned char* initData, const unsigned char* key)

The other one contains this function:


BYTE* encrypt(BYTE *inOut, UINT inputSize, BYTE *secretKey, UINT secretKeySize).

Is there a way to call these 2 functions from C#? I know you can use [DllImport] in C# to call C++ functions, but the pointers are giving me a hard time.

有没有办法从C#调用这两个函数?我知道你可以在C#中使用[DllImport]来调用C ++函数,但指针给了我很多时间。

Any help would be appreciated!


4 个解决方案


Yes, you can call both of these from C# assuming that they are wrapped in extern "C" sections. I can't give you a detailed PInvoke signature because I don't have enough information on how the various parameters are related but the following will work.


public static extern void init(IntPtr initData, IntPtr key);

public static extern IntPtr encrpyt(IntPtr inout, unsigned inuputSize, IntPtr key, unsigned secretKeySize);

Pieces of information that would allow us to create a better signature


  1. Is the return of encrypt allocated memory?
  2. 加密分配内存是否返回?

  3. If #1 is true, how is the memory allocated
  4. 如果#1为真,则如何分配内存

  5. Can you give a basic description on how the parameters work?
  6. 你能给出一些关于参数如何工作的基本描述吗?

  7. I'm guessing that all of the pointer values represents arrays / groups of elements instead of a single element correct?
  8. 我猜所有指针值都代表数组/元素组而不是单个元素正确吗?


static extern void init([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] byte[] initData, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] byte[] key);

static extern IntPtr encrypt([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] byte[] inOut, int inputSize, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] byte[] key, int secretKeySize);


For classes, you don't need to do anything special. For value types, you need to use the ref keyword.


MSDN has an article that summarizes this: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/awbckfbz.aspx



For pointers, what you want to use is IntPtr.


static extern void init(IntPtr initData, IntPtr key);


Yes, you can call both of these from C# assuming that they are wrapped in extern "C" sections. I can't give you a detailed PInvoke signature because I don't have enough information on how the various parameters are related but the following will work.


public static extern void init(IntPtr initData, IntPtr key);

public static extern IntPtr encrpyt(IntPtr inout, unsigned inuputSize, IntPtr key, unsigned secretKeySize);

Pieces of information that would allow us to create a better signature


  1. Is the return of encrypt allocated memory?
  2. 加密分配内存是否返回?

  3. If #1 is true, how is the memory allocated
  4. 如果#1为真,则如何分配内存

  5. Can you give a basic description on how the parameters work?
  6. 你能给出一些关于参数如何工作的基本描述吗?

  7. I'm guessing that all of the pointer values represents arrays / groups of elements instead of a single element correct?
  8. 我猜所有指针值都代表数组/元素组而不是单个元素正确吗?


static extern void init([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] byte[] initData, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] byte[] key);

static extern IntPtr encrypt([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] byte[] inOut, int inputSize, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] byte[] key, int secretKeySize);


For classes, you don't need to do anything special. For value types, you need to use the ref keyword.


MSDN has an article that summarizes this: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/awbckfbz.aspx



For pointers, what you want to use is IntPtr.


static extern void init(IntPtr initData, IntPtr key);