c ++ std :: thread中的竞争条件或内存损坏

时间:2022-09-01 12:00:50

I'm having troubles pinpointing the exact source of either a race condition or memory corruption. My attempts to solve the problem are shown after the code.


I have the following structure:


class A
   // various variables
   // 1. vector that is assigned value on B, C, D constructor and not 
   //   modified while in thread
   // 2. various ints
   // 3. double array that is accessed by B, C, D
   // here that are used by B, C and D
   virtual void execute() = 0;

class B : A
   bool isFinished();
   void execute(); //execute does a very expensive loop (genetic algorithm)

class C : A
   bool isFinished();
   void execute();

class D : A
   bool isFinished();
   void execute();

class Worker
   A& m_a;
   Container& m_parent;
   // Worker needs a reference to parent container to control a mutex 
   // in the sync version of this code (not shown here)
   Worker(A& aa, Container& parent) : m_a(aa), m_parent(parent) {}

class Container
   std::vector<Worker> wVec;
   addWorker(Worker w); //this does wVec.push_back(w)

void Worker::executeAsynchronous(){

void Container::start(){
    std::thread threads[3];
    for (int i=0; i<wVec.size(); i++){
        threads[i] = std::thread(&Worker::executeAsynchronous,
    for (int i=0; i<wVec.size(); i++){

To run the code, i'd do:


Container container;
B b(...);
C c(...);
D d(...);
Worker worker1(b, container);
Worker worker2(c, container);
Worker worker3(d, container);

The code is supposed to spawn threads to run execute() asynchronously however I have the following 2 problems:


  1. One thread is faster than 2 or 3 or 4 threads AND has better results (better optimisation resulting from running the genetic algorithm in 1 thread), I have read that I could be limited by memory bandwidth but where is that happening? how can I verify that this is the case?


  2. Two or more threads: the results become very bad, somehow something is getting corrupted or mangled along the way. However I cannot pinpoint it. I have couted from various locations in the code and each threads executes exactly one inherited class's execute() i.e., each threads runs the execute() of B, C or D and doesn't jump or interfere with others. The moment I put m_parent.mutex.lock() and m_parent.mutex.unlock() around a.execute(); effectively making the multi-threaded code single-threaded the results become correct again.


I have attempted to:


  1. remove pointers in B, C and D that could become dangling after pushing the Workers back into the Container's vector. I now pass a copy to push_back.
  2. 删除B,C和D中的指针,这些指针在将Workers推回Container的向量后可能会变得悬空。我现在将副本传递给push_back。

  3. use emplace_back instead of push_back but it made no difference
  4. 使用emplace_back而不是push_back但它没有任何区别

  5. use vector.reserve() to avoid reallocation and loss of reference but no difference
  6. 使用vector.reserve()来避免重新分配和丢失引用但没有区别

  7. use std::ref() because I discovered std::thread makes a copy and I want the element wVec[i] to be modified, previously i was just passing wVec[i] to the thread.
  8. 使用std :: ref(),因为我发现std :: thread生成一个副本,我希望修改元素wVec [i],之前我只是将wVec [i]传递给线程。

I believe by doing 1-4 above and they made no difference and by running the code single-threaded and it works perfectly that it isn't a case of something going out of scope. Also there is no data exchange between threads or the container, I know std::vector isn't thread-safe.

我相信通过做1-4以上,他们没有任何区别,并通过运行代码单线程,它完美的工作,它不是一个超出范围的事情。线程或容器之间也没有数据交换,我知道std :: vector不是线程安全的。

I'd appreciate if you'd take the time to help me figure this out.


EDIT1: As per Constantin Pan's notice, here is my RandomNumberGenerator class, it is a static class, i call it using RandomNumberGenerator::getDouble(a,b)

EDIT1:根据Constantin Pan的注意,这是我的RandomNumberGenerator类,它是一个静态类,我使用RandomNumberGenerator :: getDouble(a,b)调用它

class RandomNumberGenerator
    static std::mt19937 rng;

    static void initRNG();
    static int getInt(int min, int max);
    static double getDouble(double min, double max);

std::mt19937 RandomNumberGenerator::rng;

void RandomNumberGenerator::initRNG()

int RandomNumberGenerator::getInt(int min, int max)
    std::uniform_int_distribution<std::mt19937::result_type> udist(min, max);
    return udist(rng);

double RandomNumberGenerator::getDouble(double min, double max)
    std::uniform_real_distribution<> udist(min, max);
    return udist(rng);

EDIT2: I have solved the corruption problem. It was a call to a non-thread safe function that I have missed (the evaluation function). As for the slowness, the program is still slow when ran in the threads. I have ran valgrind's callgrind and graphed the results using gprof2dot and it appears M4rc's suggestion holds. There are a lot of STL container calls, I will attempt to dynamic allocate arrays instead.


EDIT3: Looks like the RNG class was the culprit as Constantin Pan pointed out. Profiled using gprof


Flat profile:

Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.
  %   cumulative   self              self     total           
 time   seconds   seconds    calls   s/call   s/call  name    
 17.97     70.09    70.09  1734468     0.00     0.00  std::mersenne_twister_engine //SYNC
 18.33     64.98    64.98  1803194     0.00     0.00  std::mersenne_twister_engine //ASYNC
  6.19     63.41     8.93  1185214     0.00     0.00  std::mersenne_twister_engine //Single thread

EDIT4: Deque container was guilty too - M4rc


Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.
  %   cumulative   self              self     total           
 time   seconds   seconds    calls   s/call   s/call  name    
14.15     28.60    28.60 799662660     0.00     0.00  std::_Deque_iterator

1 个解决方案



Sice there is genetic algorithm involved, make sure that the random number generator is thread-safe. I have hit this (the slowdown and incorrect results) myself in the past with rand() from cstdlib.




Sice there is genetic algorithm involved, make sure that the random number generator is thread-safe. I have hit this (the slowdown and incorrect results) myself in the past with rand() from cstdlib.
