添加对托管c ++项目的dll引用时编译器错误

时间:2021-09-04 19:50:25

I am using VS 2008 and get compiler errors sporadically when adding a dll reference to a managed c++ file in my C++ project. I am trying to add a reference to the dll so as to be able to use smart pointers. ex: #import items.tlb

我正在使用VS 2008并在我的C ++项目中向托管c ++文件添加dll引用时偶尔会出现编译器错误。我试图添加对DLL的引用,以便能够使用智能指针。例如:#import items.tlb

The problem is that the compiler crashes at sporadic places inside of items.tlh almost as though chunks of bytes where erased of missings , but when i open the file i can't find any reference to the aforementioned errors.


I tried to rebuild the whole project several times, tried on different machine, but although the compiler errors are not consistents and disappear alltogether sometimes , a fresh rebuild sometimes brings back the problem. I was told that the size of the generated .tlh file may be a reason but it doesn't really solve my problem or point me in the right direction.


Did anybody experienced the same symptoms? Thank you


1 个解决方案


Whenever I've had this problem, it was caused by linking a Debug build to a Release DLL or a Release build to a Debug DLL.

每当我遇到这个问题时,都是由于将Debug构建链接到Release DLL或Release构建到Debug DLL而引起的。


Whenever I've had this problem, it was caused by linking a Debug build to a Release DLL or a Release build to a Debug DLL.

每当我遇到这个问题时,都是由于将Debug构建链接到Release DLL或Release构建到Debug DLL而引起的。