
时间:2022-08-31 22:00:33


  1. 官网上下载最新的cocos2d-x-3.3
  2. 安装JDKEclipseCDT插件ADT插件
  3. 下载Android SDK,更新。因为国内经常访问不了google,用vpn速度也有点慢。网上搜来的ip还可以用,改hosts文件。
  4. 下载NDK
  5. 下载ANT
  6. 安装VS2013
  7. 安装python 2.7


  1. VS2013;
  2. python 2.7.8;
  3. ant-1.9.4;
  4. cocos2d-x-3.3;
  5. Eclipse Luna Service Release 1 (4.4.1);
  6. CDT 8.5.0;
  7. Android NDK, Revision 10;
  8. JDK (Java SE 8u25).




 cocos new hello(项目名称)-p com.hello(包名字)-l cpp(项目类型) -dF:\(目录)








eclipse的ADT插件可以导入android项目,然后run as android application就行。

模拟器的话,用2.3.3的虚拟机不能启动,会报错。java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No configs match configSpec


This is actually part of a bigger issue, and I'm hoping that by posting here, others who have experienced this error will read this entry. I equally hope that, if any of my conclusions are incorrect, someone comes forth with a more definitive explanation and/or solution.
The core issue is OpenGL support. Beginning at 2.2, Android supports OpenGL ES 2.0, and beginning at 4.0.3, Android emulators support OpenGL ES 2.0. Code that uses OpenGL ES 2.0 will not work on emulators before 4.0.3. [Evidently, the camera switched from ES 1.0 to 2.0 at Android 2.2]
But that's not all! None of the Android docs I've encountered mention that, in order to support Open GL ES 2.0 emulation, your box's graphic card chipset and driver must support OpenGL 2.0 as well. Therefore, if you enable GPU Emulation on the AVD and you still encounter this error, do the following:

  • Find out the specs on your graphic card and visit the chipset manufacturer's web site to determine if the chipset is OpenGL 2.0 compatible. If it isn't, you're S.O.L. and must stick to debugging through an actual Android device instead of an emulator.
  • Determine if you have the latest graphics driver for the chipset. Drivers obtained through Microsoft (if you're using Windows) typically do not support OpenGL, so you want to download the latest driver from the manufacturer.

我用了真机(HTC G10)可以跑起来;


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