常用的SQL例句 数据库开发所需知识

时间:2022-08-27 21:12:20

select * from studio 
insert into studio(st_name,st_sex,st_age,st_add,st_tel) values("黄兰淇",0,36,'南充','13943943334') 
select * from class 
insert into class(cl_class,cl_coding,cl_o_time,cl_remark) values('新电实训班','GXA-ncs-001','2008-03-11','都是很优秀的朋友') 
insert into class(cl_class,cl_coding,cl_o_time) values('阿坝师专实训班','GXA-ABSZ-001','2008-03-11') 
--更新一条的数据 条件的重要性 
update class set cl_remark='真的是不错' where cl_id=5 
--删除一条数据 条件的重要性 
delete from class where cl_id=7 
select cl_id as '班级主键',cl_class as '班级名称' from class 
select 名字=st_name from studio 
select '名字是:',st_name from studio 
--主要涉及到 or and not between in like > < = !> !< != <> () <= >= is null is not null 
--查询cl_id 大于 1 的所有信息 
select * from class where cl_id>1 
--使用 or 
select * from class where cl_id<>10 or cl_class='百杰一班' 
select * from class where cl_id<>10 and cl_class='百杰一班' 
--使用like 和 % 
select * from class where cl_class like '百杰%' 
select * from class where cl_remark like '%上午%' 
--使用 between 
select * from class where cl_id between 3 and 5 
--使用 between 配合上 not 
select * from class where cl_id not between 3 and 5 
--使用 is not null 
select * from class where cl_remark is not null 
--使用 in 
select * from class where cl_class in('千星一班','百杰二班') 
--主要涉及到 + = * \ 
--查询Java相关课程分别要上多少周 按照每周5天,每天6节课来计算 
select '结果'=co_num/5/6 from course where co_name in ('Java基础','Java项目入门') 
--==================使用汇总函数 ======================== 
select count(*) from course where co_num<50 
select sum(co_num) from course 
select sum(co_num)*50 from course 
select min(co_num) from course 
select max(co_num) from course 
select avg(co_num) from course 
select sin(co_num) from course 
select abs(co_num) from course 
--查询每门课课时数 乘以 圆周率 ,具体有什么用我也不知道,反正这好像绝对是8.5杆子都打不到的 
select pi()*co_num from course 
select exp(co_num) from course 
declare @i tinyint 
set @i=1 
while @i<=5 
select rand(@i) as '随机生成的数' , @i as '当前值' 
set @i=@i+1 
--返回数字表达式并四舍五入为指定的长度或精度 - ROUND 
select round(345.456,-1) as '参数为-1' 
, round(345.456,-2,1) as '参数为-2' 
, round(345.456,0) as '参数为0' 
, round(345.456,1) as '参数为1' 
, round(345.456,2) as '参数为2' 
select day(cl_s_time) as '日' from class --返回天 
select '月'=month(cl_s_time) from class --返回月 
select '年'=year(cl_s_time) from class --返回年 
select dateadd(yyyy,4,cl_s_time) as '增加4年后' from class --datepart - 年份 
select dateadd(q,2,cl_s_time) as '增加2季度后' from class 
--datepart - 季度 
select dateadd(mm,3,cl_s_time) as '增加3月度后' from class 
--datepart - 月份 
--datepart - 每年的某一日 
--datepart - 日期 
--datepart - 星期 
--datepart - 小时 
--datepart - 分钟 
--datepart - 秒 
--datepart - 毫秒 
select datediff(mm,cl_s_time,cl_o_time) as '共持续月' from class 
--其实这个等同于DAY、MONTH、和 YEAR 函数 
select datepart(dd,cl_s_time) as '日期' from class 
update class set cl_s_time=getdate() where cl_id=6 
select * from class 
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 0): 05 16 2006 10:57AM 
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 1): 05/16/06 
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 2): 06.05.16 
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 3): 16/05/06 
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 4): 16.05.06 
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 5): 16-05-06 
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 6): 16 05 06 
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 7): 05 16, 06 
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 8): 10:57:46 
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 9): 05 16 2006 10:57:46:827AM 
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 10): 05-16-06 
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 11): 06/05/16 
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 12): 060516 
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 13): 16 05 2006 10:57:46:937 
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 14): 10:57:46:967 
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 20): 2006-05-16 10:57:47 
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 21): 2006-05-16 10:57:47.157 
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 22): 05/16/06 10:57:47 AM 
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 23): 2006-05-16 
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 24): 10:57:47 
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 25): 2006-05-16 10:57:47.250 
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 100): 05 16 2006 10:57AM 
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 101): 05/16/2006 
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 102): 2006.05.16 
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 103): 16/05/2006 
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 104): 16.05.2006 
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 105): 16-05-2006 
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 106): 16 05 2006 
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 107): 05 16, 2006 
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 108): 10:57:49 
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 109): 05 16 2006 10:57:49:437AM 
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 110): 05-16-2006 
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 111): 2006/05/16 
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 112): 20060516 
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 113): 16 05 2006 10:57:49:513 
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 114): 10:57:49:547 
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 120): 2006-05-16 10:57:49 
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 121): 2006-05-16 10:57:49.700 
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 126): 2006-05-16T10:57:49.827 
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 130): 18 ???? ?????? 1427 10:57:49:907AM 
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 131): 18/04/1427 10:57:49:920AM 
select '结果显示' = '班级名称是:' + cl_class + ',班级编号是:' + cl_coding from class 
select substring(cl_class,1,4) from class 
select left(cl_class,3) from class 
select right(cl_class,3) from class 
select len(cl_class) from class 
select replace(cl_class,'实训','强化') from class 
select host_id() 
select host_name() 
select db_id() 
select db_name() 
select object_id('Stu_course_ADD') 
select object_name(151671588) 
--=======学 云 网-天轰穿-[url]www.ixueyun.co m[/url]===使用其他子句====学 云网- 天轰 穿-[url]www.ixueyun.com[/url]========= 
--首先是 order by 功能 - 排序 
select * from studio order by st_name 
select * from studio order by st_name DESC,st_age DESC,st_sex DESC 
select * from studio where cl_id=1 order by st_name 
--GROUP BY 子句 功能 - 分组统计 
select cl_id as '班级编号',count(*) as '人数' from studio group by cl_id 
select ho_id as '宿舍编号',avg(st_age) as '平均年龄' from studio group by ho_id 
select ho_id as '宿舍编号',cl_id as '班级编号',avg(st_age) as '平均年龄' from studio group by ho_id,cl_id 
select ho_id as '宿舍编号',avg(st_age) as '平均年龄' from studio where cl_id=1 group by ho_id 
--使用 having 子句 功能 - 指定组或者聚合的搜索条件,通常与group by 子句一起使用,完成分组查询后再进步筛选 
select ho_id as '宿舍编号',avg(st_age) as '平均年龄' from studio group by ho_id having avg(st_age)>35 
select ho_id as '宿舍编号',avg(st_age) as '平均年龄' from studio group by ho_id having avg(st_age)>35 and ho_id>2 
--===========联合查询=======学 云 网-天轰穿-[url]www.ixueyun.com[/url]====== 
select * from studio where cl_id=1 
select * from studio where ho_id=1 
select * from studio where st_age>=30 
--下面我们继续利用上面的例题,增加上 All 看下效果 
select * from studio where cl_id=1 
union all 
select * from studio where ho_id=1 
union all 
select * from studio where st_age>=30 
select * from studio where cl_id=1 
union all 
select * from studio where ho_id=1 
union all 
select * from studio where st_age>=30 
order by st_id 
--连接查询,功能 - 将多个表中的数据查询出来放在一起 
select * from studio inner join class on studio.cl_id = class.cl_id 
select st_id as '编号',st_name as '学生姓名',cl_class as '班级名称' from studio inner join class on studio.cl_id = class.cl_id order by st_id 
select st.st_name as '学生姓名',st.cl_id as '班级编号',cl.cl_class as '班级名称' from studio as st inner join class as cl on st.cl_id = cl.cl_id 
select st.st_name as '学生姓名',st.cl_id as '班级编号',cl.cl_class as '班级名称' ,ho.ho_coding as '所在宿舍编号' 
from studio as st inner join class as cl 
on st.cl_id = cl.cl_id 
inner join hostel as ho 
on st.ho_id=ho.ho_id 
--where st.cl_id>2 
--order by st.st_id 
select st.st_id as '学生编号', st.st_name as '学生姓名',cl.cl_id as '班级编号',cl_class as '班级名称' 
from studio as st left outer join class as cl 
on st.cl_id=cl.cl_id 
where cl.cl_id>2 
select tka.te_co_id as '课程安排编号' 
,cl.cl_id as '班级编号',cl.cl_class as '班级名称' 
,co.co_id as '课程ID',co.co_name as '课程名称',co.co_num as '课时数' 
,te.te_name as '老师姓名' 
from te_kc_ap as tka left outer join class as cl 
on tka.cl_id=cl.cl_id 
left outer join 
course as co 
on tka.co_id=co.co_id 
left outer join 
teacher as te 
on tka.te_id=te.te_id 
--====================右外连结 ======================= 
select st.st_id as '学生编号', st.st_name as '学生姓名',cl.cl_id as '班级编号',cl_class as '班级名称' 
from studio as st right outer join class as cl 
on st.cl_id=cl.cl_id 
where cl.cl_id>2 
select tka.te_co_id as '课程安排编号' 
,cl.cl_id as '班级编号',cl.cl_class as '班级名称' 
,co.co_id as '课程ID',co.co_name as '课程名称',co.co_num as '课时数' 
,te.te_name as '老师姓名' 
from te_kc_ap as tka 
right outer join class as cl 
right outer join teacher te 
right outer join course co 
select st.st_id as '学生编号', st.st_name as '学生姓名',cl.cl_id as '班级编号',cl_class as '班级名称' 
from studio as st full outer join class as cl 
on st.cl_id=cl.cl_id 
order by st.st_id 
select tka.te_co_id as '课程安排编号' 
,cl.cl_id as '班级编号',cl.cl_class as '班级名称' 
,co.co_id as '课程ID',co.co_name as '课程名称',co.co_num as '课时数' 
,te.te_name as '老师姓名' 
from te_kc_ap as tka 
full outer join class as cl 
full outer join teacher te 
full outer join course co 
select st_name,cl_class from studio cross join class 
select st_name,cl_class from studio,class 
select st_name,cl_class from studio cross join class 
create table zone( 
id int primary key identity(1,1) not null, 
z_zone varchar(30), 
z_id int references zone(id)) 
select * from zone 
insert into zone(z_zone) values('北京') 
insert into zone(z_zone,z_id) values('北京',4) 
insert into zone(z_zone) values('四川') 
insert into zone(z_zone,z_id) values('成都',6) 
insert into zone(z_zone,z_id) values('绵阳',6) 
insert into zone(z_zone) values('江苏') 
insert into zone(z_zone,z_id) values('南京',10) 
insert into zone(z_zone,z_id) values('苏州',10) 
insert into zone(z_zone,z_id) values('无锡',10) 
insert into zone(z_zone,z_id) values('常州',10) 
select a.z_zone,b.z_zone from zone as a inner join zone as b on a.z_id=b.id 
select b.z_zone,count(a.z_zone) as '辖区数' from zone as a inner join zone as b on a.z_id=b.id group by b.z_zone 
select a.st_name,a.st_add,b.st_name,b.st_add from studio as a inner join studio as b on a.st_add=b.st_add 
select a.st_name,a.st_add,b.st_name,b.st_add from studio as a inner join studio as b on a.st_add=b.st_add and a.st_name!=b.st_name 
--====学 云网-天轰穿-[url]www.ixueyun.com[/url]==子查询============ 
select * from studio where cl_id in (select cl_id from class where cl_id>2) 
--使用 not in 
select * from studio where cl_id not in (select cl_id from class where cl_id>2) 
--使用比较运算符的子查询 -- any 表示子查询中任意的值 all 表示子查询中的每个值 
select * from class where cl_id>any(select cl_id from studio where st_age>30) 
select * from class where cl_id>all(select cl_id from studio where st_age>30) 
select top 3 * from studio 
where st_id>all(select top 3 st_id from studio order by st_id) 
order by st_id 

--使用 exists ,该关键字引入一个子查询的时候基本上是对数据进行一次是否存在的测试 
--我们查询那些人所在的班级是编号为 1 的 
select * from studio where exists(select cl_id from class where studio.cl_id=class.cl_id and class.cl_id=1) 
--使用 not exists 
select * from studio where not exists(select * from class where studio.cl_id=class.cl_id and class.cl_id=1) order by st_id 
select st_name into class_3 from studio where cl_id=3 
insert into class_3 select st_name from studio where cl_id=4 
-----------------------sql 编程-------------- 
declare @max int; 
set @max=1; 
while @max<10 
set @max=@max+1;--每次循环就给@max加1 
print @max; 
print '终于循环完了';