
时间:2022-08-27 17:04:08

I have the below string which contains some custom tags. I want to remove those custom tags from the String. Could you please help me how to remove the tags.


 String temp = "[p]test to remove tags started with braces [B]bold text [/B][I]italic text [/I] [U]underlined Text[/U] bla bla [/P]"

5 个解决方案



You can do this easily enough with replaceAll, which accepts a regular expression.


temp = temp.replaceAll("\\[/?\\w\\]","")

\\[ means a literal left square bracket.
/? means an optional forward slash.
\\w means a word character (such as a letter).
\\] means a literal right square bracket.

\\ [表示左侧方括号。 /?表示可选的正斜杠。 \\ w表示单词字符(例如字母)。 \\]表示文字右方括号。

This sequence in combination should match all the tags you listed in your question, and replacing them with the empty string will effectively remove them.




You could use replace() for every set of characters that you want to remove like this :


temp = temp.replace("[p]", "");
temp = temp.replace("[B]", "");
temp = temp.replace("[/B]", "");
temp = temp.replace("[I]", "");
temp = temp.replace("[/I]", "");
temp = temp.replace("[U]", "");
temp = temp.replace("[/U]", "");
temp = temp.replace("[/P]", "");



String cleanedString = temp.replaceAll("\\[[a-zA-Z\\/]+\\]", "");



Suggestions so far have been messy and take up multiple lines because they address each [] individually. This regex, \\[(.*?)\\], handles them all at once

到目前为止,建议一直很混乱,因为它们分别对每个[]进行处理。这个正则表达式,\\ [(。*?)\\],一次处理它们

public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String temp = "[p]test to remove tags started with braces [B]bold text [/B][I]italic text [/I] [U]underlined Text[/U] bla bla [/P]";
        temp = temp.replaceAll("\\[(.*?)\\]","");

A brilliant website for regexes is regex101. This allows you to test your own regexes to see if they work and how the work. For the one given above, click here, works like this.


  • \\[ Matches the character [ literally
  • \\ [匹配角色[字面意思
  • (.*?) is a capturing group which matches any, excluding new line characters.
    • *? is a lazy quantifier which matches all the characters inbetween [] in this case
    • *?是一个惰性量词,在这种情况下匹配between []之间的所有字符
  • (。*?)是一个匹配任何的捕获组,不包括换行符。 *?是一个惰性量词,在这种情况下匹配between []之间的所有字符
  • \\] Matches the character ] literally
  • \\]按字面意思匹配字符



What I would do is to make a regular expression and use the method replace_all() like so:


temp.replaceAll("\\[[a-zA-Z\\/]+\\]", ""); 

This post may help you.


Use this to make your own regex and test it : Regex Tester

使用它来制作自己的正则表达式并测试它:Regex Tester



You can do this easily enough with replaceAll, which accepts a regular expression.


temp = temp.replaceAll("\\[/?\\w\\]","")

\\[ means a literal left square bracket.
/? means an optional forward slash.
\\w means a word character (such as a letter).
\\] means a literal right square bracket.

\\ [表示左侧方括号。 /?表示可选的正斜杠。 \\ w表示单词字符(例如字母)。 \\]表示文字右方括号。

This sequence in combination should match all the tags you listed in your question, and replacing them with the empty string will effectively remove them.




You could use replace() for every set of characters that you want to remove like this :


temp = temp.replace("[p]", "");
temp = temp.replace("[B]", "");
temp = temp.replace("[/B]", "");
temp = temp.replace("[I]", "");
temp = temp.replace("[/I]", "");
temp = temp.replace("[U]", "");
temp = temp.replace("[/U]", "");
temp = temp.replace("[/P]", "");



String cleanedString = temp.replaceAll("\\[[a-zA-Z\\/]+\\]", "");



Suggestions so far have been messy and take up multiple lines because they address each [] individually. This regex, \\[(.*?)\\], handles them all at once

到目前为止,建议一直很混乱,因为它们分别对每个[]进行处理。这个正则表达式,\\ [(。*?)\\],一次处理它们

public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String temp = "[p]test to remove tags started with braces [B]bold text [/B][I]italic text [/I] [U]underlined Text[/U] bla bla [/P]";
        temp = temp.replaceAll("\\[(.*?)\\]","");

A brilliant website for regexes is regex101. This allows you to test your own regexes to see if they work and how the work. For the one given above, click here, works like this.


  • \\[ Matches the character [ literally
  • \\ [匹配角色[字面意思
  • (.*?) is a capturing group which matches any, excluding new line characters.
    • *? is a lazy quantifier which matches all the characters inbetween [] in this case
    • *?是一个惰性量词,在这种情况下匹配between []之间的所有字符
  • (。*?)是一个匹配任何的捕获组,不包括换行符。 *?是一个惰性量词,在这种情况下匹配between []之间的所有字符
  • \\] Matches the character ] literally
  • \\]按字面意思匹配字符



What I would do is to make a regular expression and use the method replace_all() like so:


temp.replaceAll("\\[[a-zA-Z\\/]+\\]", ""); 

This post may help you.


Use this to make your own regex and test it : Regex Tester

使用它来制作自己的正则表达式并测试它:Regex Tester