SQL Server 2012:性能列存储索引与B树

时间:2022-08-27 10:59:26

One of the benefits of a columnstore-index is that the data of a single column is stored "next to each other on disk". This stands for better compression and faster read times.


However; when using a B-tree (a regular non-clustered index), aren't the leafs of that tree the data itself? So when I make an index on column A, won't all the fields of column A appear sorted on disk in parallel to the table? This would mean the data could be compressed and could be read fast.


So in short: when exactly is a columnstore-index more performant than a B-tree on a single column?


Thanks in advance!


1 个解决方案



So when I make an index on column A, won't all the fields of column A appear sorted on disk in parallel to the table?


Yes, column A will be sorted. But all other columns won't. A column store index stores all columns in sorted order (in chunks of 2^20 rows).

是的,将对A列进行排序。但所有其他专栏都不会。列存储索引按排序顺序存储所有列(以2 ^ 20行的块为单位)。



So when I make an index on column A, won't all the fields of column A appear sorted on disk in parallel to the table?


Yes, column A will be sorted. But all other columns won't. A column store index stores all columns in sorted order (in chunks of 2^20 rows).

是的,将对A列进行排序。但所有其他专栏都不会。列存储索引按排序顺序存储所有列(以2 ^ 20行的块为单位)。