
时间:2022-08-27 10:46:32


Before send the image to the server, I need to make an Image like the picture above. I want the image will always be in the vertical position (portrait), with the aspect ration let say 280:410 , but the user will sometimes pick an image with horizontal position (landscape).


If the user pick an image in landscape, then I want to make an Image like picture above. I am not sure how to achieve that but I think that I should make an overlapped Images.


I think I should make the blur image first and then combine it to the original image from the user, but I don't know how to process the image, to make the vertical blur as the base image.


I need to know how to make the base Image, I mean that blurry portrait/vertical image from the landscape image provided by the user. but I don't know how to do that in code :(


could you please help me in this one ? Many Thanks :)

你可以帮助我吗?非常感谢 :)

1 个解决方案



What I would do is:


  • first layer: a UIImageView with your picture in it, with the property aspectFill


  • second layer: a blur layer with maybe a UIBlureffectview or something like that.


  • third layer: another UIImageView in the middle with the same image in it that will just fit to your width and be centered vertically, with the property aspectFit that time.


Note: There must be a better/optimized way, but that one as the advantage to be doable in a storyboard or xib. The code will just take care of loading the image inside the UIImageView




What I would do is:


  • first layer: a UIImageView with your picture in it, with the property aspectFill


  • second layer: a blur layer with maybe a UIBlureffectview or something like that.


  • third layer: another UIImageView in the middle with the same image in it that will just fit to your width and be centered vertically, with the property aspectFit that time.


Note: There must be a better/optimized way, but that one as the advantage to be doable in a storyboard or xib. The code will just take care of loading the image inside the UIImageView
