
时间:2022-08-26 23:49:12

Is it possible to change the text that appears when you hover a tab in a browser. For example:c#在浏览器标签的鼠标悬停工具提示上显示不同的文本


I want the tag text to stay the same but be able to change the grey text that appears when you hover over it.


The reasoning for this as due to having a site on a clustered server. I want the main tab to remain the same to avoid confusing users but to help support issues by showing the server the site is in the hover part.


I have my server name in a view bag like so:


 ViewBag.ServerName = System.Environment.MachineName;

Is what I am after feasiable can anyone point me in the correct direction?


2 个解决方案



The behavior you're looking for unfortunately cannot be achieved (at least in current browsers displaying HTML). The text shown in the hover tooltip is not controlled directly by the document, but by the browser. For example, Chrome (as do all browsers I know of) displays the full contents of the <title> tag when you hover the tab name.



I suppose you could hack a solution by changing the title when the document body is out of focus, but at that point you should consider whether there's a better solution for what you're actually trying to do.


If you only need to support Chrome, control the user's computers (e.g. in an enterprise environment) and really really need this behavior, you could create your own Chrome extension which does this (How to alter title of present tab using chrome extension).




I fear besides the title tag you cannot change anything up there, because the browser handles that by itself plus every browser does it differently.




The behavior you're looking for unfortunately cannot be achieved (at least in current browsers displaying HTML). The text shown in the hover tooltip is not controlled directly by the document, but by the browser. For example, Chrome (as do all browsers I know of) displays the full contents of the <title> tag when you hover the tab name.



I suppose you could hack a solution by changing the title when the document body is out of focus, but at that point you should consider whether there's a better solution for what you're actually trying to do.


If you only need to support Chrome, control the user's computers (e.g. in an enterprise environment) and really really need this behavior, you could create your own Chrome extension which does this (How to alter title of present tab using chrome extension).




I fear besides the title tag you cannot change anything up there, because the browser handles that by itself plus every browser does it differently.
