jQuery Datepicker - 在悬停时获取日期

时间:2022-08-26 22:48:36

I'm using this jQuery datepicker and I'm trying to get the value of the date on hover. I see the plugin has a parameter:

我正在使用这个jQuery datepicker,我试图在悬停时获取日期的值。我看到插件有一个参数:

eventName The desired event to trigger the date picker. Default: 'click'


Since the documentation is very limited, I wonder if there're are other options besides click and if not, how can I use eventName to get the value on hover.


9 个解决方案



The eventName option is only used to bind the internal show method to an event:


$(this).bind(options.eventName, show);

You could, in theory, use hover to show the datepicker but you'd have to specify 'mouseenter mouseleave' for the eventName option as hover is a jQuery shortcut method to bind to 'mouseenter mouseleave'.

理论上,您可以使用悬停来显示日期选择器,但您必须为eventName选项指定'mouseenter mouseleave',因为悬停是一种绑定到'mouseenter mouseleave'的jQuery快捷方法。

Since you've stated (in comments) that you want the behavior found at kayak.co.in, you can mimic this merely by chaining a mouseenter handler after the .DatePicker call (no change needed to anything else):


    // options...
}).on('mouseenter', '.datepickerDays td:not(.datepickerDisabled, .datepickerNotInMonth)', function (e) { // delegating on the mouseenter event which jQuery patches to be a cross-browser event, and only targeting clickable dates
    var target = $(this).children('a'), // cache lookup
        options = target.parents('.datepicker').data('datepicker'), // get DatePicker options
        current = new Date(options.current), // grab the current month/year
        val = parseInt(target.text(), 10), // grab the target date
        hoverVal = new Date(current.getFullYear(), current.getMonth(), val), // make into an actual date
        hoverDay = hoverVal.getDayName(), // get the short day name
        hoverM = hoverVal.getMonth() + 1, // and month
        hoverD = hoverVal.getDate(), // and date
        hoverText = hoverDay + ' ' + (hoverD < 10 ? '0' + hoverD : hoverD) + '/' + hoverM, // for a formatted text value
        selectedVal = new Date(options.date[0]), // get the selected date (which may just be the initial date without an actual selection or an actual selected date, hereafter "selected")
        selectedDay = selectedVal.getDayName(), // get the short day name
        selectedM = selectedVal.getMonth() + 1, // and month
        selectedD = selectedVal.getDate(), // and date
        selText = selectedDay + ' ' + (selectedD < 10 ? '0' + selectedD : selectedD) + '/' + selectedM, // for a formatted text value
        startDate = $('#startDate').data('lastHovered') || new Date(hoverVal) || selectedVal, // default to: last hovered, current hover, or "selected" date (in that order)
        endDate = $('#endDate').data('lastHovered') || new Date(options.date[1]) || startDate, // default to: last hovered, actual selected date, or "selected" date (in that order)
        startDateSelected = $('#startDate').data('startDateSelected') || $('.datepickerDays .datepickerSelected.first').length > 0, // test whether an actual date was selected
        endDateSelected = !isNaN(options.date[1]) && (options.date[1] - options.date[0] > 86400000), // test whether an end date was selected. end date is set in options when start date is actually selected and is the same day as the selected start date but the time is set to 23:59:59
        selector; // variable to store a selector string
    // no end date has been selectd AND if no start date has been selected, or if it has and the user is hovering over an earlier date, or if the user hasn't selected a date yet
    if (!endDateSelected && (!startDateSelected || (startDateSelected && hoverVal < selectedVal) || hoverVal <= startDate)) {
        selector = '#startDate'; // use the startDate input
        $('#endDate').val(''); // since using startDate, endDate has not been selected. make sure the input is cleared.
    } else if (!endDateSelected){ // otherwise, as long as no end date has been selected
        selector = '#endDate'; // use the endDate input
        $('#startDate').val(selText); // and set the value of startDate back to the actual selected date value
    if (!endDateSelected) { // if the user hasn't picked an end date (which cannot be picked without a start date)
        $(selector).data({ // persist the last hovered date and whether a start date has been selected
            "lastHovered": hoverVal,
            "startDateSelected": startDateSelected // this is necessary as the plugin routinely destroys and recreates the tables that make up the calendars while navigating the calendars
        }).val(hoverText); // set the value of the input to the hovered date

Working demo: http://jsfiddle.net/QgXNn/5/



Try this approach:


Create a Div for your hover target


<div id="content">
    <div id="test">Hover Me</div>
    <div id="datePicker"></div>

On ready, initialize and bind to hover event to open


$(function () {

    $('#content').hover(function () {
    }, function () {


Fiddle (couldnt reference your picker so i used JQuery UI)

小提琴(无法引用你的选择器所以我使用了JQuery UI)

Update: Check out the new Fiddle

I applied my approach to your Fiddle. Now YOUR DatePicker appears when you hover over "Hover Me" and disappears whencursor leaves. I added:

我将我的方法应用于你的小提琴。现在当你将鼠标悬停在“Hover Me”上时会出现你的DatePicker,并在光标离开时消失。我补充说:

$(function () {
    $('#test').hover(function () {
    }, function () {



BTW, I made the DatePicker Dialog disappear on non-hover just for effect. That can easily be changed by removed the adjoining


}, function () {



See the edited working fiddle here, forked from yours.


// setting the value of the input field to hovered date
// Note that we're not triggering the "click" event bec. 
// it will cause the onChange event of the datepicker to be fired. 
// Instead, we're setting and resetting the input field value 
$("body").on("mouseover", ".datepickerDays td", function (e) {
    var d = parseInt($(this).text(), 10),
        my = $(this).closest('table').find('.datepickerMonth span').html().split(', '),
        m = $.inArray(my[0], MONTH_NAMES),
        y = parseInt(my[1], 10),
        date = new Date(y, m, d),
        textbox = $('#startDate').hasClass('focus') ? $('#endDate') : $('#startDate');

// We set back the input field back to its original value on mouseout
$("body").on("mouseout", ".datepickerDays td", function (e) {
    var fd = $('#date').DatePickerGetDate(false),
        start = getFormattedDate(fd[0]),
        end = getFormattedDate(fd[1]);

// ----------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------

var MONTH_NAMES = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'],
    WEEKDAYS = ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'];
function pad0(num) { return num < 10 ? '0' + num : num; }
function getFormattedDate(date) {
    if (isNaN(date.getTime())) { return ''; }
    var wd = WEEKDAYS[date.getDay()].substr(0, 3);
    return wd + ' ' + pad0(date.getDate()) + '/' + pad0(date.getMonth() + 1);



Since the plugin already has bound the change functions on a click, we can use that by attaching an event for hover and simply triggering that. So something like:


function make_hover(){
    $(".datepickerDays td span").hover(function(e){
    $(".datepickerDays td").mouseup(function(e){
        $('#inputDate').DatePickerHide(); //hide it when click actually occurs
        },0) //have to run this with setTimeout to force it to run after DOM changes

var date=$('#inputDate').DatePicker({
    date: $('#inputDate').val(),
    current: $('#inputDate').val(),
    eventName: 'mouseenter',
    onBeforeShow: function(){
        $('#inputDate').DatePickerSetDate($('#inputDate').val(), true);
    onChange: function(formated, dates){




For your question. I guess you dont want the datepicker to shown on hover but want the values or dates to be shown in the input box on hover. If you want the datepicker to be shown on hover try to use 'mouseover' for eventName Attribute of the plugin Like this


    eventName:'mouseover', // This is the event to fire.
    date: $('#inputDate').val(),
    current: $('#inputDate').val(),
    starts: 1,
    position: 'right'});

Its not taking the jquery events of hover.


Now for showing the new date in the input tag when the datepicker elements are hovered. You may need to tweak the plugin itself try to find this line 734. The code is


var cal = $(tpl.wrapper).attr('id', id).bind('click', click).data('datepicker', options);

Change it to


var cal = $(tpl.wrapper).attr('id', id).bind('mouseover', click).data('datepicker', options);

As you can see I have used the old mouseover event and not the jquery 'Hover' keyword. If this works you can also try to add a new options parameter in the plugin say 'callon:click' and set this option when you call and pass it to this line 734.


var cal = $(tpl.wrapper).attr('id', id).bind(options.callon, click).data('datepicker', options);

Using this you can set your own events to call for updating the value of the text box. It would surely work for a single date picker. Please try it and comment on this. But you may have to manipulate more to set the date on click as well.




By using jQuery and jQuery UI:

通过使用jQuery和jQuery UI:

<div id="date_div">
     <input type="text" id="test" placeholder="Hover Me"/>
    <div id="datePicker"></div>

jQuery(function($) {
       onSelect: function(dat){

    }, function() {

check demo @: http://jsfiddle.net/renishar/ZVf48/4/


include jQuery and jQuery UI libraries also..

包括jQuery和jQuery UI库也..



You can use delegation on hover the dates elments, if so force a click on the element itself.



$("body").delegate(".datepickerDays td span","hover",function(e){

Since I can't let the plugin works on newer versions of jQuery I have to use delegate


Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/IrvinDominin/fFc7h/



Use eventName 'mouseover' instead of 'hover'




As what I have seen in the optional parameters given by the DatePicker plugin, there's no onHover function for the plugin.


However, if you have a copy of the code that generates the DatePicker, you could actually add your own .hover() method of jquery in the plugin to trigger when the mouse enters the element / plugin.


Here is the documentation for the .hover() method.





The eventName option is only used to bind the internal show method to an event:


$(this).bind(options.eventName, show);

You could, in theory, use hover to show the datepicker but you'd have to specify 'mouseenter mouseleave' for the eventName option as hover is a jQuery shortcut method to bind to 'mouseenter mouseleave'.

理论上,您可以使用悬停来显示日期选择器,但您必须为eventName选项指定'mouseenter mouseleave',因为悬停是一种绑定到'mouseenter mouseleave'的jQuery快捷方法。

Since you've stated (in comments) that you want the behavior found at kayak.co.in, you can mimic this merely by chaining a mouseenter handler after the .DatePicker call (no change needed to anything else):


    // options...
}).on('mouseenter', '.datepickerDays td:not(.datepickerDisabled, .datepickerNotInMonth)', function (e) { // delegating on the mouseenter event which jQuery patches to be a cross-browser event, and only targeting clickable dates
    var target = $(this).children('a'), // cache lookup
        options = target.parents('.datepicker').data('datepicker'), // get DatePicker options
        current = new Date(options.current), // grab the current month/year
        val = parseInt(target.text(), 10), // grab the target date
        hoverVal = new Date(current.getFullYear(), current.getMonth(), val), // make into an actual date
        hoverDay = hoverVal.getDayName(), // get the short day name
        hoverM = hoverVal.getMonth() + 1, // and month
        hoverD = hoverVal.getDate(), // and date
        hoverText = hoverDay + ' ' + (hoverD < 10 ? '0' + hoverD : hoverD) + '/' + hoverM, // for a formatted text value
        selectedVal = new Date(options.date[0]), // get the selected date (which may just be the initial date without an actual selection or an actual selected date, hereafter "selected")
        selectedDay = selectedVal.getDayName(), // get the short day name
        selectedM = selectedVal.getMonth() + 1, // and month
        selectedD = selectedVal.getDate(), // and date
        selText = selectedDay + ' ' + (selectedD < 10 ? '0' + selectedD : selectedD) + '/' + selectedM, // for a formatted text value
        startDate = $('#startDate').data('lastHovered') || new Date(hoverVal) || selectedVal, // default to: last hovered, current hover, or "selected" date (in that order)
        endDate = $('#endDate').data('lastHovered') || new Date(options.date[1]) || startDate, // default to: last hovered, actual selected date, or "selected" date (in that order)
        startDateSelected = $('#startDate').data('startDateSelected') || $('.datepickerDays .datepickerSelected.first').length > 0, // test whether an actual date was selected
        endDateSelected = !isNaN(options.date[1]) && (options.date[1] - options.date[0] > 86400000), // test whether an end date was selected. end date is set in options when start date is actually selected and is the same day as the selected start date but the time is set to 23:59:59
        selector; // variable to store a selector string
    // no end date has been selectd AND if no start date has been selected, or if it has and the user is hovering over an earlier date, or if the user hasn't selected a date yet
    if (!endDateSelected && (!startDateSelected || (startDateSelected && hoverVal < selectedVal) || hoverVal <= startDate)) {
        selector = '#startDate'; // use the startDate input
        $('#endDate').val(''); // since using startDate, endDate has not been selected. make sure the input is cleared.
    } else if (!endDateSelected){ // otherwise, as long as no end date has been selected
        selector = '#endDate'; // use the endDate input
        $('#startDate').val(selText); // and set the value of startDate back to the actual selected date value
    if (!endDateSelected) { // if the user hasn't picked an end date (which cannot be picked without a start date)
        $(selector).data({ // persist the last hovered date and whether a start date has been selected
            "lastHovered": hoverVal,
            "startDateSelected": startDateSelected // this is necessary as the plugin routinely destroys and recreates the tables that make up the calendars while navigating the calendars
        }).val(hoverText); // set the value of the input to the hovered date

Working demo: http://jsfiddle.net/QgXNn/5/



Try this approach:


Create a Div for your hover target


<div id="content">
    <div id="test">Hover Me</div>
    <div id="datePicker"></div>

On ready, initialize and bind to hover event to open


$(function () {

    $('#content').hover(function () {
    }, function () {


Fiddle (couldnt reference your picker so i used JQuery UI)

小提琴(无法引用你的选择器所以我使用了JQuery UI)

Update: Check out the new Fiddle

I applied my approach to your Fiddle. Now YOUR DatePicker appears when you hover over "Hover Me" and disappears whencursor leaves. I added:

我将我的方法应用于你的小提琴。现在当你将鼠标悬停在“Hover Me”上时会出现你的DatePicker,并在光标离开时消失。我补充说:

$(function () {
    $('#test').hover(function () {
    }, function () {



BTW, I made the DatePicker Dialog disappear on non-hover just for effect. That can easily be changed by removed the adjoining


}, function () {



See the edited working fiddle here, forked from yours.


// setting the value of the input field to hovered date
// Note that we're not triggering the "click" event bec. 
// it will cause the onChange event of the datepicker to be fired. 
// Instead, we're setting and resetting the input field value 
$("body").on("mouseover", ".datepickerDays td", function (e) {
    var d = parseInt($(this).text(), 10),
        my = $(this).closest('table').find('.datepickerMonth span').html().split(', '),
        m = $.inArray(my[0], MONTH_NAMES),
        y = parseInt(my[1], 10),
        date = new Date(y, m, d),
        textbox = $('#startDate').hasClass('focus') ? $('#endDate') : $('#startDate');

// We set back the input field back to its original value on mouseout
$("body").on("mouseout", ".datepickerDays td", function (e) {
    var fd = $('#date').DatePickerGetDate(false),
        start = getFormattedDate(fd[0]),
        end = getFormattedDate(fd[1]);

// ----------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------

var MONTH_NAMES = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'],
    WEEKDAYS = ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'];
function pad0(num) { return num < 10 ? '0' + num : num; }
function getFormattedDate(date) {
    if (isNaN(date.getTime())) { return ''; }
    var wd = WEEKDAYS[date.getDay()].substr(0, 3);
    return wd + ' ' + pad0(date.getDate()) + '/' + pad0(date.getMonth() + 1);



Since the plugin already has bound the change functions on a click, we can use that by attaching an event for hover and simply triggering that. So something like:


function make_hover(){
    $(".datepickerDays td span").hover(function(e){
    $(".datepickerDays td").mouseup(function(e){
        $('#inputDate').DatePickerHide(); //hide it when click actually occurs
        },0) //have to run this with setTimeout to force it to run after DOM changes

var date=$('#inputDate').DatePicker({
    date: $('#inputDate').val(),
    current: $('#inputDate').val(),
    eventName: 'mouseenter',
    onBeforeShow: function(){
        $('#inputDate').DatePickerSetDate($('#inputDate').val(), true);
    onChange: function(formated, dates){




For your question. I guess you dont want the datepicker to shown on hover but want the values or dates to be shown in the input box on hover. If you want the datepicker to be shown on hover try to use 'mouseover' for eventName Attribute of the plugin Like this


    eventName:'mouseover', // This is the event to fire.
    date: $('#inputDate').val(),
    current: $('#inputDate').val(),
    starts: 1,
    position: 'right'});

Its not taking the jquery events of hover.


Now for showing the new date in the input tag when the datepicker elements are hovered. You may need to tweak the plugin itself try to find this line 734. The code is


var cal = $(tpl.wrapper).attr('id', id).bind('click', click).data('datepicker', options);

Change it to


var cal = $(tpl.wrapper).attr('id', id).bind('mouseover', click).data('datepicker', options);

As you can see I have used the old mouseover event and not the jquery 'Hover' keyword. If this works you can also try to add a new options parameter in the plugin say 'callon:click' and set this option when you call and pass it to this line 734.


var cal = $(tpl.wrapper).attr('id', id).bind(options.callon, click).data('datepicker', options);

Using this you can set your own events to call for updating the value of the text box. It would surely work for a single date picker. Please try it and comment on this. But you may have to manipulate more to set the date on click as well.




By using jQuery and jQuery UI:

通过使用jQuery和jQuery UI:

<div id="date_div">
     <input type="text" id="test" placeholder="Hover Me"/>
    <div id="datePicker"></div>

jQuery(function($) {
       onSelect: function(dat){

    }, function() {

check demo @: http://jsfiddle.net/renishar/ZVf48/4/


include jQuery and jQuery UI libraries also..

包括jQuery和jQuery UI库也..



You can use delegation on hover the dates elments, if so force a click on the element itself.



$("body").delegate(".datepickerDays td span","hover",function(e){

Since I can't let the plugin works on newer versions of jQuery I have to use delegate


Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/IrvinDominin/fFc7h/



Use eventName 'mouseover' instead of 'hover'




As what I have seen in the optional parameters given by the DatePicker plugin, there's no onHover function for the plugin.


However, if you have a copy of the code that generates the DatePicker, you could actually add your own .hover() method of jquery in the plugin to trigger when the mouse enters the element / plugin.


Here is the documentation for the .hover() method.

