
时间:2022-08-25 21:48:27

I've added a label control to a webform. It appears when I run the page but when I try to reference it using the codebehind, I get no intellisense and the code I write somehow doesn't work. I've verified the project is running in debug, that debug compilation is set in the web.config. In fact, I can debug all pages. However, when i go to this page, debugging runs over it as if there is no breakpoint set. Also, on the breakpoint, it says 'The breakpoint will currently not be hit. The source code is different from the current code' which has the be the main issue. Not sure why that's happening as I recompiled the whole project.


I have this at the top of the page:


print("<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="MemberSearch.aspx.cs" Inherits="Portal.EmployerPortal.MemberSearch" Debug="true" %> ");

print(“<%@ Page Language =”C#“AutoEventWireup =”true“CodeBehind =”MemberSearch.aspx.cs“Inherits =”Portal.EmployerPortal.MemberSearch“Debug =”true“%>”);

Any ideas?

6 个解决方案


In the past I've had problems with this because the auto-generated designer files were bad. Try deleting them and then allow VS to recreate them, this may fix the problem.



Try doing a Build -> Clean Solution

尝试做一个Build - > Clean Solution


This is a common problem with VS. Usually the cause is the .designer files are not re-generated due some sort of layout problems.


After deleting the .designer file right-click on the project name in the Solution Explorer and select Convert To Web Application.


If this is not helping either read the following article for more information.



Something similar happens to me from time to time...I add a control and I get no intellisense...VS basically has no idea the control is on the page/designer. If I close the file (codebehind and HTML) and come back...everything is honky dory. Clunky, but it works. Worth a try. I'm using 2008 BTW.

我不时发生类似的事情...我添加了一个控件,我没有智能感知...... VS基本上不知道控件是在页面/设计器上。如果我关闭文件(代码隐藏和HTML)并回来......一切都很荣幸。笨重,但它的工作原理。值得一试。我正在使用2008 BTW。


In Visual Studio menu Tools|Option and found that on the Text Editor|All Languages that the three checkboxes for Statement Completion where showing neither empty or checked but a fully coloured box - which usually means an unknown settings. So a set these all to checked (a tick) and my Intellisense started working

在Visual Studio菜单“工具”|“选项”中,发现在“文本编辑器”|“所有语言”中,“语句完成”的三个复选框既不显示空白也未选中,而是显示全彩色框 - 这通常表示未知设置。所以设置这些全部检查(勾选),我的Intellisense开始工作

for more details use following link



In windows 8 for some reason I have to run visual studio as administrator explicitly to get intellisense in my views.

在Windows 8中出于某种原因,我必须明确地以管理员身份运行visual studio,以便在我的视图中获得intellisense。


In the past I've had problems with this because the auto-generated designer files were bad. Try deleting them and then allow VS to recreate them, this may fix the problem.



Try doing a Build -> Clean Solution

尝试做一个Build - > Clean Solution


This is a common problem with VS. Usually the cause is the .designer files are not re-generated due some sort of layout problems.


After deleting the .designer file right-click on the project name in the Solution Explorer and select Convert To Web Application.


If this is not helping either read the following article for more information.



Something similar happens to me from time to time...I add a control and I get no intellisense...VS basically has no idea the control is on the page/designer. If I close the file (codebehind and HTML) and come back...everything is honky dory. Clunky, but it works. Worth a try. I'm using 2008 BTW.

我不时发生类似的事情...我添加了一个控件,我没有智能感知...... VS基本上不知道控件是在页面/设计器上。如果我关闭文件(代码隐藏和HTML)并回来......一切都很荣幸。笨重,但它的工作原理。值得一试。我正在使用2008 BTW。


In Visual Studio menu Tools|Option and found that on the Text Editor|All Languages that the three checkboxes for Statement Completion where showing neither empty or checked but a fully coloured box - which usually means an unknown settings. So a set these all to checked (a tick) and my Intellisense started working

在Visual Studio菜单“工具”|“选项”中,发现在“文本编辑器”|“所有语言”中,“语句完成”的三个复选框既不显示空白也未选中,而是显示全彩色框 - 这通常表示未知设置。所以设置这些全部检查(勾选),我的Intellisense开始工作

for more details use following link



In windows 8 for some reason I have to run visual studio as administrator explicitly to get intellisense in my views.

在Windows 8中出于某种原因,我必须明确地以管理员身份运行visual studio,以便在我的视图中获得intellisense。