经典的ASP JQuery AJAX不维护会话

时间:2022-08-25 19:17:27

I'm building a system using JQuery and AJAX calls to classic ASP pages which handle the server stuff.


This system requires a user to be logged in. I'm using the session to store the username.


The problem is that the session times out after the default 20 mins and users are being redirected to the sign in page. I'm assuming that for some reason the AJAX calls are not maintaining the session.


Here's how I'm doing things:


When the user logs in I post an AJAX call as follows:


    type: "POST", 
    url: "admin/ajax/signin.asp",
    data: { 
        'username': username,
        'userpassword': userpassword
    cache: false,
    success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {  
        if (jqXHR.getResponseHeader('REQUIRES_AUTH') === '1'){
        else {
            location.href = "admin/"

signin.asp checks the users details against the database, if ok this page stores the username in a session variable.


Session("userid") = Request("username")

The user is now logged in.


Whilst the user is using the system every page checks the REQUIRES_AUTH header on every AJAX request and handles the logout redirection as follows:


/* Check user logged in on every ajax request */
    if (request.getResponseHeader('REQUIRES_AUTH') === '1'){
/* End */

Every ASP page that is called using an AJAX post does a check on the session, if it's not there then it sets the REQUIRES_AUTH header as follows:

每一个使用AJAX post调用的ASP页面都会对会话进行检查,如果没有的话,它会设置REQUIRES_AUTH头如下所示:

If (trim(Session("userid")) = "") Then
    'No session so clear variable
    'Redirect to Login page
    Response.AddHeader "REQUIRES_AUTH", "1"
    Session("userid") = Session("userid")  
End If

I made the assumption that using Session("userid") = Session("userid") and the fact that I'm calling an ASP page which does something on the server would be enough to maintain the session but it appears not, all advice greatly appreciated. Do I have something fundamentally wrong?


2 个解决方案



you can set an auto refresh in JavaScript every 15 min with a hidden count down or pass a unique token in your client site javascript




Unfortunately there is no sliding expiration in classic asp sessions. I can figure out two suggestion:


  1. Use a cookie in place of the session to identify the user. Maybe the hash of the User Id will be suitable.
  2. 使用cookie代替会话来标识用户。也许用户Id的散列是合适的。
  3. Extend the Session.Timeout value for something larger than 20 min.
  4. 延长会话。大于20分钟的值的超时值。



you can set an auto refresh in JavaScript every 15 min with a hidden count down or pass a unique token in your client site javascript




Unfortunately there is no sliding expiration in classic asp sessions. I can figure out two suggestion:


  1. Use a cookie in place of the session to identify the user. Maybe the hash of the User Id will be suitable.
  2. 使用cookie代替会话来标识用户。也许用户Id的散列是合适的。
  3. Extend the Session.Timeout value for something larger than 20 min.
  4. 延长会话。大于20分钟的值的超时值。