
时间:2022-08-24 16:15:47

So I'm working on a basic word game where you're dealt a "hand" (a dictionary object) of letters that you use to create words and get points.


This "hand" is used in the parameters of a number of functions: calculating a player's score, updating the number of letters in a hand after a player has used one or more letters, displaying the hand, checking the validity of the player's word, etc.


From all that I've read, I know that I should avoid global variables if I can (though I'm still not totally sure why).


So what other general approach could I use for a number of functions that use "hand" as a parameter?


2 个解决方案



It's called an object. Create a class with the shared state, and the functions that share that state.


The reason why this is better than global variables is that it's a much more restricted version of the same concept - you can clearly see which functions are manipulating those variables, and document (and enforce) the expected invariants on those variables. With global variables it ends up being quite easy to have functions which have different expectations about the state of the shared variables.

这比全局变量更好的原因是它是同一概念的更受限制的版本 - 您可以清楚地看到哪些函数正在操纵这些变量,并且记录(并强制执行)这些变量上的预期不变量。对于全局变量,最终很容易拥有对共享变量状态有不同期望的函数。

It also allows you to have multiple copies of the same object, so instead of having to cast your variables as collections, and correlate between members of the collection, you have a collection of objects, which makes your code simpler. It is then a simple matter to manipulate those objects only through the functions you have defined.




Use class encapusulation ... see below ... game is aware of both hands


class Hand:
    def __init__(self):
       num_cards = 7
       self.cards = ["a" for i in range(num_cards)]

class Game:
    def __init__(self,num_hands=2):
        self.hands = [Hand() for i in range(num_hands)]
        self.current_turn = 0 
    def play(self):
        self.current_turn = (self.current_turn+1)%len(self.hands)

This is Python 3 code; classes in Python 2 should derive from object.

这是Python 3代码; Python 2中的类应该来自object。

... although they are not required to. if they do not they lose some functionality




It's called an object. Create a class with the shared state, and the functions that share that state.


The reason why this is better than global variables is that it's a much more restricted version of the same concept - you can clearly see which functions are manipulating those variables, and document (and enforce) the expected invariants on those variables. With global variables it ends up being quite easy to have functions which have different expectations about the state of the shared variables.

这比全局变量更好的原因是它是同一概念的更受限制的版本 - 您可以清楚地看到哪些函数正在操纵这些变量,并且记录(并强制执行)这些变量上的预期不变量。对于全局变量,最终很容易拥有对共享变量状态有不同期望的函数。

It also allows you to have multiple copies of the same object, so instead of having to cast your variables as collections, and correlate between members of the collection, you have a collection of objects, which makes your code simpler. It is then a simple matter to manipulate those objects only through the functions you have defined.




Use class encapusulation ... see below ... game is aware of both hands


class Hand:
    def __init__(self):
       num_cards = 7
       self.cards = ["a" for i in range(num_cards)]

class Game:
    def __init__(self,num_hands=2):
        self.hands = [Hand() for i in range(num_hands)]
        self.current_turn = 0 
    def play(self):
        self.current_turn = (self.current_turn+1)%len(self.hands)

This is Python 3 code; classes in Python 2 should derive from object.

这是Python 3代码; Python 2中的类应该来自object。

... although they are not required to. if they do not they lose some functionality
