Excel图表 - 显示错误的选项,因为间隙不起作用

时间:2022-08-23 11:54:55

In Excel 2013, I have a series of data that looks like this...

在Excel 2013中,我有一系列看起来像这样的数据......

1, #N/A, 2, 3, 4

1,#N / A,2,3,4

(N.B. The #N/A was generated using =NA() ).

(N.B.使用= NA()生成#N / A)。

I wish to make a line graph of this data, and have the #N/A show as a gap in the graph.

我希望制作这些数据的折线图,并将#N / A显示为图中的间隙。

The standard advice for this is to use the 'Hidden and Empty Cells' options (right click on graph > Select Data... > Hidden and Empty Cells) to show empty cells as Gaps. However, this has no impact for me, the line graph is displayed in the same was as if the 'Connect data points with line' option was selected.


I've uploaded the example I'm referring to here to make this easy to see: http://www.filedropper.com/linegraphchartexample-gapsissue


I know that these gaps can be displayed, as I've seen it working on other line graphs in Excel (including graphs where #N/A was the value to be skipped over), I just haven't been able to replicate it. Can anyone help me?

我知道可以显示这些间隙,因为我已经看到它在Excel中的其他线图上工作(包括#N / A是要跳过的值的图形),我只是无法复制它。谁能帮我?

2 个解决方案



If anyone reads this question, I found a solution which relies on using formulas to split the data into multiple data series, it's a pain to setup but it appears to be the least problematic way that Excel offers:



The simple summary is that you use formulas to create a new data series every time there is an #N/A value in the source data, then plot all the resulting data series, and format them so that they look the same.

简单的总结是,每当源数据中存在#N / A值时,您使用公式创建新数据系列,然后绘制所有结果数据系列,并对它们进行格式化以使它们看起来相同。



Another option is to cheat by adding a second data series:


I have added a row to your data table which duplicates the data on row 2 if the cells to the left or the right contain #N/A.

我在数据表中添加了一行,如果左侧或右侧的单元格包含#N / A,则会复制第2行的数据。


The second data series is formatted with the same markers as the original line, but with a white line which obscures the blue one (as long as you've got your data series in the correct order).


Excel图表 - 显示错误的选项,因为间隙不起作用



If anyone reads this question, I found a solution which relies on using formulas to split the data into multiple data series, it's a pain to setup but it appears to be the least problematic way that Excel offers:



The simple summary is that you use formulas to create a new data series every time there is an #N/A value in the source data, then plot all the resulting data series, and format them so that they look the same.

简单的总结是,每当源数据中存在#N / A值时,您使用公式创建新数据系列,然后绘制所有结果数据系列,并对它们进行格式化以使它们看起来相同。



Another option is to cheat by adding a second data series:


I have added a row to your data table which duplicates the data on row 2 if the cells to the left or the right contain #N/A.

我在数据表中添加了一行,如果左侧或右侧的单元格包含#N / A,则会复制第2行的数据。


The second data series is formatted with the same markers as the original line, but with a white line which obscures the blue one (as long as you've got your data series in the correct order).


Excel图表 - 显示错误的选项,因为间隙不起作用