将wordpress从域迁移到另一个域 - 但URL仍会重定向到旧域

时间:2022-08-23 10:37:30

I have moved one of my website to a new domain, after i have uploaded everything in place homepage is working fine. But all the links and images are still coming from old domain. below is what i did.


  • Backed up database
  • 备份数据库

  • Uploaded all the files to the new server.
  • 将所有文件上载到新服务器。

  • Imported sql into new server via phpmyadmin
  • 通过phpmyadmin将sql导入新服务器

  • Now i have used this script to change URL in database.
  • 现在我使用这个脚本来更改数据库中的URL。

Now, problems i am facing are:


  • All the links are going to old domain.
  • 所有链接都将转到旧域。

  • All the images are linked to old domain.
  • 所有图像都链接到旧域。

  • wp-admin is also redirected to old domain when i try to run mydomain.com/wp-admin
  • 当我尝试运行mydomain.com/wp-admin时,wp-admin也会重定向到旧域

Please help if you have any ideas about this, any help would be greatly appreciated.


3 个解决方案


My issue is resolved, i am posting this as an answer so that someone else can benefit out of it.


My issue was, siteurl and homeurl were not updated, so i have placed define('RELOCATE',true); in my wp-config.php file. And again tried to access the website , it gone to the correct url but all the css was gone. Then i headed over to wp-admin and it also came with no css but still i tried to login but this time it has taken me to the correct url and with css login page but didn't logged in. Then Again i have attempted to login and this time i have logged in successfully. Then i have changed both the urls from settings in the admin panel.


Hope this helps someone else dealing with the same problem.



Did you change your urls in wp-config.php?





Use phpMyAdmin and verify the fields siteurl and home in your wp_options table. These two fields should contain your correct domain.



Actually, You should use duplicator plugin for this task, It will make our work so easy and handle all the issues itself. I also have this issue now I have made this through duplicator plugin of WordPress it works for me perfectly.



My issue is resolved, i am posting this as an answer so that someone else can benefit out of it.


My issue was, siteurl and homeurl were not updated, so i have placed define('RELOCATE',true); in my wp-config.php file. And again tried to access the website , it gone to the correct url but all the css was gone. Then i headed over to wp-admin and it also came with no css but still i tried to login but this time it has taken me to the correct url and with css login page but didn't logged in. Then Again i have attempted to login and this time i have logged in successfully. Then i have changed both the urls from settings in the admin panel.


Hope this helps someone else dealing with the same problem.



Did you change your urls in wp-config.php?





Use phpMyAdmin and verify the fields siteurl and home in your wp_options table. These two fields should contain your correct domain.



Actually, You should use duplicator plugin for this task, It will make our work so easy and handle all the issues itself. I also have this issue now I have made this through duplicator plugin of WordPress it works for me perfectly.
