
时间:2022-08-23 10:11:45

I've tried various permutations of:


firefox.exe "javascript:document.location='http://site.com';document.cookies='key=val';"

But with no good result; the cookie is not added for the site.com domain. Is it at all possible to accomplish using this approach?


1 个解决方案


It is not going to happen doing anything like that. The JavaScript will not happen in a synchronous manner which is a good thing or we would have security problems. Try greasemonkey

做这样的事情不会发生。 JavaScript不会以同步的方式发生,这是一件好事,或者我们会遇到安全问题。试试greasemonkey


It is not going to happen doing anything like that. The JavaScript will not happen in a synchronous manner which is a good thing or we would have security problems. Try greasemonkey

做这样的事情不会发生。 JavaScript不会以同步的方式发生,这是一件好事,或者我们会遇到安全问题。试试greasemonkey