
时间:2022-08-23 00:23:46

If I have a serialized JSON from json.net like so:


FooList{$ref: "1",Foo{id:2,prop:13}}

I want to have knockout output a foreach over FooList but I am not sure how to proceed because the $ref things could throw things.

我想让淘汰输出超过FooList,但我不知道如何继续,因为$ ref的东西可能会抛出东西。

I'm thinking the solution would be to somehow force all the Foos to be rendered in the FooList by not using:


PreserveReferencesHandling = PreserveReferencesHandling.Objects

but that seems wasteful..


6 个解决方案



The json object which you are receiving from the server contains Circular References. Before using the object you should have to first remove all the $ref properties from the object, means in place of $ref : "1" you have to put the object which this link points.

您从服务器接收的json对象包含循环引用。在使用对象之前,您必须首先从对象中删除所有$ ref属性,意味着代替$ ref:“1”您必须放置此链接指向的对象。

In your case may be it is pointing to the User's object whose id is 1


For this you should check out Douglas Crockfords Plugin on github.There is a cycle.js which can do the job for you.

为此你应该看看github上的Douglas Crockfords插件。有一个cycle.js可以为你完成这项工作。

or you can use the following code (not tested) :


function resolveReferences(json) {
    if (typeof json === 'string')
        json = JSON.parse(json);

    var byid = {}, // all objects by id
        refs = []; // references to objects that could not be resolved
    json = (function recurse(obj, prop, parent) {
        if (typeof obj !== 'object' || !obj) // a primitive value
            return obj;
        if ("$ref" in obj) { // a reference
            var ref = obj.$ref;
            if (ref in byid)
                return byid[ref];
            // else we have to make it lazy:
            refs.push([parent, prop, ref]);
        } else if ("$id" in obj) {
            var id = obj.$id;
            delete obj.$id;
            if ("$values" in obj) // an array
                obj = obj.$values.map(recurse);
            else // a plain object
                for (var prop in obj)
                    obj[prop] = recurse(obj[prop], prop, obj)
            byid[id] = obj;
        return obj;
    })(json); // run it!

    for (var i=0; i<refs.length; i++) { // resolve previously unknown references
        var ref = refs[i];
        ref[0][ref[1]] = byid[refs[2]];
        // Notice that this throws if you put in a reference at top-level
    return json;

Let me know if it helps !




I've found some bugs and implemented arrays support:


function resolveReferences(json) {
    if (typeof json === 'string')
        json = JSON.parse(json);

    var byid = {}, // all objects by id
        refs = []; // references to objects that could not be resolved
    json = (function recurse(obj, prop, parent) {
        if (typeof obj !== 'object' || !obj) // a primitive value
            return obj;
        if (Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === '[object Array]') {
            for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++)
                // check also if the array element is not a primitive value
                if (typeof obj[i] !== 'object' || !obj[i]) // a primitive value
                else if ("$ref" in obj[i])
                    obj[i] = recurse(obj[i], i, obj);
                    obj[i] = recurse(obj[i], prop, obj);
            return obj;
        if ("$ref" in obj) { // a reference
            var ref = obj.$ref;
            if (ref in byid)
                return byid[ref];
            // else we have to make it lazy:
            refs.push([parent, prop, ref]);
        } else if ("$id" in obj) {
            var id = obj.$id;
            delete obj.$id;
            if ("$values" in obj) // an array
                obj = obj.$values.map(recurse);
            else // a plain object
                for (var prop in obj)
                    obj[prop] = recurse(obj[prop], prop, obj);
            byid[id] = obj;
        return obj;
    })(json); // run it!

    for (var i = 0; i < refs.length; i++) { // resolve previously unknown references
        var ref = refs[i];
        ref[0][ref[1]] = byid[ref[2]];
        // Notice that this throws if you put in a reference at top-level
    return json;



I had trouble with the array correction in the answer of Alexander Vasiliev.


I can't comment his answer (don't own enough reputations points ;-) ), so I had to add a new answer... (where I had a popup as best practice not to answer on other answers and only on the original question - bof)

我不能评论他的答案(没有足够的声誉点;-)),所以我不得不添加一个新的答案...(我有一个弹出窗口作为最佳做法不回答其他答案,只有在原始问题 - bof)

    if (Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === '[object Array]') {
        for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
            // check also if the array element is not a primitive value
            if (typeof obj[i] !== 'object' || !obj[i]) // a primitive value
                return obj[i];
            if ("$ref" in obj[i])
                obj[i] = recurse(obj[i], i, obj);
                obj[i] = recurse(obj[i], prop, obj);
        return obj;



In the accepted implementation, if you're inspecting an array and come across a primitive value, you will return that value and overwrite that array. You want to instead continue inspecting all of the elements of the array and return the array at the end.


function resolveReferences(json) {
    if (typeof json === 'string')
        json = JSON.parse(json);

    var byid = {}, // all objects by id
        refs = []; // references to objects that could not be resolved
    json = (function recurse(obj, prop, parent) {
        if (typeof obj !== 'object' || !obj) // a primitive value
            return obj;
        if (Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === '[object Array]') {
            for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++)
                // check also if the array element is not a primitive value
                if (typeof obj[i] !== 'object' || !obj[i]) // a primitive value
                else if ("$ref" in obj[i])
                    obj[i] = recurse(obj[i], i, obj);
                    obj[i] = recurse(obj[i], prop, obj);
            return obj;
        if ("$ref" in obj) { // a reference
            var ref = obj.$ref;
            if (ref in byid)
                return byid[ref];
            // else we have to make it lazy:
            refs.push([parent, prop, ref]);
        } else if ("$id" in obj) {
            var id = obj.$id;
            delete obj.$id;
            if ("$values" in obj) // an array
                obj = obj.$values.map(recurse);
            else // a plain object
                for (var prop in obj)
                    obj[prop] = recurse(obj[prop], prop, obj);
            byid[id] = obj;
        return obj;
    })(json); // run it!

    for (var i = 0; i < refs.length; i++) { // resolve previously unknown references
        var ref = refs[i];
        ref[0][ref[1]] = byid[ref[2]];
        // Notice that this throws if you put in a reference at top-level
    return json;



This is actually extremely simple if you take advantage of JSON.parse's reviver parameter:


// example JSON
var j = '{"$id":"0","name":"Parent","child":{"$id":"1", "name":"Child","parent":{"$ref":"0"}},"nullValue":null}'

function parseAndResolve(json) {
    var refMap = {};

    return JSON.parse(json, function (key, value) {
        if (key === '$id') { 
            refMap[value] = this;
            // return undefined so that the property is deleted
            return void(0);

        if (value && value.$ref) { return refMap[value.$ref]; }

        return value; 




my solution(works for arrays as well):


usage: rebuildJsonDotNetObj(jsonDotNetResponse)

The code:

function rebuildJsonDotNetObj(obj) {
    var arr = [];
    buildRefArray(obj, arr);
    return setReferences(obj, arr)

function buildRefArray(obj, arr) {
    if (!obj || obj['$ref'])
    var objId = obj['$id'];
    if (!objId)
        obj['$id'] = "x";
    var id = parseInt(objId);
    var array = obj['$values'];
    if (array && Array.isArray(array)) {
        arr[id] = array;
        array.forEach(function (elem) {
            if (typeof elem === "object")
                buildRefArray(elem, arr);
    else {
        arr[id] = obj;
        for (var prop in obj) {
            if (typeof obj[prop] === "object") {
                buildRefArray(obj[prop], arr);

function setReferences(obj, arrRefs) {
    if (!obj)
        return obj;
    var ref = obj['$ref'];
    if (ref)
        return arrRefs[parseInt(ref)];

    if (!obj['$id']) //already visited
        return obj;

    var array = obj['$values'];
    if (array && Array.isArray(array)) {
        for (var i = 0; i < array.length; ++i)
            array[i] = setReferences(array[i], arrRefs)
        return array;
    for (var prop in obj)
        if (typeof obj[prop] === "object")
            obj[prop] = setReferences(obj[prop], arrRefs)
    delete obj['$id'];
    return obj;



The json object which you are receiving from the server contains Circular References. Before using the object you should have to first remove all the $ref properties from the object, means in place of $ref : "1" you have to put the object which this link points.

您从服务器接收的json对象包含循环引用。在使用对象之前,您必须首先从对象中删除所有$ ref属性,意味着代替$ ref:“1”您必须放置此链接指向的对象。

In your case may be it is pointing to the User's object whose id is 1


For this you should check out Douglas Crockfords Plugin on github.There is a cycle.js which can do the job for you.

为此你应该看看github上的Douglas Crockfords插件。有一个cycle.js可以为你完成这项工作。

or you can use the following code (not tested) :


function resolveReferences(json) {
    if (typeof json === 'string')
        json = JSON.parse(json);

    var byid = {}, // all objects by id
        refs = []; // references to objects that could not be resolved
    json = (function recurse(obj, prop, parent) {
        if (typeof obj !== 'object' || !obj) // a primitive value
            return obj;
        if ("$ref" in obj) { // a reference
            var ref = obj.$ref;
            if (ref in byid)
                return byid[ref];
            // else we have to make it lazy:
            refs.push([parent, prop, ref]);
        } else if ("$id" in obj) {
            var id = obj.$id;
            delete obj.$id;
            if ("$values" in obj) // an array
                obj = obj.$values.map(recurse);
            else // a plain object
                for (var prop in obj)
                    obj[prop] = recurse(obj[prop], prop, obj)
            byid[id] = obj;
        return obj;
    })(json); // run it!

    for (var i=0; i<refs.length; i++) { // resolve previously unknown references
        var ref = refs[i];
        ref[0][ref[1]] = byid[refs[2]];
        // Notice that this throws if you put in a reference at top-level
    return json;

Let me know if it helps !




I've found some bugs and implemented arrays support:


function resolveReferences(json) {
    if (typeof json === 'string')
        json = JSON.parse(json);

    var byid = {}, // all objects by id
        refs = []; // references to objects that could not be resolved
    json = (function recurse(obj, prop, parent) {
        if (typeof obj !== 'object' || !obj) // a primitive value
            return obj;
        if (Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === '[object Array]') {
            for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++)
                // check also if the array element is not a primitive value
                if (typeof obj[i] !== 'object' || !obj[i]) // a primitive value
                else if ("$ref" in obj[i])
                    obj[i] = recurse(obj[i], i, obj);
                    obj[i] = recurse(obj[i], prop, obj);
            return obj;
        if ("$ref" in obj) { // a reference
            var ref = obj.$ref;
            if (ref in byid)
                return byid[ref];
            // else we have to make it lazy:
            refs.push([parent, prop, ref]);
        } else if ("$id" in obj) {
            var id = obj.$id;
            delete obj.$id;
            if ("$values" in obj) // an array
                obj = obj.$values.map(recurse);
            else // a plain object
                for (var prop in obj)
                    obj[prop] = recurse(obj[prop], prop, obj);
            byid[id] = obj;
        return obj;
    })(json); // run it!

    for (var i = 0; i < refs.length; i++) { // resolve previously unknown references
        var ref = refs[i];
        ref[0][ref[1]] = byid[ref[2]];
        // Notice that this throws if you put in a reference at top-level
    return json;



I had trouble with the array correction in the answer of Alexander Vasiliev.


I can't comment his answer (don't own enough reputations points ;-) ), so I had to add a new answer... (where I had a popup as best practice not to answer on other answers and only on the original question - bof)

我不能评论他的答案(没有足够的声誉点;-)),所以我不得不添加一个新的答案...(我有一个弹出窗口作为最佳做法不回答其他答案,只有在原始问题 - bof)

    if (Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === '[object Array]') {
        for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
            // check also if the array element is not a primitive value
            if (typeof obj[i] !== 'object' || !obj[i]) // a primitive value
                return obj[i];
            if ("$ref" in obj[i])
                obj[i] = recurse(obj[i], i, obj);
                obj[i] = recurse(obj[i], prop, obj);
        return obj;



In the accepted implementation, if you're inspecting an array and come across a primitive value, you will return that value and overwrite that array. You want to instead continue inspecting all of the elements of the array and return the array at the end.


function resolveReferences(json) {
    if (typeof json === 'string')
        json = JSON.parse(json);

    var byid = {}, // all objects by id
        refs = []; // references to objects that could not be resolved
    json = (function recurse(obj, prop, parent) {
        if (typeof obj !== 'object' || !obj) // a primitive value
            return obj;
        if (Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === '[object Array]') {
            for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++)
                // check also if the array element is not a primitive value
                if (typeof obj[i] !== 'object' || !obj[i]) // a primitive value
                else if ("$ref" in obj[i])
                    obj[i] = recurse(obj[i], i, obj);
                    obj[i] = recurse(obj[i], prop, obj);
            return obj;
        if ("$ref" in obj) { // a reference
            var ref = obj.$ref;
            if (ref in byid)
                return byid[ref];
            // else we have to make it lazy:
            refs.push([parent, prop, ref]);
        } else if ("$id" in obj) {
            var id = obj.$id;
            delete obj.$id;
            if ("$values" in obj) // an array
                obj = obj.$values.map(recurse);
            else // a plain object
                for (var prop in obj)
                    obj[prop] = recurse(obj[prop], prop, obj);
            byid[id] = obj;
        return obj;
    })(json); // run it!

    for (var i = 0; i < refs.length; i++) { // resolve previously unknown references
        var ref = refs[i];
        ref[0][ref[1]] = byid[ref[2]];
        // Notice that this throws if you put in a reference at top-level
    return json;



This is actually extremely simple if you take advantage of JSON.parse's reviver parameter:


// example JSON
var j = '{"$id":"0","name":"Parent","child":{"$id":"1", "name":"Child","parent":{"$ref":"0"}},"nullValue":null}'

function parseAndResolve(json) {
    var refMap = {};

    return JSON.parse(json, function (key, value) {
        if (key === '$id') { 
            refMap[value] = this;
            // return undefined so that the property is deleted
            return void(0);

        if (value && value.$ref) { return refMap[value.$ref]; }

        return value; 




my solution(works for arrays as well):


usage: rebuildJsonDotNetObj(jsonDotNetResponse)

The code:

function rebuildJsonDotNetObj(obj) {
    var arr = [];
    buildRefArray(obj, arr);
    return setReferences(obj, arr)

function buildRefArray(obj, arr) {
    if (!obj || obj['$ref'])
    var objId = obj['$id'];
    if (!objId)
        obj['$id'] = "x";
    var id = parseInt(objId);
    var array = obj['$values'];
    if (array && Array.isArray(array)) {
        arr[id] = array;
        array.forEach(function (elem) {
            if (typeof elem === "object")
                buildRefArray(elem, arr);
    else {
        arr[id] = obj;
        for (var prop in obj) {
            if (typeof obj[prop] === "object") {
                buildRefArray(obj[prop], arr);

function setReferences(obj, arrRefs) {
    if (!obj)
        return obj;
    var ref = obj['$ref'];
    if (ref)
        return arrRefs[parseInt(ref)];

    if (!obj['$id']) //already visited
        return obj;

    var array = obj['$values'];
    if (array && Array.isArray(array)) {
        for (var i = 0; i < array.length; ++i)
            array[i] = setReferences(array[i], arrRefs)
        return array;
    for (var prop in obj)
        if (typeof obj[prop] === "object")
            obj[prop] = setReferences(obj[prop], arrRefs)
    delete obj['$id'];
    return obj;