使用jQuery slide / animate将居中项目向左移动,同时从div向右滑动

时间:2022-08-22 11:37:37

The title isn't the best, but what I'd like to accomplish is to move a center login box to the left and slide in div from right upon anchor tag push. Basically moving centered box to a left 'column' (for lack of a better word) and slide a div into frame from the right, into the right 'column'.


Here is a basic jsFiddle example of what I have so far: http://jsfiddle.net/g794j09o/1/


Unfortunately I have two issues I'm having trouble with:


  1. How to line up the moreInfo div outside the frame without allowing scroll and maintaining the centered loginBox.
  2. 如何在框架外排列moreInfo div而不允许滚动和维护居中的loginBox。

  3. How to properly use the jQuery slide/animate features to slide the loginBox to the only to left a little, while sliding in the entire moreInfo box.
  4. 如何正确使用jQuery幻灯片/动画功能将loginBox滑动到只剩下一点,同时在整个moreInfo框中滑动。

I have looked around SO for other jQuery slide/animate questions and have found them to be helpful for learning how to animate something, but I'm having issues solving everything from the CSS side of things.


1 个解决方案



The problem was that you was just sliding the 'moreInfo' div where in fact you should have been showing and sliding the div instead of "Hiding the div out of the frame", you have clearly done some kind of animation before but you should read up on web programming as you are referring to "Frames" etc. (p.s i recommend MVA for learning new topics)


Anyway this is the Jquery, it is not perfect but this should give you the stepping stone you are looking for:


$("#moreInfo").click(function() {
    $("#divLogin").animate({ marginLeft: "-387px"} , 1000);
    setTimeout(divmoreinfo, 2000);

function divmoreinfo() {
     $("#divMoreInfo").show('slide', {direction: 'right'}, 1400);    




The problem was that you was just sliding the 'moreInfo' div where in fact you should have been showing and sliding the div instead of "Hiding the div out of the frame", you have clearly done some kind of animation before but you should read up on web programming as you are referring to "Frames" etc. (p.s i recommend MVA for learning new topics)


Anyway this is the Jquery, it is not perfect but this should give you the stepping stone you are looking for:


$("#moreInfo").click(function() {
    $("#divLogin").animate({ marginLeft: "-387px"} , 1000);
    setTimeout(divmoreinfo, 2000);

function divmoreinfo() {
     $("#divMoreInfo").show('slide', {direction: 'right'}, 1400);    
