在python 2.7中导入模块

时间:2022-08-22 08:53:38

this is my first post and I've been working with python for about a month now.


Anyway I've been trying to import downloaded modules into python 2.7, such as django and mechanize, and I keep getting the same error telling me there is no such module. I downloaded both with pip and from I understand should be in the correct directories. A while ago I decided to simply copy and paste the django folder into the same folder I was saving my programs into, and that took care of the issue. That seems a bit messy though, having to save all of my modules into various folders. So I looked around * (and elseware) and pasted that same folder into a PYTHONPATH directory and that didn't solve the problem either. I apologize for the long question but I've been at it for a while now and tried a few different fixes. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, thank you very much.

无论如何,我一直在尝试将下载的模块导入python 2.7,例如django和mechanize,我一直得到同样的错误,告诉我没有这样的模块。我用pip下载了两个,我明白应该在正确的目录中。前段时间我决定将django文件夹复制并粘贴到我保存程序的同一个文件夹中,并解决了这个问题。这看起来有点乱,不得不将我的所有模块保存到各种文件夹中。所以我查看了*(和elseware)并将相同的文件夹粘贴到PYTHONPATH目录中,但也没有解决问题。我为这个长期问题道歉,但我已经有一段时间了,并尝试了几个不同的修复。非常感谢任何反馈,非常感谢。

On a side note, default modules work fine, such as: math and os. Side note, I'm running kubuntu 14.04.

另外,默认模块工作正常,例如:math和os。旁注,我正在运行kubuntu 14.04。

Thanks again.


1 个解决方案



The standard Python solution to installing packages is to install pip (package manager) and virtualenv, then make a virtualenv for each project and install your packages in the virtualenv. The documentation for those projects is quite good and should be able to get you started.




The standard Python solution to installing packages is to install pip (package manager) and virtualenv, then make a virtualenv for each project and install your packages in the virtualenv. The documentation for those projects is quite good and should be able to get you started.
