
时间:2021-11-17 19:45:59

In RMarkdown is there a way to specify the font color?


There doesn't seem to be an option while browsing through the chunk options


5 个解决方案



The answer given at the link provided by @Ben Bolker:

@Ben Bolker提供的链接给出的答案:

Roses are <span style="color:red">red</span>, 
violets are <span style="color:blue">blue</span>.

does work if you select HTML (ioslides) as the output format.

如果您选择HTML (ioslides)作为输出格式,那么它将发挥作用。

However, it does not work if you select pdf (beamer) as output format. If you want to create a pdf, use LaTeX syntax:

但是,如果您选择pdf (beamer)作为输出格式,那么它将不起作用。如果您想创建pdf,请使用LaTeX语法:

    Roses are \textcolor{red}{red}, violets are \textcolor{blue}{blue}.



I create a function like this:


#Color Format
colFmt = function(x,color){
  outputFormat = opts_knit$get("rmarkdown.pandoc.to")
  if(outputFormat == 'latex')
  else if(outputFormat == 'html')
    paste("<font color='",color,"'>",x,"</font>",sep="")

Then you can use it inline like this: `r colFmt("MY RED TEXT",'red')`, and colored text will be rendered regardless of whether working on latex or html document.

然后,您可以像这样内联地使用它:'r colFmt(“我的红色文本”、' RED '),无论使用latex还是html文档,彩色文本都将被呈现。



I basically used Nicholas Hamilton's answer but because I used xtable and print, I had some problems with certain latex sequences being escaped. Namely, \\textcolor being transformed to $\backslash$textcolor. I was able to get it right by avoiding sanitizing in the following way:


```{r results='asis'}
tbl = data.frame(a = letters[1:10], b = 1:10 / 10)
tbl$b = ifelse(tbl$b < 0.5, colFmt(tbl$b, "red"), colFmt(tbl$b, "green"))
print(xtable(tbl), sanitize.text.function = identity)

I then had to go and manually sanitize a few characters like % but at least \textcolor was correctly applied. Of course, this could be avoided by expanding your own sanitize function.




This seems to work very well in both output formats, pdf and html:


Roses are $\color{red}{\text{beautiful red}}$, 
violets are $\color{blue}{\text{lovely blue}}$.

Hope it helps.




Others have provided answers for output other than Word. For Word, you can use the Pandoc custom-style syntax to accomplish this with the aid of a reference word document. First, inside your reference.docx template, create a new Word style with a short, distinct name. If you want your font color to apply to a full paragraph, you can use the default, “Linked Paragraph and Character” style type. If you only want to emphasize some words in a paragraph with color, you need to select the “Character” style type. Change the font color (and any other styling you need) and save the reference.docx file.


Then, inside your .Rmd file, you can use the tag as follows:


<div custom-style=“DivCol”>Whole paragraph of colored text</div>

Just a <span custom-style=“SpanCol”>few words</span> of colored text

A word regarding style names - for reasons I don’t understand, this process did not work with the style name “Span_Add” but “SpanAdd” was fine.




The answer given at the link provided by @Ben Bolker:

@Ben Bolker提供的链接给出的答案:

Roses are <span style="color:red">red</span>, 
violets are <span style="color:blue">blue</span>.

does work if you select HTML (ioslides) as the output format.

如果您选择HTML (ioslides)作为输出格式,那么它将发挥作用。

However, it does not work if you select pdf (beamer) as output format. If you want to create a pdf, use LaTeX syntax:

但是,如果您选择pdf (beamer)作为输出格式,那么它将不起作用。如果您想创建pdf,请使用LaTeX语法:

    Roses are \textcolor{red}{red}, violets are \textcolor{blue}{blue}.



I create a function like this:


#Color Format
colFmt = function(x,color){
  outputFormat = opts_knit$get("rmarkdown.pandoc.to")
  if(outputFormat == 'latex')
  else if(outputFormat == 'html')
    paste("<font color='",color,"'>",x,"</font>",sep="")

Then you can use it inline like this: `r colFmt("MY RED TEXT",'red')`, and colored text will be rendered regardless of whether working on latex or html document.

然后,您可以像这样内联地使用它:'r colFmt(“我的红色文本”、' RED '),无论使用latex还是html文档,彩色文本都将被呈现。



I basically used Nicholas Hamilton's answer but because I used xtable and print, I had some problems with certain latex sequences being escaped. Namely, \\textcolor being transformed to $\backslash$textcolor. I was able to get it right by avoiding sanitizing in the following way:


```{r results='asis'}
tbl = data.frame(a = letters[1:10], b = 1:10 / 10)
tbl$b = ifelse(tbl$b < 0.5, colFmt(tbl$b, "red"), colFmt(tbl$b, "green"))
print(xtable(tbl), sanitize.text.function = identity)

I then had to go and manually sanitize a few characters like % but at least \textcolor was correctly applied. Of course, this could be avoided by expanding your own sanitize function.




This seems to work very well in both output formats, pdf and html:


Roses are $\color{red}{\text{beautiful red}}$, 
violets are $\color{blue}{\text{lovely blue}}$.

Hope it helps.




Others have provided answers for output other than Word. For Word, you can use the Pandoc custom-style syntax to accomplish this with the aid of a reference word document. First, inside your reference.docx template, create a new Word style with a short, distinct name. If you want your font color to apply to a full paragraph, you can use the default, “Linked Paragraph and Character” style type. If you only want to emphasize some words in a paragraph with color, you need to select the “Character” style type. Change the font color (and any other styling you need) and save the reference.docx file.


Then, inside your .Rmd file, you can use the tag as follows:


<div custom-style=“DivCol”>Whole paragraph of colored text</div>

Just a <span custom-style=“SpanCol”>few words</span> of colored text

A word regarding style names - for reasons I don’t understand, this process did not work with the style name “Span_Add” but “SpanAdd” was fine.
