
时间:2022-07-06 20:44:01

I have two function that filter an array of strings. The first function filters it according to length and the other function according to the char it contains.


The array of string is loaded on page load.


How to make this functions work together, so when I filter the array according to the char it contains, and I have the appropriate strings, later on I should press the min value, and it should show me the remaining strings from the previous filter. I don't want to load the array again.


Here I have the first function http://jsfiddle.net/arunpjohny/03avr1vh/2/


How to add the other and make them work together .



function filter() {
    var a = document.getElementById('A').checked,
        e = document.getElementById('E').checked,
        o = document.getElementById('O').checked,
        result2; //make a copy

    result2 = animals.filter(function (value) {
        value = value.toLowerCase();
        return (!a || value.indexOf('a') == -1) && (!e || value.indexOf('e') == -1) && (!o || value.indexOf('o') == -1);
    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = result2;

3 个解决方案


jsfiddle demo

After you have a little FP lib built up for yourself, you can write your filter in a declarative way

在为自己构建了一个FP lib后,可以以声明方式编写过滤器

var animals = ["Bear", "Mouse", "Cat", "Tiger", "Lion"];

var letters = ["A", "E", "O"];

function showAnimals() {

    var getSwitches = compose([

    var switches = getSwitches(letters);

    var _filter = compose([

    var result = _filter(animals);
    getElementById("demo").innerHTML = join(", ")(result);

Your two main actions are:


  1. getting the checked inputs, converting that to an array of strings.
  2. 获取已检查的输入,将其转换为字符串数组。

  3. filtering the animals based on the checked inputs
  4. 根据检查的输入过滤动物

Each one reads like a little story: (note to read the compose blocks in reverse).



  1. call getElementById on each of letters
  2. 在每个字母上调用getElementById

  3. filter out the unchecked inputs
  4. 过滤掉未经检查的输入

  5. get the value for each input
  6. 获取每个输入的值

  7. store the resulting array as switches
  8. 将生成的数组存储为开关


  1. split each animal name into an array of letters
  2. 将每个动物名称分成一组字母

  3. filter each animal by
    • convert animal to uppercase
    • 将动物转换为大写

    • animal should not match any of switches
    • 动物不应该匹配任何开关

  4. 通过将动物转换为大写动物来过滤每只动物不应该与任何开关相匹配

  5. rejoin each animal name to a string
  6. 将每个动物名称重新加入字符串

  7. store the resulting array as result
  8. 将结果数组存储为结果

OK, so that's a lot of functions we used. I'm not going to go into each one in detail, but most FP libs would provide these basics for you. I go into some length detail with building some of these from scratch in this post about function composition.


Before we go further!


"Is it performant?"


Yup, but compared to what? If you write a single map or filter lambda, you'll likely be able to process the same information a lot faster.


"So this is slow?"


Nope, but only you can be the judge of that. It's still going to arrive at the answer in a tiny fraction of a second, so it's plenty fast for me.


"Why is this better?"


Well for one, it's a lot more declarative. That is, we're telling the computer what we want, and not necessarily telling it how to give us the answer. The latter is a more imperative style.


Things like setting variables, calling for-loops, etc, are telling the computer how to do it's job. Imperative style isn't bad, it's just it can be bad when it gets overly verbose.


Notice we were able to solve the problem by defining two variables: switches and result. Everything else is just a function.


For more information, I encourage you to read the other SO answer I linked above.


For those of you interested, here's the functions I used to make the above solution work


var id = function(x) {
    return x;

var getElementById = function(x) {
    return document.getElementById(x);

var neq = function(y) {
    return function(x) {
        return x !== y;

var not = function(x) { return !x; };

var prop = function(x) {
    return function(elem) {
        return elem[x];

var indexOf = function(y) {
    return function(x) {
        return x.indexOf(y);

var elem = function(y) {
    return compose([neq(-1), indexOf(y)]);

var map = function(f) {
    return function(xs) {
        return xs.map(f);

var filter = function(f) {
    return function(xs) {
        return xs.filter(f);

var any = function(f) {
    return function(xs) {
        return xs.some(f);

var reduceRight = function(f) {
    return function(i) {
        return function(xs) {
            return xs.reduceRight(uncurry(f), i);

var toUpperCase = function(s) {
    return s.toUpperCase();

var split = function(y) {
    return function(x) {
        return x.split(y);

var join = function(y) {
    return function(x) {
        return x.join(y);

var flip = function(f) {
    return function(y) {
        return function(x) {
            return f(x)(y);

var uncurry = function(f) {
    return function(x, y) {
        return f(x)(y);

var compose = flip(reduceRight(flip(id)));

And that's all, Folks!



You can chain the length filter after the letter filter:


result2 = animals.filter(function (value) {
    // letter filter
}).filter(function (value) {
    // length filter

A quick sample.



or you can use some functional programming and do a curry of two functions like this:


function compose(f1, f2)
   return function(val) {
      return f1(val)&&f2(val);
// in this case the .filter traverses the array only once, 
// instead of twice, i.e once for each subfilter function
result2 = animals.filter(compose(letterFilter, lengthFilter));

jsfiddle example

UPDATE if in understand correctly and you need to filter again (by another filter) at a later time, you will need to store the intermediate results from previous filter and use these as input to the other filter, or just filter the whole array again with a composed filter (as in this example).


The best approach depends on the size of the array and code modularity and independence you would like to achieve.



jsfiddle demo

After you have a little FP lib built up for yourself, you can write your filter in a declarative way

在为自己构建了一个FP lib后,可以以声明方式编写过滤器

var animals = ["Bear", "Mouse", "Cat", "Tiger", "Lion"];

var letters = ["A", "E", "O"];

function showAnimals() {

    var getSwitches = compose([

    var switches = getSwitches(letters);

    var _filter = compose([

    var result = _filter(animals);
    getElementById("demo").innerHTML = join(", ")(result);

Your two main actions are:


  1. getting the checked inputs, converting that to an array of strings.
  2. 获取已检查的输入,将其转换为字符串数组。

  3. filtering the animals based on the checked inputs
  4. 根据检查的输入过滤动物

Each one reads like a little story: (note to read the compose blocks in reverse).



  1. call getElementById on each of letters
  2. 在每个字母上调用getElementById

  3. filter out the unchecked inputs
  4. 过滤掉未经检查的输入

  5. get the value for each input
  6. 获取每个输入的值

  7. store the resulting array as switches
  8. 将生成的数组存储为开关


  1. split each animal name into an array of letters
  2. 将每个动物名称分成一组字母

  3. filter each animal by
    • convert animal to uppercase
    • 将动物转换为大写

    • animal should not match any of switches
    • 动物不应该匹配任何开关

  4. 通过将动物转换为大写动物来过滤每只动物不应该与任何开关相匹配

  5. rejoin each animal name to a string
  6. 将每个动物名称重新加入字符串

  7. store the resulting array as result
  8. 将结果数组存储为结果

OK, so that's a lot of functions we used. I'm not going to go into each one in detail, but most FP libs would provide these basics for you. I go into some length detail with building some of these from scratch in this post about function composition.


Before we go further!


"Is it performant?"


Yup, but compared to what? If you write a single map or filter lambda, you'll likely be able to process the same information a lot faster.


"So this is slow?"


Nope, but only you can be the judge of that. It's still going to arrive at the answer in a tiny fraction of a second, so it's plenty fast for me.


"Why is this better?"


Well for one, it's a lot more declarative. That is, we're telling the computer what we want, and not necessarily telling it how to give us the answer. The latter is a more imperative style.


Things like setting variables, calling for-loops, etc, are telling the computer how to do it's job. Imperative style isn't bad, it's just it can be bad when it gets overly verbose.


Notice we were able to solve the problem by defining two variables: switches and result. Everything else is just a function.


For more information, I encourage you to read the other SO answer I linked above.


For those of you interested, here's the functions I used to make the above solution work


var id = function(x) {
    return x;

var getElementById = function(x) {
    return document.getElementById(x);

var neq = function(y) {
    return function(x) {
        return x !== y;

var not = function(x) { return !x; };

var prop = function(x) {
    return function(elem) {
        return elem[x];

var indexOf = function(y) {
    return function(x) {
        return x.indexOf(y);

var elem = function(y) {
    return compose([neq(-1), indexOf(y)]);

var map = function(f) {
    return function(xs) {
        return xs.map(f);

var filter = function(f) {
    return function(xs) {
        return xs.filter(f);

var any = function(f) {
    return function(xs) {
        return xs.some(f);

var reduceRight = function(f) {
    return function(i) {
        return function(xs) {
            return xs.reduceRight(uncurry(f), i);

var toUpperCase = function(s) {
    return s.toUpperCase();

var split = function(y) {
    return function(x) {
        return x.split(y);

var join = function(y) {
    return function(x) {
        return x.join(y);

var flip = function(f) {
    return function(y) {
        return function(x) {
            return f(x)(y);

var uncurry = function(f) {
    return function(x, y) {
        return f(x)(y);

var compose = flip(reduceRight(flip(id)));

And that's all, Folks!



You can chain the length filter after the letter filter:


result2 = animals.filter(function (value) {
    // letter filter
}).filter(function (value) {
    // length filter

A quick sample.



or you can use some functional programming and do a curry of two functions like this:


function compose(f1, f2)
   return function(val) {
      return f1(val)&&f2(val);
// in this case the .filter traverses the array only once, 
// instead of twice, i.e once for each subfilter function
result2 = animals.filter(compose(letterFilter, lengthFilter));

jsfiddle example

UPDATE if in understand correctly and you need to filter again (by another filter) at a later time, you will need to store the intermediate results from previous filter and use these as input to the other filter, or just filter the whole array again with a composed filter (as in this example).


The best approach depends on the size of the array and code modularity and independence you would like to achieve.
