
时间:2022-05-12 19:50:01

I'm very new to Ionic framework and trying to find a way to debug my app. My problem is, I want to check if my Angularjs function call is working in the js file.

我对Ionic framework非常陌生,我想找到一种调试我的app的方法。我的问题是,我想检查一下我的Angularjs函数调用是否在js文件中工作。

As a web developer what I used to do is with Chrome Dev tools by adding some breakpoints and etc..


I'm wondering that is the approach in Ionic framework to check/ debug my Angularjs code? and please note I'm testing a Cordova plugin and it does not support web browser testing.

我想知道Ionic framework中检查/调试我的Angularjs代码的方法是什么?请注意,我正在测试一个Cordova插件,它不支持web浏览器测试。

So is there anyway of adding breakpoints / debug in Ionic apps with emulators (iOS)?


1 个解决方案



You can connect your device to chrome dev tools and debug your app. It works for Android and iOS. You may also use GapDebug, which is a free tool encapsulating chrome dev tools.




You can connect your device to chrome dev tools and debug your app. It works for Android and iOS. You may also use GapDebug, which is a free tool encapsulating chrome dev tools.
