
时间:2021-12-15 18:48:14

I have nameProperty set in the proxy of my store like this : Code:


writer : {
        type : 'json',
        nameProperty : 'mapping',
        root : 'PerVO'

And in my model , the mapping like this:


            name : 'modules',
            mapping : 'modules.collection',
            defaultValue: []

This works fine when I call the CRUD operations on the store. Now I want to get the data in the format being sent to the server for other operations. The problem is that when I get the record from the store , the mapping is lost. So how can I useExt.data.writer.Json or some other api to generate the data EXACTLY as it would be generated while being sent to the server with mapping applied :


This is what the store sends for save (I need the data like this. Note : Difference is 'collection:')


    "modules": {
        "collection": {
            "isActive": 1,
            "metadata": {
                "actionCodes": "",
                "memos": ""
            "moduleCode": "OM",
            "moduleId": 250,
            "moduleName": "Org Management",
            "success": false,
            "viewId": 0

This is what i get from the store when the record is looked up:


                 "modules": {
                    "isActive": 1,
                    "metadata": {
                        "actionCodes": "",
                        "memos": ""
                    "moduleCode": "OM",
                    "moduleId": 250,
                    "moduleName": "Org Management",
                    "success": false,
                    "viewId": 0

I need to get the data as sent by the store to server. Thanks Nohsib


1 个解决方案



Simply change the name in the mapping to the following


   name : 'collection',
   mapping : 'modules.collection',
   defaultValue: []

The name config is the name that is used within the model. If you look at the data property of a model object, the name used in the mapping is used to store the value in the model. The name is same name that we use while retrieving data from a model object too. Ex. model.get(name);

名称config是模型中使用的名称。如果查看模型对象的data属性,则映射中使用的名称用于存储模型中的值。名称与我们从模型对象检索数据时使用的名称相同。防爆。 model.get(名称);

From the api.


The name by which the field is referenced within the Model




Simply change the name in the mapping to the following


   name : 'collection',
   mapping : 'modules.collection',
   defaultValue: []

The name config is the name that is used within the model. If you look at the data property of a model object, the name used in the mapping is used to store the value in the model. The name is same name that we use while retrieving data from a model object too. Ex. model.get(name);

名称config是模型中使用的名称。如果查看模型对象的data属性,则映射中使用的名称用于存储模型中的值。名称与我们从模型对象检索数据时使用的名称相同。防爆。 model.get(名称);

From the api.


The name by which the field is referenced within the Model
