使用文本节点时,我应该使用“data”,“nodeValue”,“textContent”还是“wholeText”字段? [重复]

时间:2021-12-01 17:42:45

Possible Duplicate:
How to retrieve the text of a DOM Text node?

可能重复:如何检索DOM Text节点的文本?

In my experiments to handle DOM mutation observers I've noticed that when the target is a text node there are four fields all containing the new text of the node.


  • data
  • 数据
  • nodeValue
  • 的nodeValue
  • textContent
  • 的textContent
  • wholeText
  • wholeText

Is there a "best practice" for which of these fields I should use?


Are some just for compatibility with other browsers or older DOM standards? Does it make a difference whether I'm reading vs modifying the text? If one is best what is the purpose of the others?


1 个解决方案



Of all these I'd choose data: it is defined for the nodes implementing CharacterData interface (Text and Comment ones) only. Trying to access this property for the others gives undefined.


nodeValue is essentially the same as data for text nodes, but is actually defined for attribute and comment nodes as well. And I usually want my programs to fail early. )

nodeValue与文本节点的数据基本相同,但实际上也是为属性和注释节点定义的。我通常希望我的程序尽早失败。 )

textContent is, for me, something completely different, as it represents the text content of a node and its descendants. This, along with wholeText, perhaps should be used more to collect texts from more complex structures than a single text node.


Said all that, textContent and wholeText were defined in DOM Level 3 (= more modern).

说了这么多,textContent和wholeText都是在DOM Level 3中定义的(=更现代)。



Of all these I'd choose data: it is defined for the nodes implementing CharacterData interface (Text and Comment ones) only. Trying to access this property for the others gives undefined.


nodeValue is essentially the same as data for text nodes, but is actually defined for attribute and comment nodes as well. And I usually want my programs to fail early. )

nodeValue与文本节点的数据基本相同,但实际上也是为属性和注释节点定义的。我通常希望我的程序尽早失败。 )

textContent is, for me, something completely different, as it represents the text content of a node and its descendants. This, along with wholeText, perhaps should be used more to collect texts from more complex structures than a single text node.


Said all that, textContent and wholeText were defined in DOM Level 3 (= more modern).

说了这么多,textContent和wholeText都是在DOM Level 3中定义的(=更现代)。