
时间:2022-07-06 17:07:58

Is there a way to determine the timezone for a user agent without javasript?


normally, i would execute this snippet of javascript:


<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
 var offset = new Date();
 document.write('<input type="hidden" id="clientTzOffset" 
 name="clientTzOffset" value="' + offset.getTimezoneOffset() + '"/>');

However, for a lot of mobiles and clients, JS is either not existant or turned off. Is there something clever I can do or am I reduced to "tell me where you are and what timzeone you are in?"


4 个解决方案



Maybe with a server side language you could do an IP lookup, and then determine from their country what timezone they could be in.


I'd imagine this could be problematic, though.


If going down this road, this question (and answers) may be of assistance.


Getting the location from an IP address




Use both. Have javascript set the default value of a list or text field. The percentage of people without javascript is so small the burden is tiny.


I was going to say "Use the request Date: header" but that's a response header only it seems.




I thought of another solution but it is a little complex. Set up some fake HEAD requests with a max-age: 1 response header to coerce the browser into re-fetching them. You should then receive an if-modified-since header from any modern browser like so:

我想到了另一种解决办法,但有点复杂。使用max-age: 1响应头设置一些伪头请求,迫使浏览器重新取回它们。然后,您应该收到一个if-modified,因为任何现代浏览器的标题都是这样:

If-Modified-Since: Sat, 29 Oct 1994 19:43:31 GMT

Just be careful not to send any Last-Modified headers with the first response because


To get best results when sending an If- Modified-Since header field for cache validation, clients are advised to use the exact date string received in a previous Last- Modified header field whenever possible.

为了在发送If- Modified- since header字段进行缓存验证时获得最佳结果,建议客户端尽可能使用上一次修改的header字段中收到的确切日期字符串。

Note the "whenever possible" disclaimer. This, and other parts of the header description imply that the client will use its own clock when it doesn't know anything of the servers.


With the right combination of headers this could actually work very well.


EDIT: Tried some tests with FF but couldn't find a valid combination of headers to trigger an if-modified-since in client time. FF only sends the header if it got a last-modified header previously and then it just reflects the value back (even if it isn't a valid date).




I've seen a website where instead of asking what timezone the user was in it simply asked "pick the correct time" and it showed them a list of times. It's a subtle difference from "what timezone are you in" but much easier to understand. Unfortunately I can't find the website anymore




Maybe with a server side language you could do an IP lookup, and then determine from their country what timezone they could be in.


I'd imagine this could be problematic, though.


If going down this road, this question (and answers) may be of assistance.


Getting the location from an IP address




Use both. Have javascript set the default value of a list or text field. The percentage of people without javascript is so small the burden is tiny.


I was going to say "Use the request Date: header" but that's a response header only it seems.




I thought of another solution but it is a little complex. Set up some fake HEAD requests with a max-age: 1 response header to coerce the browser into re-fetching them. You should then receive an if-modified-since header from any modern browser like so:

我想到了另一种解决办法,但有点复杂。使用max-age: 1响应头设置一些伪头请求,迫使浏览器重新取回它们。然后,您应该收到一个if-modified,因为任何现代浏览器的标题都是这样:

If-Modified-Since: Sat, 29 Oct 1994 19:43:31 GMT

Just be careful not to send any Last-Modified headers with the first response because


To get best results when sending an If- Modified-Since header field for cache validation, clients are advised to use the exact date string received in a previous Last- Modified header field whenever possible.

为了在发送If- Modified- since header字段进行缓存验证时获得最佳结果,建议客户端尽可能使用上一次修改的header字段中收到的确切日期字符串。

Note the "whenever possible" disclaimer. This, and other parts of the header description imply that the client will use its own clock when it doesn't know anything of the servers.


With the right combination of headers this could actually work very well.


EDIT: Tried some tests with FF but couldn't find a valid combination of headers to trigger an if-modified-since in client time. FF only sends the header if it got a last-modified header previously and then it just reflects the value back (even if it isn't a valid date).




I've seen a website where instead of asking what timezone the user was in it simply asked "pick the correct time" and it showed them a list of times. It's a subtle difference from "what timezone are you in" but much easier to understand. Unfortunately I can't find the website anymore
