
时间:2022-02-04 17:23:15

Would like to create a presentation on how the browser work, does anybody know the exact lifecycle sequence which happen whenever a browser URL is requested?


What are the steps which happen after a response is received from the server in terms of :


  1. Rendering - CSS filters application, webkit etc...
  2. 渲染- CSS过滤器应用,webkit等…
  3. Javascript - Loading and running
  4. Javascript -加载和运行
  5. CSS Application
  6. CSS应用程序
  7. DOM Construction / at which point is the DOM written and how?
  8. DOM构建/在哪个点编写DOM以及如何编写?
  9. Cookies
  10. 饼干
  11. Other network related activities etc.
  12. 其他网络相关活动等。

-- not quiet sure if this is even the right order...


is it the same in all browsers or different browsers have different lifecycles?


Note - a well written answer with details explaining each step by Ced below. what I was actually looking for was "Critical Rendering Path" - the general stages of the process are well explained by other good answers.


Thank God, and good job everyone!


5 个解决方案



What you are talking about is the Critical Rendering Path.


The point 1., 3. and 4. can be resumed as such:


  1. Construction of Document Object Model(DOM)
  2. 文档对象模型(DOM)的构建
  3. Construction of CSS object model(CSSOM)
  4. CSS对象模型的构建
  5. Construction of Render Tree
  6. 建设呈现树
  7. Layout
  8. 布局
  9. Paint.
  10. 油漆。

Here is a break down of what happens behind the scene.


1. Constructing the DOM object.


The first step is creating the DOM. Indeed what you receive from the network are bytes and the browser use the so called DOM tree. Therefor it needs to convert those bytes into the DOM tree.



  1. You receive the page as bytes. Your browser converts it to text.
  2. 您以字节的形式接收页面。浏览器将其转换为文本。
  3. Text is converted to nodes.
  4. 文本被转换为节点。
  5. nodes are converted to "objects"
  6. 节点被转换为“对象”
  7. Construction of the tree, called the DOM TREE.
  8. 树的结构,称为DOM树。

You can check the developer tool to see how much time it takes.



Here we can see it took 4.938ms.


When this process is finished the browser will have the full content of the page, but to be able to render the browser has to wait for the CSS Object Model, also known as CSSOM event, which will tell the browser how the elements should look like when rendered.


2. Handling the CSS


For the css it's the same as above, the browser needs to convert those file into the CSSOM:



The css is also a tree structure. Indeed if you put a font-size to the parent element then the children will inherit it.



That's called recalculate style in the developer tool



CSS is one of the most important elements of the critical rendering path, because the browser blocks page rendering until it receives and processes all the css files in your page, CSS is render blocking


3. Render tree


CSSOM AND DOM are combined for display.



4. Layout


Everything has to be calculated in pixels. So when you say an element has a width of 50%, the browser behind the scene transform that in pixels:



Every time an update to the render tree is made, or the size of the viewport changes, the browser has to run layout again.




The step is converting all this into pixels on screen. This is the paint step.




For the JavaScript lifecycle you can find info here.


The gist of it is that the event you most likely care about is DOMContentLoaded. This is when the DOM is ready.


When the browser initially loads HTML and comes across a <script>...</script> in the text, it can’t continue building DOM. It must execute the script right now. So DOM Content Loaded may only happen after all such scripts are executed.


External scripts (with src) also put DOM building to pause while the script is loading and executing. So DOM Content Loaded waits for external scripts as well.


The only exception are external scripts with async and defer attributes. They tell the browser to continue processing without waiting for the scripts. So the user can see the page before scripts finish loading, good for performance.


Beside that, where is JavaScript in all this ?


Well it's being executed between the repaints. However it is blocking. The browser will wait for JavaScript to be done before repainting the page. That means that if you want your page to have good response (lots of fps), then the JS has to be relatively inexpensive.




When receiving an HTTP request, a server can send a Set-Cookie header with the response. The cookie is usually stored by the browser and, afterwards, the cookie value is sent along with every request made to the same server as the content of a Cookie HTTP header. Additionally, an expiration delay can be specified as well as restrictions to a specific domain and path, limiting how long and to which site the cookie is sent to.

当接收到HTTP请求时,服务器可以发送带有响应的Set-Cookie头。cookie通常是由浏览器存储的,之后,cookie的值就会被发送到与cookie HTTP头的内容相同的服务器上。此外,可以指定过期延迟以及对特定域和路径的限制,从而限制发送cookie的时间和位置。

For the networking stuff, this is beyond the scope of browser lifecycle, which your question is about. This is also something I'm not well versed in but you can read about TCP here . What you might be interested in is the handshake.






You can find many explanations on this topic, but I guess following is the easiest explanation to understand how browser(s) renders a web page.


  1. You type an URL into address bar in your preferred browser.
  2. 在首选浏览器中键入地址栏的URL。
  3. The browser parses the URL to find the protocol, host, port, and path and it forms a HTTP request (that was most likely the protocol).
  4. 浏览器解析URL来查找协议、主机、端口和路径,并形成一个HTTP请求(很可能是协议)。
  5. To reach the host, it first needs to translate the human readable host into an IP number, and it does this by doing a DNS lookup on the host
  6. 要到达主机,它首先需要将人类可读的主机转换为IP号,并通过在主机上执行DNS查找来实现这一点
  7. Then a socket needs to be opened from the user’s computer to that IP number, on the port specified (most often port 80)
  8. 然后,需要在指定的端口(通常是端口80)上,从用户的计算机打开一个套接字到该IP号码
  9. When a connection is open, the HTTP request is sent to the host
  10. 当连接打开时,HTTP请求被发送到主机
  11. The host forwards the request to the server software (most often Apache) configured to listen on the specified port
  12. 主机将请求转发给配置为监听指定端口的服务器软件(通常是Apache)
  13. The server inspects the request (most often only the path), and launches the server plugin needed to handle the request (corresponding to the server language you use, PHP, Java, .NET, Python?)
  14. 服务器检查请求(通常只检查路径),并启动处理请求所需的服务器插件(对应于您使用的服务器语言PHP、Java、.NET、Python?)
  15. The plugin gets access to the full request, and starts to prepare a HTTP response.
  16. 插件可以访问完整的请求,并开始准备HTTP响应。
  17. To construct the response a database is (most likely) accessed. A database search is made, based on parameters in the path (or data) of the request
  18. 要构造访问数据库(最有可能)的响应。根据请求路径(或数据)中的参数进行数据库搜索
  19. Data from the database, together with other information the plugin decides to add, is combined into a long string of text (probably HTML).
  20. 来自数据库的数据,以及插件决定添加的其他信息,被组合成一长串文本(可能是HTML)。
  21. The plugin combines that data with some meta data (in the form of HTTP headers), and sends the HTTP response back to the browser.
  22. 插件将这些数据与一些元数据(以HTTP头的形式)结合起来,并将HTTP响应发送回浏览器。
  23. The browser receives the response, and parses the HTML (which with 95% probability is broken) in the response.
  24. 浏览器接收响应,并解析响应中的HTML(有95%的概率被破坏)。
  25. A DOM tree is built out of the broken HTML and new requests are made to the server for each new resource that is found in the HTML source (typically images, style sheets, and JavaScript files). Go back to step 3 and repeat for each resource.
  26. DOM树是由损坏的HTML构建的,对于HTML源文件(通常是图像、样式表和JavaScript文件)中的每个新资源,都会向服务器发出新的请求。回到步骤3,对每个资源进行重复。
  27. Stylesheets are parsed, and the rendering information in each gets attached to the matching node in the DOM tree.
  28. 解析样式表,并将每个样式表中的呈现信息附加到DOM树中的匹配节点。
  29. Javascript is parsed and executed, and DOM nodes are moved and style information is updated accordingly.
  30. 解析并执行Javascript,移动DOM节点并相应地更新样式信息。
  31. The browser renders the page on the screen according to the DOM tree and the style information for each node and you see the page on the screen.
  32. 浏览器根据DOM树和每个节点的样式信息在屏幕上呈现页面,您可以在屏幕上看到页面。




I'd like to suggest the following for anyone who would like to watch what happens, it's a cheap answer but it might be useful to explain how the browser retrieves it's cascade of files to construct the contents of a URL (in this case an html).


  1. Browse to a page you want to use to demonstrate in Chrome (or use this page for a fairly complex example)
  2. 浏览到想要在Chrome中演示的页面(或者使用这个页面进行比较复杂的示例)
  3. Open the console (Ctrl + Shift + i)
  4. 打开控制台(Ctrl + Shift + i)
  5. Select "Network" from the options
  6. 从选项中选择“网络”。
  7. Hit F5
  8. 按F5

Play with the settings. You should also look at the timeline created in the Performance tab


  1. Select "Performance" from the options
  2. 从选项中选择“Performance”
  3. Hit F5
  4. 按F5

It may be useful here to throttle back the performance, so you can watch it in real time (slow) if that's something you want to demonstrate.


The important thing is (using an HTML page as an example), the order of rendering/applying css/running javascript, depends on where it appears in the DOM. It's possible to execute a script at any point after it's loaded, subject to the required resources being available. Css could be part of the HTML document (inline) or it might be coming from a very busy server and take 10-20 seconds before it can be applied. Hope this is of some help -R




  1. The answer to all most of your questions "What happens when we search Google".
  2. 你的大部分问题的答案是“当我们搜索谷歌时会发生什么”。
  3. The browser renders HTML to the page by following html syntax standard. Remember that browsers are very forgiving and there is such thing as invalid HTML.
  4. 浏览器通过遵循HTML语法标准将HTML呈现到页面。请记住,浏览器是非常宽容的,有一些东西是无效的HTML。
  5. Css is applied to the page by following css grammar.
  6. Css通过遵循Css语法应用于页面。
  7. All browsers have to implement js according to ECMA Script standards.
  8. 所有浏览器都必须按照ECMA脚本标准实现js。

Some other useful resources:


  1. Firefox 3D tilt plugin help visualise webpages and how they are rendering content in different layers.浏览器页面生命周期是如何工作的?

    Firefox 3D tilt插件可以让网页可视化,以及在不同层中呈现内容。

  2. Chrome's performance tab a good visualisation of what happens during a page load and how the dom tree is constructed. It helps in identifying the bottlenecks in the render process.


  3. You can see a lot of backend functionality of your browser like the cached HTML content, cached images, dns cache, open ports etc. by opening chrome://net-internals/.

    通过打开chrome:// /net-internals/,您可以看到浏览器的许多后端功能,如缓存的HTML内容、缓存的图像、dns缓存、打开的端口等。



I fear that you mean when the browser URL is requested by the user, because you mention the other activity, which can be a great many things.


After retrieving the initial document that can contain user content, markup, even images:


  • linked and embedded resources (CSS, images) are requested via extra HTTP requests.
  • 链接和嵌入的资源(CSS,图像)通过额外的HTTP请求被请求。
  • JS could trigger additional (a)synchronous requests to retrieve or store assets, data, etc. (XML, JSON, ...)
  • JS可以触发额外的(a)同步请求来检索或存储资产、数据等(XML、JSON、…)
  • Additional sockets can be opened to transer all kinds of (binary) data back and forth.
  • 可以打开其他套接字来来回传输各种(二进制)数据。
  • Local storage (cookies, indexedDB, browser cache, ..) can be used to re-use data for subsequent requests
  • 本地存储(cookie、indexedDB、浏览器缓存等)可用于为后续请求重用数据
  • Through many APIs the page can use the client's hardware (camera, GPS, microphone, speakers, joystick, filesystem, etc.)
  • 通过许多api,页面可以使用客户端的硬件(摄像机、GPS、麦克风、扬声器、操纵杆、文件系统等)。
  • All kinds of client side plugins can be invoked: PDF reader, Flash/Silverlight, Citrix connections, E-mail client
  • 可以调用各种客户端插件:PDF阅读器、Flash/Silverlight、Citrix连接、电子邮件客户端
  • The page may communicatie bilateral with other instances of the same page
  • 页面可以与同一页面的其他实例进行双边通信

There are many many flowcharts, for like authentication, SSL, CORS, etc. While Ced's answer is very detailed (+1 !), it is only the tip of the iceberg. Perhaps you should KISS it for the sake of the presentation audience, your choice.

有许多流程图,例如身份验证、SSL、CORS等。尽管Ced的答案非常详细(+1 !),但这只是冰山一角。也许你应该为了你的听众,你的选择而亲吻它。



What you are talking about is the Critical Rendering Path.


The point 1., 3. and 4. can be resumed as such:


  1. Construction of Document Object Model(DOM)
  2. 文档对象模型(DOM)的构建
  3. Construction of CSS object model(CSSOM)
  4. CSS对象模型的构建
  5. Construction of Render Tree
  6. 建设呈现树
  7. Layout
  8. 布局
  9. Paint.
  10. 油漆。

Here is a break down of what happens behind the scene.


1. Constructing the DOM object.


The first step is creating the DOM. Indeed what you receive from the network are bytes and the browser use the so called DOM tree. Therefor it needs to convert those bytes into the DOM tree.



  1. You receive the page as bytes. Your browser converts it to text.
  2. 您以字节的形式接收页面。浏览器将其转换为文本。
  3. Text is converted to nodes.
  4. 文本被转换为节点。
  5. nodes are converted to "objects"
  6. 节点被转换为“对象”
  7. Construction of the tree, called the DOM TREE.
  8. 树的结构,称为DOM树。

You can check the developer tool to see how much time it takes.



Here we can see it took 4.938ms.


When this process is finished the browser will have the full content of the page, but to be able to render the browser has to wait for the CSS Object Model, also known as CSSOM event, which will tell the browser how the elements should look like when rendered.


2. Handling the CSS


For the css it's the same as above, the browser needs to convert those file into the CSSOM:



The css is also a tree structure. Indeed if you put a font-size to the parent element then the children will inherit it.



That's called recalculate style in the developer tool



CSS is one of the most important elements of the critical rendering path, because the browser blocks page rendering until it receives and processes all the css files in your page, CSS is render blocking


3. Render tree


CSSOM AND DOM are combined for display.



4. Layout


Everything has to be calculated in pixels. So when you say an element has a width of 50%, the browser behind the scene transform that in pixels:



Every time an update to the render tree is made, or the size of the viewport changes, the browser has to run layout again.




The step is converting all this into pixels on screen. This is the paint step.




For the JavaScript lifecycle you can find info here.


The gist of it is that the event you most likely care about is DOMContentLoaded. This is when the DOM is ready.


When the browser initially loads HTML and comes across a <script>...</script> in the text, it can’t continue building DOM. It must execute the script right now. So DOM Content Loaded may only happen after all such scripts are executed.


External scripts (with src) also put DOM building to pause while the script is loading and executing. So DOM Content Loaded waits for external scripts as well.


The only exception are external scripts with async and defer attributes. They tell the browser to continue processing without waiting for the scripts. So the user can see the page before scripts finish loading, good for performance.


Beside that, where is JavaScript in all this ?


Well it's being executed between the repaints. However it is blocking. The browser will wait for JavaScript to be done before repainting the page. That means that if you want your page to have good response (lots of fps), then the JS has to be relatively inexpensive.




When receiving an HTTP request, a server can send a Set-Cookie header with the response. The cookie is usually stored by the browser and, afterwards, the cookie value is sent along with every request made to the same server as the content of a Cookie HTTP header. Additionally, an expiration delay can be specified as well as restrictions to a specific domain and path, limiting how long and to which site the cookie is sent to.

当接收到HTTP请求时,服务器可以发送带有响应的Set-Cookie头。cookie通常是由浏览器存储的,之后,cookie的值就会被发送到与cookie HTTP头的内容相同的服务器上。此外,可以指定过期延迟以及对特定域和路径的限制,从而限制发送cookie的时间和位置。

For the networking stuff, this is beyond the scope of browser lifecycle, which your question is about. This is also something I'm not well versed in but you can read about TCP here . What you might be interested in is the handshake.






You can find many explanations on this topic, but I guess following is the easiest explanation to understand how browser(s) renders a web page.


  1. You type an URL into address bar in your preferred browser.
  2. 在首选浏览器中键入地址栏的URL。
  3. The browser parses the URL to find the protocol, host, port, and path and it forms a HTTP request (that was most likely the protocol).
  4. 浏览器解析URL来查找协议、主机、端口和路径,并形成一个HTTP请求(很可能是协议)。
  5. To reach the host, it first needs to translate the human readable host into an IP number, and it does this by doing a DNS lookup on the host
  6. 要到达主机,它首先需要将人类可读的主机转换为IP号,并通过在主机上执行DNS查找来实现这一点
  7. Then a socket needs to be opened from the user’s computer to that IP number, on the port specified (most often port 80)
  8. 然后,需要在指定的端口(通常是端口80)上,从用户的计算机打开一个套接字到该IP号码
  9. When a connection is open, the HTTP request is sent to the host
  10. 当连接打开时,HTTP请求被发送到主机
  11. The host forwards the request to the server software (most often Apache) configured to listen on the specified port
  12. 主机将请求转发给配置为监听指定端口的服务器软件(通常是Apache)
  13. The server inspects the request (most often only the path), and launches the server plugin needed to handle the request (corresponding to the server language you use, PHP, Java, .NET, Python?)
  14. 服务器检查请求(通常只检查路径),并启动处理请求所需的服务器插件(对应于您使用的服务器语言PHP、Java、.NET、Python?)
  15. The plugin gets access to the full request, and starts to prepare a HTTP response.
  16. 插件可以访问完整的请求,并开始准备HTTP响应。
  17. To construct the response a database is (most likely) accessed. A database search is made, based on parameters in the path (or data) of the request
  18. 要构造访问数据库(最有可能)的响应。根据请求路径(或数据)中的参数进行数据库搜索
  19. Data from the database, together with other information the plugin decides to add, is combined into a long string of text (probably HTML).
  20. 来自数据库的数据,以及插件决定添加的其他信息,被组合成一长串文本(可能是HTML)。
  21. The plugin combines that data with some meta data (in the form of HTTP headers), and sends the HTTP response back to the browser.
  22. 插件将这些数据与一些元数据(以HTTP头的形式)结合起来,并将HTTP响应发送回浏览器。
  23. The browser receives the response, and parses the HTML (which with 95% probability is broken) in the response.
  24. 浏览器接收响应,并解析响应中的HTML(有95%的概率被破坏)。
  25. A DOM tree is built out of the broken HTML and new requests are made to the server for each new resource that is found in the HTML source (typically images, style sheets, and JavaScript files). Go back to step 3 and repeat for each resource.
  26. DOM树是由损坏的HTML构建的,对于HTML源文件(通常是图像、样式表和JavaScript文件)中的每个新资源,都会向服务器发出新的请求。回到步骤3,对每个资源进行重复。
  27. Stylesheets are parsed, and the rendering information in each gets attached to the matching node in the DOM tree.
  28. 解析样式表,并将每个样式表中的呈现信息附加到DOM树中的匹配节点。
  29. Javascript is parsed and executed, and DOM nodes are moved and style information is updated accordingly.
  30. 解析并执行Javascript,移动DOM节点并相应地更新样式信息。
  31. The browser renders the page on the screen according to the DOM tree and the style information for each node and you see the page on the screen.
  32. 浏览器根据DOM树和每个节点的样式信息在屏幕上呈现页面,您可以在屏幕上看到页面。




I'd like to suggest the following for anyone who would like to watch what happens, it's a cheap answer but it might be useful to explain how the browser retrieves it's cascade of files to construct the contents of a URL (in this case an html).


  1. Browse to a page you want to use to demonstrate in Chrome (or use this page for a fairly complex example)
  2. 浏览到想要在Chrome中演示的页面(或者使用这个页面进行比较复杂的示例)
  3. Open the console (Ctrl + Shift + i)
  4. 打开控制台(Ctrl + Shift + i)
  5. Select "Network" from the options
  6. 从选项中选择“网络”。
  7. Hit F5
  8. 按F5

Play with the settings. You should also look at the timeline created in the Performance tab


  1. Select "Performance" from the options
  2. 从选项中选择“Performance”
  3. Hit F5
  4. 按F5

It may be useful here to throttle back the performance, so you can watch it in real time (slow) if that's something you want to demonstrate.


The important thing is (using an HTML page as an example), the order of rendering/applying css/running javascript, depends on where it appears in the DOM. It's possible to execute a script at any point after it's loaded, subject to the required resources being available. Css could be part of the HTML document (inline) or it might be coming from a very busy server and take 10-20 seconds before it can be applied. Hope this is of some help -R




  1. The answer to all most of your questions "What happens when we search Google".
  2. 你的大部分问题的答案是“当我们搜索谷歌时会发生什么”。
  3. The browser renders HTML to the page by following html syntax standard. Remember that browsers are very forgiving and there is such thing as invalid HTML.
  4. 浏览器通过遵循HTML语法标准将HTML呈现到页面。请记住,浏览器是非常宽容的,有一些东西是无效的HTML。
  5. Css is applied to the page by following css grammar.
  6. Css通过遵循Css语法应用于页面。
  7. All browsers have to implement js according to ECMA Script standards.
  8. 所有浏览器都必须按照ECMA脚本标准实现js。

Some other useful resources:


  1. Firefox 3D tilt plugin help visualise webpages and how they are rendering content in different layers.浏览器页面生命周期是如何工作的?

    Firefox 3D tilt插件可以让网页可视化,以及在不同层中呈现内容。

  2. Chrome's performance tab a good visualisation of what happens during a page load and how the dom tree is constructed. It helps in identifying the bottlenecks in the render process.


  3. You can see a lot of backend functionality of your browser like the cached HTML content, cached images, dns cache, open ports etc. by opening chrome://net-internals/.

    通过打开chrome:// /net-internals/,您可以看到浏览器的许多后端功能,如缓存的HTML内容、缓存的图像、dns缓存、打开的端口等。



I fear that you mean when the browser URL is requested by the user, because you mention the other activity, which can be a great many things.


After retrieving the initial document that can contain user content, markup, even images:


  • linked and embedded resources (CSS, images) are requested via extra HTTP requests.
  • 链接和嵌入的资源(CSS,图像)通过额外的HTTP请求被请求。
  • JS could trigger additional (a)synchronous requests to retrieve or store assets, data, etc. (XML, JSON, ...)
  • JS可以触发额外的(a)同步请求来检索或存储资产、数据等(XML、JSON、…)
  • Additional sockets can be opened to transer all kinds of (binary) data back and forth.
  • 可以打开其他套接字来来回传输各种(二进制)数据。
  • Local storage (cookies, indexedDB, browser cache, ..) can be used to re-use data for subsequent requests
  • 本地存储(cookie、indexedDB、浏览器缓存等)可用于为后续请求重用数据
  • Through many APIs the page can use the client's hardware (camera, GPS, microphone, speakers, joystick, filesystem, etc.)
  • 通过许多api,页面可以使用客户端的硬件(摄像机、GPS、麦克风、扬声器、操纵杆、文件系统等)。
  • All kinds of client side plugins can be invoked: PDF reader, Flash/Silverlight, Citrix connections, E-mail client
  • 可以调用各种客户端插件:PDF阅读器、Flash/Silverlight、Citrix连接、电子邮件客户端
  • The page may communicatie bilateral with other instances of the same page
  • 页面可以与同一页面的其他实例进行双边通信

There are many many flowcharts, for like authentication, SSL, CORS, etc. While Ced's answer is very detailed (+1 !), it is only the tip of the iceberg. Perhaps you should KISS it for the sake of the presentation audience, your choice.

有许多流程图,例如身份验证、SSL、CORS等。尽管Ced的答案非常详细(+1 !),但这只是冰山一角。也许你应该为了你的听众,你的选择而亲吻它。