Sencha Touch 2 - 如何使用ajax / json中止存储加载

时间:2022-08-09 19:40:36

How can I abort a store load while the ajax call is still executing? I have a simple store with proxy type of 'ajax' and 'json' reader.


The documentation does not indicate any way to abort this. I have noticed that jsonp does allow aborting a load in progress. Do I have to switch to jsonp?


The motivation here is that I have a search bar and list object that gets populated with results. The actual search on the backend can take 5-10 seconds. So if a user starts a search then quickly wants to do another search (in case, for example, the first search was a typo), then the new search needs to abort the first search ajax call. Otherwise, I am seeing mixed results showing up in my search results.


As usual, any help is greatly appreciated!



1 个解决方案



The solution I have used in the past to solve this exact problem is to track each request with an incrementing counter and as requests complete I check the counter and if a request has been made with a higher counter I disregard the result.




The solution I have used in the past to solve this exact problem is to track each request with an incrementing counter and as requests complete I check the counter and if a request has been made with a higher counter I disregard the result.
