
时间:2022-02-25 16:59:35

I am looking to build a way to search through a collection of trips. The search looks at whether the trip contains the passed city names (from and to location). Each trip model has the id of the user who created the entry. The query may return 0 or 100 items in the collection. I need to display data about the user in the search results. What is the best way for me to search the trip information and also get the user information.


Each trip in the results may have a different user.


I have thought about embedding the user information in the trip model but then I have to have a strategy for updating the information every time the user information changes. The trip to user(creator) relationship will always be one-to-one. Currently I am only embedding the user ID. This works fine for when I query one trip at a time, but not for a search.


Current Query: Looking for a match in the text


module.exports = function(app) {
    app.get('/search', function(req, res) {
    var search = req.query;
    var query = {};

    if(search.origin) {
        query.origin = {
            $regex: search.origin,
            $options: 'i',

    if(search.destination) {
        query.destination = {
            $regex: search.destination,
            $options: 'i',

    Trip.find(query, function(err, trips) {
        if(err) return res.json( err );

        return res.json(trips);            

Trip Model:

var TripSchema = mongoose.Schema({
    user: {
        type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
        required: true
    origin: {
        type: String,
        required: true
    destination: {
        type: String,
        required: true
    departing: {
        type: Date,
        required: true
    returning: {
        type: Date

User Model:

var UserSchema = mongoose.Schema({
    name: {
        type: String
    username: {
        type: String
    password: {
        type: String,


1 个解决方案



I am not really sure if I did this right, but I ended up doing something like this. First I get the trips from my db based on the search string. The search is based on an origin and destination for a travel trip. Once I have the list of trips I iterate through the array and get the ID of each user and push it into another array. I take that array and I use the db.model.find() method with the $in operator to find the users from the array.

我不确定我是否做得对,但我最终做了这样的事情。首先,我根据搜索字符串从我的数据库中获取行程。搜索基于旅行的起点和终点。一旦我有了旅行列表,我就会遍历数组并获取每个用户的ID并将其推送到另一个数组中。我接受那个数组,我使用db.model.find()方法和$ in运算符来查找数组中的用户。

Because I need each trip to have a user object I iterate one more time through the trips, and assign the user obj to the trip.


I had to do some conversions to JSON because of the type of object mongoose returns. I can't just assign a new property. I converted it to JSON using the toJSON() method.


If someone knows a better approach or have any ideas how to improve the code bellow, any constructive feedback is welcomed.


app.get('/search', function(req, res) {
    if(!req.query.origin || !req.query.destination){
        return res.json({trips: []});

    var search = req.query;
    var query = {};

    if(search.origin) {
        query.origin = {
            $regex: search.origin,
            $options: 'i',

    if(search.destination) {
        query.destination = {
            $regex: search.destination,
            $options: 'i',

    Trip.find(query, function(err, trips) {
        if(err) return res.json(err);

        var userIds = [];

        //get user ids from trip
        trips.forEach(function(trip) {

        var user = User.find({
            '_id': { $in: userIds}

        user.select('id name');
        user.exec(function (err, users) {
            if (err) return res.json(err);

            var jsonTrips = [];
            var currentTrip;

            trips.forEach(function(trip) {
                currentTrip = trip.toJSON();
                currentTrip.user = findTripUser(trip.user, users);

            return res.json(jsonTrips);  

function findTripUser(tripId, users) {
    var user;
    for(var i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
        if(JSON.stringify(users[i]._id)=== JSON.stringify(tripId)) {
            user = users[i];

    return user.toJSON();



I am not really sure if I did this right, but I ended up doing something like this. First I get the trips from my db based on the search string. The search is based on an origin and destination for a travel trip. Once I have the list of trips I iterate through the array and get the ID of each user and push it into another array. I take that array and I use the db.model.find() method with the $in operator to find the users from the array.

我不确定我是否做得对,但我最终做了这样的事情。首先,我根据搜索字符串从我的数据库中获取行程。搜索基于旅行的起点和终点。一旦我有了旅行列表,我就会遍历数组并获取每个用户的ID并将其推送到另一个数组中。我接受那个数组,我使用db.model.find()方法和$ in运算符来查找数组中的用户。

Because I need each trip to have a user object I iterate one more time through the trips, and assign the user obj to the trip.


I had to do some conversions to JSON because of the type of object mongoose returns. I can't just assign a new property. I converted it to JSON using the toJSON() method.


If someone knows a better approach or have any ideas how to improve the code bellow, any constructive feedback is welcomed.


app.get('/search', function(req, res) {
    if(!req.query.origin || !req.query.destination){
        return res.json({trips: []});

    var search = req.query;
    var query = {};

    if(search.origin) {
        query.origin = {
            $regex: search.origin,
            $options: 'i',

    if(search.destination) {
        query.destination = {
            $regex: search.destination,
            $options: 'i',

    Trip.find(query, function(err, trips) {
        if(err) return res.json(err);

        var userIds = [];

        //get user ids from trip
        trips.forEach(function(trip) {

        var user = User.find({
            '_id': { $in: userIds}

        user.select('id name');
        user.exec(function (err, users) {
            if (err) return res.json(err);

            var jsonTrips = [];
            var currentTrip;

            trips.forEach(function(trip) {
                currentTrip = trip.toJSON();
                currentTrip.user = findTripUser(trip.user, users);

            return res.json(jsonTrips);  

function findTripUser(tripId, users) {
    var user;
    for(var i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
        if(JSON.stringify(users[i]._id)=== JSON.stringify(tripId)) {
            user = users[i];

    return user.toJSON();