$ meteor.collection不返回Collection

时间:2021-08-29 16:24:36

Following the Angular-Meteor tutorial step 9, I'm trying to create an Angular directive that uses a Meteor collection.


This file is in the root folder:


TicTacToeBoards = new Meteor.Collection("tic_tac_toe_boards");

if (Meteor.isServer) {
    Meteor.publish('TicTacToeBoards', function() { return TicTacToeBoards.find(); });

This file is in the /client folder:

该文件位于/ client文件夹中:

angular.module('TicTacToe').directive('tictactoegraph', function() {
    return {
        templateUrl: 'client/graph/tictactoegraph.ng.html',
        scope: true,
        controller: function($scope, $meteor, Sigma, TicTacToeClass) {
            $scope.TicTacToeBoards = false;

                $scope.TicTacToeBoards = $meteor.collection(TicTacToeBoards);
        link: function($scope, element, attrs) {
            // TODO: Ask SO if there's a better way to wait on the subscription....
            $scope.$watch('TicTacToeBoards', function(newValue, oldValue) {
                if ($scope.TicTacToeBoards) {
                    console.log($scope.TicTacToeBoards); // An array of objects.
                    var nextBoards = $scope.TicTacToeBoards.find({ numberOfMoves: 0 });

Unfortunately, it gives an error:


TypeError: $scope.TicTacToeBoards.find is not a function

TypeError:$ scope.TicTacToeBoards.find不是函数

It appears that $scope.TicTacToeBoards is not a Mongo cursor, but is the array of objects that TicTacToeBoards.find() would return. Why isn't it a cursor?

似乎$ scope.TicTacToeBoards不是Mongo游标,而是TicTacToeBoards.find()将返回的对象数组。为什么不是光标?

1 个解决方案



You are right, $meteor.collection doesn't return a cursor, it returns an array of type AngularMeteorCollection which is different: http://angular-meteor.com/api/AngularMeteorCollection

你是对的,$ meteor.collection不返回游标,它返回一个不同类型的AngularMeteorCollection数组:http://angular-meteor.com/api/AngularMeteorCollection

It does that because we wanted to give Angular developers a regular array with ll it's API to work easily with.


It's an interesting idea to add a find function to that array though. Do want want to use that function to return a filtered object? You could use filters for that, but maybe we can add this option as well




You are right, $meteor.collection doesn't return a cursor, it returns an array of type AngularMeteorCollection which is different: http://angular-meteor.com/api/AngularMeteorCollection

你是对的,$ meteor.collection不返回游标,它返回一个不同类型的AngularMeteorCollection数组:http://angular-meteor.com/api/AngularMeteorCollection

It does that because we wanted to give Angular developers a regular array with ll it's API to work easily with.


It's an interesting idea to add a find function to that array though. Do want want to use that function to return a filtered object? You could use filters for that, but maybe we can add this option as well
