我可以使用Sqoop将数据从SQL Server导入Azure blob存储

时间:2022-04-20 17:04:53

Is there anyway we can import tables from SQL Server database into Azure Blob storage in .parquet file format using Sqoop utility?

无论如何我们可以使用Sqoop实用程序将表格从SQL Server数据库导入到.parquet文件格式的Azure Blob存储中吗?

Does sqoop accept the destination as wasb(s):// protocol to point to Azure blob storage?

sqoop是否接受目标为wasb(s)://协议指向Azure blob存储?

1 个解决方案



If you create an HDInsight cluster pointing to an existing blob storage, use sqoop for the transfer and then delete the cluster, the data will be there, in the blob storage. This is a possible work around.




If you create an HDInsight cluster pointing to an existing blob storage, use sqoop for the transfer and then delete the cluster, the data will be there, in the blob storage. This is a possible work around.
