
时间:2022-07-04 16:52:42

I'm trying to build a distributed system to run some performance intensive calculations. One calculation can be done in parallel at multiple worker nodes. The problem is, as the data source keeps changing in real-time, we want each worker node (during a single calculation) to operate on the same "version" of data, i.e. a point-in-time snapshot of the database. This is to avoid inconsistent results.


Another issue is, the entire set of input data per calculation can be very large, so currently we keep a local cache at each worker node, which refreshes the content periodically by asking the data source for "diffs" since the current local cache version and applies the diffs to the local cache.


What are some design strategies to achieve the requirement that each worker node sees the same "version" of data (while still have reasonably fresh data)? I have thought about a solution below but wanted to see if this is a common pattern that has been solved:


  • Build a "versioning" service that periodically queries the data source for diffs and store each diff as a data "version". The worker node's caches sync with the versioning service and also keep its cached data at multiple versions. For one calculation, we make sure that the worker nodes use input data at the same version to achieve consistency. This versioning service should also keep the latest copy of the entire data set for the worker node to load its cache initially, and to restore the local cache content if a worker node goes down and goes back up.
  • 构建一个“版本控制”服务,定期查询数据源的差异,并将每个差异存储为数据“版本”。工作节点的缓存与版本控制服务同步,并将其缓存数据保留在多个版本中。对于一个计算,我们确保工作节点使用相同版本的输入数据来实现一致性。此版本控制服务还应保留工作节点的整个数据集的最新副本,以便最初加载其缓存,并在工作节点关闭并重新启动时恢复本地缓存内容。

Some estimated parameters of the system:


  • Number of workers: 10


  • Average job duration: obviously we want this to be as fast as possible, but let's say it should be less than 2 minutes


  • Input data for a job (overall for all workers): ~100GB


  • Size of the database: ~1TB


2 个解决方案



If you are not tied to MySQL and could to use Oracle there is a simple solution for you:


Oracle Flashback

Oracle Flashback

(I have not found MySQL flashback yet comment please if you know some motor for this.) You do not have to create a manual snapshot etc. You could use this with a single database server and all of your processes could read the data as it was represented in the requiried time. This solution is pretty clean and robust but requires licences.


If I were you I would try to take a step back and try to simplify the problem a bit more. If the different workers could run parallel the following should apply:


  • None of the workers use the output of the others
  • 没有工人使用其他人的输出
  • None of them is altering the original data
  • 他们都没有改变原始数据

If both of those requirement is valid you could use a single database to store the calculations etc. The only thing You have to care about is that the transactions should be carefully planned.


On the other hand on a simmilar project we used a small trick to achive this (as the flashback solution): there was the insertion time stored in the database too. (And updates were actually inserts with new timestamps.) All of the calculations etc were made on accurate records by adding to the query the

另一方面,在一个类似的项目中,我们使用了一个小技巧来实现这一点(作为闪回解决方案):插入时间也存储在数据库中。 (并且更新实际上是插入了新的时间戳。)所有的计算等都是通过添加到查询中的准确记录来进行的。

give me the last version of this kind of row before x timestamp


With this solution we avoided the licence costs and the snapshot maintanence. The only problem with this, if you do not need the whole history it will eat your database space pertty fast. To solve this we made a cron job that is clearing off the unused records based on the timestamp.


If you want to get more, there is something called shadow tables. There is a nice MySQL blog post on this topic: http://arnab.org/blog/shadow-tables-using-mysql-triggers




I think that you are overcomplicating. For your task, you need to store and to differentiate only the current and the latest version of data. So, your script should:


  1. mark latest data as currently used dataset
  2. 将最新数据标记为当前使用的数据集
  3. delete all older data
  4. 删除所有旧数据
  5. tell workers to use marked dataset
  6. 告诉工人使用标记数据集
  7. all this time, you add new data to tables (not update but add)
  8. 这一次,你向表中添加新数据(不更新但添加)
  9. go to step 1
  10. 转到第1步



If you are not tied to MySQL and could to use Oracle there is a simple solution for you:


Oracle Flashback

Oracle Flashback

(I have not found MySQL flashback yet comment please if you know some motor for this.) You do not have to create a manual snapshot etc. You could use this with a single database server and all of your processes could read the data as it was represented in the requiried time. This solution is pretty clean and robust but requires licences.


If I were you I would try to take a step back and try to simplify the problem a bit more. If the different workers could run parallel the following should apply:


  • None of the workers use the output of the others
  • 没有工人使用其他人的输出
  • None of them is altering the original data
  • 他们都没有改变原始数据

If both of those requirement is valid you could use a single database to store the calculations etc. The only thing You have to care about is that the transactions should be carefully planned.


On the other hand on a simmilar project we used a small trick to achive this (as the flashback solution): there was the insertion time stored in the database too. (And updates were actually inserts with new timestamps.) All of the calculations etc were made on accurate records by adding to the query the

另一方面,在一个类似的项目中,我们使用了一个小技巧来实现这一点(作为闪回解决方案):插入时间也存储在数据库中。 (并且更新实际上是插入了新的时间戳。)所有的计算等都是通过添加到查询中的准确记录来进行的。

give me the last version of this kind of row before x timestamp


With this solution we avoided the licence costs and the snapshot maintanence. The only problem with this, if you do not need the whole history it will eat your database space pertty fast. To solve this we made a cron job that is clearing off the unused records based on the timestamp.


If you want to get more, there is something called shadow tables. There is a nice MySQL blog post on this topic: http://arnab.org/blog/shadow-tables-using-mysql-triggers




I think that you are overcomplicating. For your task, you need to store and to differentiate only the current and the latest version of data. So, your script should:


  1. mark latest data as currently used dataset
  2. 将最新数据标记为当前使用的数据集
  3. delete all older data
  4. 删除所有旧数据
  5. tell workers to use marked dataset
  6. 告诉工人使用标记数据集
  7. all this time, you add new data to tables (not update but add)
  8. 这一次,你向表中添加新数据(不更新但添加)
  9. go to step 1
  10. 转到第1步