Windows Azure:删除附加到不存在的VM的磁盘

时间:2021-10-20 17:05:49

Just found out I was taking up - and paying for - a lot of storage due to abandoned disks from long ago deleted VMs. I manged to delete most of them, but now I'm stuck with a set that cannot be deleted as they remain attached to VMs nowhere to be found.


Any ideas how to get rid of these disks, PowerShell tricks maybe?


4 个解决方案



If I am understanding correct, Once you delete a Virtual Machine, it delete the service but keep a copy of the VHD image under Disks. So please go to the Disks tab under virtual Machine and try to delete it.


If that is not the case, please add a screenshot with error message from where your trying to delete VM.




The only way to do this that I can see is through PowerShell. I ran into the same problem and here's how I fixed it. I installed the Azure PowerShell extensions and configured my subscription and then my storage account. Once I did that I then ran this command

我能看到的唯一方法就是通过PowerShell。我遇到了同样的问题,这就是我修复它的方法。我安装了Azure PowerShell扩展并配置了我的订阅,然后配置了我的存储帐户。一旦我这样做,我就运行了这个命令

get-azuredisk | Remove-AzureDisk

Get-azuredisk will grab all disks In my case I needed all of them removed. If you need to do individual then you need to get the name of the disk and then run remove-azuredisk with the name switch and specify the disk name to remove it. That fixed it for me. Hope this helps someone in the future.




In the "new" Azure portal. Select Storage Accounts, then click on the storage account" where your none used VHD's are located, Click Blobs under Services, Click vhds under Essentials, search for unwanted vhd and click delete.




I was unable to use the (2016) web portal to delete orphaned disks in my (classic) storage account. The answers here work, but here is a more detailed walk-through for deleteing these orphaned disks with PowerShell.



Download and install PowerShell if you haven't already. (Install and configure Azure PowerShell.) Initial steps from this doclink:

如果您还没有,请下载并安装PowerShell。 (安装和配置Azure PowerShell。)此doclink的初始步骤:

  • Check that the Azure PowerShell module is available after installing:
    Get-Module –ListAvailable

    安装后检查Azure PowerShell模块是否可用:Get-Module -ListAvailable

  • If the Azure PowerShell module is not listed, you may need to import it:
    Import-Module Azure

    如果未列出Azure PowerShell模块,则可能需要导入它:Import-Module Azure

  • Login to Azure Resource Manager:



  • Retreive your PublishSettingsFile.

    检索您的PublishSettingsFile。 GET-AzurePublishSettingsFile

    • Get-AzurePublishSettingsFile launches and prompts you to download an XML file that you can be saved anywhere.
    • Get-AzurePublishSettingsFile启动manage.windowsazure.com并提示您下载可以在任何地方保存的XML文件。
    • Reference: Get-AzurePublishSettingsFile Documentation
    • 参考:Get-AzurePublishSettingsFile文档
  • Import-AzurePublishSettingsFile and specify the path to the file just saved.
    Import-AzurePublishSettingsFile -PublishSettingsFile '<your file path>'

    导入-AzurePublishSettingsFile并指定刚刚保存的文件的路径。导入-AzurePublishSettingsFile -PublishSettingsFile' <您的文件路径> '

Show and Remove Disks

  • Show current disks. (Reference: Azure Storage Cmdlets)

    显示当前磁盘。 (参考:Azure存储Cmdlet)Get-AzureDisk

  • Quickly remove all disks. (Credit to Mike's answer)
    get-azuredisk | Remove-AzureDisk

    快速删除所有磁盘。 (相信Mike的回答)get-azuredisk |删除 - AzureDisk

  • Or remove disks by name. (Credit to Remove-AzureDisk Documentation)
    Remove-AzureDisk -DiskName disk-name-000000000000000000 -DeleteVHD

    或按名称删除磁盘。 (感谢Remove-AzureDisk文档)删除-AzureDisk -DiskName disk-name-000000000000000000 -DeleteVHD



If I am understanding correct, Once you delete a Virtual Machine, it delete the service but keep a copy of the VHD image under Disks. So please go to the Disks tab under virtual Machine and try to delete it.


If that is not the case, please add a screenshot with error message from where your trying to delete VM.




The only way to do this that I can see is through PowerShell. I ran into the same problem and here's how I fixed it. I installed the Azure PowerShell extensions and configured my subscription and then my storage account. Once I did that I then ran this command

我能看到的唯一方法就是通过PowerShell。我遇到了同样的问题,这就是我修复它的方法。我安装了Azure PowerShell扩展并配置了我的订阅,然后配置了我的存储帐户。一旦我这样做,我就运行了这个命令

get-azuredisk | Remove-AzureDisk

Get-azuredisk will grab all disks In my case I needed all of them removed. If you need to do individual then you need to get the name of the disk and then run remove-azuredisk with the name switch and specify the disk name to remove it. That fixed it for me. Hope this helps someone in the future.




In the "new" Azure portal. Select Storage Accounts, then click on the storage account" where your none used VHD's are located, Click Blobs under Services, Click vhds under Essentials, search for unwanted vhd and click delete.




I was unable to use the (2016) web portal to delete orphaned disks in my (classic) storage account. The answers here work, but here is a more detailed walk-through for deleteing these orphaned disks with PowerShell.



Download and install PowerShell if you haven't already. (Install and configure Azure PowerShell.) Initial steps from this doclink:

如果您还没有,请下载并安装PowerShell。 (安装和配置Azure PowerShell。)此doclink的初始步骤:

  • Check that the Azure PowerShell module is available after installing:
    Get-Module –ListAvailable

    安装后检查Azure PowerShell模块是否可用:Get-Module -ListAvailable

  • If the Azure PowerShell module is not listed, you may need to import it:
    Import-Module Azure

    如果未列出Azure PowerShell模块,则可能需要导入它:Import-Module Azure

  • Login to Azure Resource Manager:



  • Retreive your PublishSettingsFile.

    检索您的PublishSettingsFile。 GET-AzurePublishSettingsFile

    • Get-AzurePublishSettingsFile launches and prompts you to download an XML file that you can be saved anywhere.
    • Get-AzurePublishSettingsFile启动manage.windowsazure.com并提示您下载可以在任何地方保存的XML文件。
    • Reference: Get-AzurePublishSettingsFile Documentation
    • 参考:Get-AzurePublishSettingsFile文档
  • Import-AzurePublishSettingsFile and specify the path to the file just saved.
    Import-AzurePublishSettingsFile -PublishSettingsFile '<your file path>'

    导入-AzurePublishSettingsFile并指定刚刚保存的文件的路径。导入-AzurePublishSettingsFile -PublishSettingsFile' <您的文件路径> '

Show and Remove Disks

  • Show current disks. (Reference: Azure Storage Cmdlets)

    显示当前磁盘。 (参考:Azure存储Cmdlet)Get-AzureDisk

  • Quickly remove all disks. (Credit to Mike's answer)
    get-azuredisk | Remove-AzureDisk

    快速删除所有磁盘。 (相信Mike的回答)get-azuredisk |删除 - AzureDisk

  • Or remove disks by name. (Credit to Remove-AzureDisk Documentation)
    Remove-AzureDisk -DiskName disk-name-000000000000000000 -DeleteVHD

    或按名称删除磁盘。 (感谢Remove-AzureDisk文档)删除-AzureDisk -DiskName disk-name-000000000000000000 -DeleteVHD