
时间:2022-04-17 16:21:07

I am relatively new to Meteor (and really like it -- thank you! framework authors).

我对Meteor相对较新(非常喜欢它 - 谢谢!框架作者)。

My question is about the check package: Is there a way to call check with a RegEx pattern to validate input? I read all of the documentation for the package at the link I provided; the word "pattern" is mentioned several times, but (afaik) it was not meant to refer to a regular expression pattern.


I'm hoping I am missing something, and someone will be able to point me to a way to implement a check() call that uses a regular expression to validate a string.


1 个解决方案



Yes, you can do it with the Match.Where() pattern.


  check(str, String);
  var regexp = /* your RegExp */;
  return regexp.test(str);

(You are right that the 'patterns' referred to by the check package are not regular expression patterns; they are the 'patterns' listed in the documentation.)




Yes, you can do it with the Match.Where() pattern.


  check(str, String);
  var regexp = /* your RegExp */;
  return regexp.test(str);

(You are right that the 'patterns' referred to by the check package are not regular expression patterns; they are the 'patterns' listed in the documentation.)
