
时间:2021-11-16 16:33:36

Consider any chat application like gtalk, whatsapp. My question is related to how the server side implementation for these are done. The scenario is:
Client A wants to talk to Client B, via a chat server S. When the communication is implemented, I assume there is NAT (Network Address Translation) server running on S, by which both parties identify themselves to S.
After this point, S or whatever chat server runs on S, acts as the mediator between A and B. When A sends "Hi B, how are you?", this sentence must be going to S, and S would then send it to A.


My first question comes here: The communication between the client and server, is it encrypted? I know the data would be packetized according to TCP/IP communication stack, and that the data part of this packet would contain the actual text A sent. But this data part, is it secured by encryption? Meaning, if someone where to sniff the packets and extract the data, will they able to figure out what A send to B?
The reason I ask: If I were to make a chat application, how do I protect the privacy of my users from strangers or even myself (because what A has sent is visible to my server code, and I might as well write it to a file; who knows, Google could be doing this :P).


Now suppose B was offline, then S would have to delay sending the message to B until B comes online and asks for stored messages. Or at this point, consider an application like dropbox storing a file temporarily.


Second question: How does S store this message or file? How is the encryption done? In short, if I were to make such a product, how could I assure the users that their data is safe and private on our servers, that even I or my company cannot read it, even if we wanted to.


To summarize, how does a public domain website manage to keep it's users' data private and secure from strangers and itself?


Thanks for the suggestions!


1 个解决方案



I'm assuming 1:1 communication (in other words, Alice and Bob have a private communication) – group chats are tricky.


Have a look at OTR. Basically, you need end-to-end encryption and the chat client needs to be able to exchange keys with other users automatically and assist the user in determining whether he trusts a key (e.g. using the Socialist Millionaire Protocol that lets two users confirm each other's identity using questions about shared secrets. So, the server doesn't need any special code for this – it just forwards or stores the encrypted data without ever touching it. However, the client needs quite some code:


  • The clients need to be able to exchange public keys automatically when two users talk to each other for the first time.
  • 当两个用户第一次对话时,客户端需要能够自动交换公钥。
  • The clients need to be able to store other users' public keys so that they notice when someone's key changes.
  • 客户端需要能够存储其他用户的公钥,以便当某人的密钥发生变化时,他们能够注意到这一点。
  • The clients need to be able to assist the user at confirming the other user's identity (e.g. using the Socialist Millionaire protocol or by exchanging public key fingerprints over the telephone) and store and permanently show information about this trust (e.g. as a small "verified" icon next to the user's name).
  • 客户需要能够帮助用户在确认其他用户的身份(如使用*的百万富翁协议或通过交换公钥指纹通过电话)和永久存储和显示这种信任的信息(例如,作为一个小的“验证”图标旁边的用户的名称)。
  • The clients need to be able to encrypt/decrypt and sign/verify messages from other peers using the keys that were exchanged on first contact.
  • 客户端需要能够使用第一次接触时交换的密钥对来自其他对等点的消息进行加密/解密和签名/验证。

Of course, to convince users that their clients really do what you say, you need to disclose your source code or at least let a few independent parties review it.




I'm assuming 1:1 communication (in other words, Alice and Bob have a private communication) – group chats are tricky.


Have a look at OTR. Basically, you need end-to-end encryption and the chat client needs to be able to exchange keys with other users automatically and assist the user in determining whether he trusts a key (e.g. using the Socialist Millionaire Protocol that lets two users confirm each other's identity using questions about shared secrets. So, the server doesn't need any special code for this – it just forwards or stores the encrypted data without ever touching it. However, the client needs quite some code:


  • The clients need to be able to exchange public keys automatically when two users talk to each other for the first time.
  • 当两个用户第一次对话时,客户端需要能够自动交换公钥。
  • The clients need to be able to store other users' public keys so that they notice when someone's key changes.
  • 客户端需要能够存储其他用户的公钥,以便当某人的密钥发生变化时,他们能够注意到这一点。
  • The clients need to be able to assist the user at confirming the other user's identity (e.g. using the Socialist Millionaire protocol or by exchanging public key fingerprints over the telephone) and store and permanently show information about this trust (e.g. as a small "verified" icon next to the user's name).
  • 客户需要能够帮助用户在确认其他用户的身份(如使用*的百万富翁协议或通过交换公钥指纹通过电话)和永久存储和显示这种信任的信息(例如,作为一个小的“验证”图标旁边的用户的名称)。
  • The clients need to be able to encrypt/decrypt and sign/verify messages from other peers using the keys that were exchanged on first contact.
  • 客户端需要能够使用第一次接触时交换的密钥对来自其他对等点的消息进行加密/解密和签名/验证。

Of course, to convince users that their clients really do what you say, you need to disclose your source code or at least let a few independent parties review it.
