
时间:2022-03-23 15:36:49

I want to ask in which phase of Control Execution Lifecycle is the "Server-Side-Code written in aspx file" being executed?


Is it before SaveState or after, I claim it's in the rendering phase, is it true??


in aspx file if my code writen as



foreach (string item in myCollection)
    i.Value = item;
    i.Text = item;
<asp:RadioButtonList ID="rdlistAnswers" runat="server"</asp:RadioButtonList>

the changes made to the are rendered but not saved. but when write the tag as


<asp:RadioButtonList ID="rdlistAnswers" runat="server" OnPreRender="loadMe"</asp:RadioButtonList>

-as loadMe is an event handler method in the aspx.cs file makes the same thing as code above- the changes are rendered and saved, so when I do changes in PreRender phase the state is saved but when I do it by placing the logic in the aspx file its not saved, this means -at least as I claim- that server-side code placed in aspx file executes in rendering phase, do you agree me???

-as loadMe是aspx.cs文件中的事件处理程序方法与上面的代码相同 - 更改被呈现并保存,因此当我在PreRender阶段进行更改时,状态会被保存,但是当我通过放置逻辑时在aspx文件中它没有保存,这意味着 - 至少我声称 - 放在aspx文件中的服务器端代码在渲染阶段执行,你同意我吗???

1 个解决方案


Code written directly inside the aspx file will be executed at the end of Render Control in the ASP.NET page lifecycle.

直接在aspx文件中编写的代码将在ASP.NET页面生命周期中的Render Control结束时执行。

I tested it precompiling an aspx file and using Reflector to look at the decompiled code.



Code written directly inside the aspx file will be executed at the end of Render Control in the ASP.NET page lifecycle.

直接在aspx文件中编写的代码将在ASP.NET页面生命周期中的Render Control结束时执行。

I tested it precompiling an aspx file and using Reflector to look at the decompiled code.
