Open a text file from server on the Client-side using Javascript

时间:2022-06-26 14:57:59

No matter how much I look this up all I get is the w3C File API which focuses on local files for the client.

无论我看到多少,我得到的是w3C File API,它专注于客户端的本地文件。

What I'm trying to do is I have a server. I'm trying to use client-side javascript to grab the server hosted text file, a.txt, and display it to the innerDOM of an html page. My server directory look like this:


  • index.html
  • read.js
  • text files
    • a.txt
  • 文本文件a.txt

All I want to have happen is for, on the client side, the javascript read.js running in the index.html on onload to display the contents of a.txt. I figure that since a.txt will never be large, leaving it to the client is fine. But I can't figure out how to do this and the W3C File API isn't offering me answers.

我想要发生的只是在客户端,在onload上的index.html中运行的javascript read.js来显示a.txt的内容。我认为,因为a.txt永远不会很大,所以把它留给客户端就好了。但我无法弄清楚如何做到这一点,W3C File API没有给我答案。

If I had to guess, somehow making sure index.html loads a.txt and then grabbing that via the file API might be the way to go but I'm not sure how to do that.


And I'll admit it, I'm a bit of a noob. If I'm invalidating browser sandbox or doing something impossible, please tell me. I just thought this would be so simple.


Also, I'd appreciate that if you were going to suggest AJAX, either don't, or explain it like I'm a baby because I really don't know.


Thank you all so much for your help.


4 个解决方案



Why file API is irrelevant:


Web applications should have the ability to manipulate as wide as possible a range of user input, including files that a user may wish to upload to a remote server or manipulate inside a rich web application.


From W3C File API.

来自W3C File API。

So, File API is intended to be used to allow users to upload files from their clients into the server. On the other hand, AJAX is used to allow users to download files and other data from the server into their clients. And this is exactly what you need.

因此,File API旨在用于允许用户将文件从其客户端上载到服务器中。另一方面,AJAX用于允许用户将文件和其他数据从服务器下载到他们的客户端。这正是你所需要的。

Refer to jQuery's ajax documentation.




I believe this page should help you out with your problem.




I would suggest using an Ajax call to the file on the server, since the response of the call will typically be the contents of that file. Using Jquery this can be done by a simple


$.ajax({ 'url':'a.txt',
    'success': function(r){
        //display to innerDOM here, using r as the file



You simply want to display a txt file on the web page? Do you know about server side includes? That would be one possibility if you control the server. If you really want to do it in javascript, then AJAX would be the way to go. If it were me at that point I would figure out how to include and use jQuery to help with the ajax bits. You will simply request the text file via its URL (you can get it to load in the browser right?), and then use jQuery to put that text into some DOM element.




Why file API is irrelevant:


Web applications should have the ability to manipulate as wide as possible a range of user input, including files that a user may wish to upload to a remote server or manipulate inside a rich web application.


From W3C File API.

来自W3C File API。

So, File API is intended to be used to allow users to upload files from their clients into the server. On the other hand, AJAX is used to allow users to download files and other data from the server into their clients. And this is exactly what you need.

因此,File API旨在用于允许用户将文件从其客户端上载到服务器中。另一方面,AJAX用于允许用户将文件和其他数据从服务器下载到他们的客户端。这正是你所需要的。

Refer to jQuery's ajax documentation.




I believe this page should help you out with your problem.




I would suggest using an Ajax call to the file on the server, since the response of the call will typically be the contents of that file. Using Jquery this can be done by a simple


$.ajax({ 'url':'a.txt',
    'success': function(r){
        //display to innerDOM here, using r as the file



You simply want to display a txt file on the web page? Do you know about server side includes? That would be one possibility if you control the server. If you really want to do it in javascript, then AJAX would be the way to go. If it were me at that point I would figure out how to include and use jQuery to help with the ajax bits. You will simply request the text file via its URL (you can get it to load in the browser right?), and then use jQuery to put that text into some DOM element.
