
时间:2022-03-26 15:03:56

I am trying to develop a web application and I am stuck at a point where I need some server side code to be executed on click of a button (through the onClick event handler and not the Submit button. I learnt how to route traffic that way through a form action). I am using Node.js, Express and Jade. Can someone please help me. Here is my current code snapshot


I have made the following changes with respect to app.js to route the on-click traffic to this node.js function


app.post('/overview/delete-uni', uniappController.deleteUniversity);

Within the appropriate controller file I have added the deletion code


exports.deleteUniversity = function(req, res) {
  // Code logic
  // More code logic
  res.render('uniapp/university', {
  title: 'University'


My Jade Template looks like this. Here when I click the Update button I need the deleteUniversity code to be executed


extends ../layout

block content

          for application in user.applications
            form.form-card.form-horizontal(action='/overview/update-uni', method='POST')
              input(type='hidden', name='_csrf', value=_csrf)
                  textarea#sample5.mdl-textfield__input(type='text', rows='1', name='universityName', readonly)
                    if application.university.name
                      | #{application.university.name}
                    textarea#sample5.mdl-textfield__input(type='text', rows='1', name='universityDescription')
                      if application.university.description
                        | #{application.university.description}
                    label.mdl-textfield__label(for='sample5') Description of university...
                    | Update
                    i.material-icons delete

P.S : I am a complete noob w.r.t Jade and hence please forgive me if this is something trivial.


1 个解决方案



Create a javascript file deleteUni.js (or whatever you want to call it) and add this to your template script(src="/Scripts/deleteUni.js")

创建一个javascript文件deleteUni.js(或任何你想要的名字)并将其添加到你的模板脚本(src =“/ Scripts / deleteUni.js”)

//content of name.js

    var isButtonDisabled = false;

        //this part handles multiple button clicks by the user, trust me on this one, it's really important to have it
        if (isButtonDisabled){
            return $event.preventDefault();
        isButtonDisabled = true;

        var formData = $('#formId').serialize(); //serialize form to a variable

        $.post( "/overview/delete-uni",formData)
            //handle response

            //handle error
            //always execute
            isButtonDisabled = false;

        return $event.preventDefault();



Create a javascript file deleteUni.js (or whatever you want to call it) and add this to your template script(src="/Scripts/deleteUni.js")

创建一个javascript文件deleteUni.js(或任何你想要的名字)并将其添加到你的模板脚本(src =“/ Scripts / deleteUni.js”)

//content of name.js

    var isButtonDisabled = false;

        //this part handles multiple button clicks by the user, trust me on this one, it's really important to have it
        if (isButtonDisabled){
            return $event.preventDefault();
        isButtonDisabled = true;

        var formData = $('#formId').serialize(); //serialize form to a variable

        $.post( "/overview/delete-uni",formData)
            //handle response

            //handle error
            //always execute
            isButtonDisabled = false;

        return $event.preventDefault();