降级R版和R封装Bioconductor [复制]

时间:2021-10-04 13:28:47

This question already has an answer here:


Hello everyone I am currently running R 3.0.2 on a debian server with Bioconductor v2.13. My question is simple although searching through the internet hasn't provided me with a clear answer:

大家好,我目前在带有Bioconductor v2.13的debian服务器上运行R 3.0.2。我的问题很简单,虽然通过互联网搜索没有给我一个明确的答案:

How can I downgrade from R 3.0.2. to R 2-15?

我怎样才能从R 3.0.2降级。到R 2-15?

Considering i keep R 3.0.2 how can i downgrade Bioconductor to v2.12?

考虑到我保留R 3.0.2如何将Bioconductor降级到v2.12?

Thank you in advance,


1 个解决方案



Generally, Bioconductor is designed to work with specific versions of R, so there are no guarantees associated with using older versions of Bioconductor (or any R package) with newer versions of R. Better to ask questions about Bioconductor packages on the Bioconductor mailing list. Probably what you're saying is that there is some problem with your current Bioconductor installation, and what you'd really be better of doing is fixing the problem.


Check out the LibPath of installed.packages(), and compare to the output of .libPaths(). I have


> head(installed.packages()[,"LibPath"], 1)
> .libPaths()
[1] "/home/mtmorgan/R/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-library/3.0"
[2] "/home/mtmorgan/bin/R-3-0-branch/library"  

Good news! All my Bioc packages are in a specific library. I could then arrange (see ?.libPaths) to start R with .libPaths pointing to a new location for Bioc 2.12 packages, e.g.,

好消息!我的所有Bioc包都在特定的库中。然后,我可以安排(参见?.libPaths)以指向Bioc 2.12包的新位置的.libPaths启动R,例如,

R_LIBS_USER="/home/mtmorgan/R/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-library/3.0-2.12" R

then explicitly install the version of the BiocInstaller package I want to use, e.g.,



and library(BiocInstaller); biocLite() as usual.


If my Bioconductor packages were installed in the R home directory, then I'd remove.packages() instead of setting .libPaths(), or I'd run BiocInstaller::biocValid() and follow the directions for reverting "too new" packages.

如果我的Bioconductor软件包安装在R主目录中,那么我将删除.packages()而不是设置.libPaths(),或者我运行BiocInstaller :: biocValid()并按照指示恢复“太新”包。



Generally, Bioconductor is designed to work with specific versions of R, so there are no guarantees associated with using older versions of Bioconductor (or any R package) with newer versions of R. Better to ask questions about Bioconductor packages on the Bioconductor mailing list. Probably what you're saying is that there is some problem with your current Bioconductor installation, and what you'd really be better of doing is fixing the problem.


Check out the LibPath of installed.packages(), and compare to the output of .libPaths(). I have


> head(installed.packages()[,"LibPath"], 1)
> .libPaths()
[1] "/home/mtmorgan/R/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-library/3.0"
[2] "/home/mtmorgan/bin/R-3-0-branch/library"  

Good news! All my Bioc packages are in a specific library. I could then arrange (see ?.libPaths) to start R with .libPaths pointing to a new location for Bioc 2.12 packages, e.g.,

好消息!我的所有Bioc包都在特定的库中。然后,我可以安排(参见?.libPaths)以指向Bioc 2.12包的新位置的.libPaths启动R,例如,

R_LIBS_USER="/home/mtmorgan/R/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-library/3.0-2.12" R

then explicitly install the version of the BiocInstaller package I want to use, e.g.,



and library(BiocInstaller); biocLite() as usual.


If my Bioconductor packages were installed in the R home directory, then I'd remove.packages() instead of setting .libPaths(), or I'd run BiocInstaller::biocValid() and follow the directions for reverting "too new" packages.

如果我的Bioconductor软件包安装在R主目录中,那么我将删除.packages()而不是设置.libPaths(),或者我运行BiocInstaller :: biocValid()并按照指示恢复“太新”包。