
时间:2021-07-24 13:27:51

Mixing the use of primitive data types and their respective wrapper classes, in Java, can lead to a lot of bugs. The following example illustrates the issue:


int i = 4;
if (i == 10)

Later on you figure that you want the variable i to be either defined or undefined, so you change the above instantiation to:


Integer i = null;

Now the equality check fails.


Is it good Java practise to always use the primitive wrapper classes? It obviously would get some bugs out of the way early, but what are the downsides to this? Does it impact performance or the application's memory footprint? Are there any sneaky gotchas?


8 个解决方案



Using the boxed types does have both performance and memory issues.


When doing comparisons (eg (i == 10) ), java has to unbox the type before doing the comparison. Even using i.equals(TEN) uses a method call, which is costlier and (IMO) uglier than the == syntax.

在进行比较时(例如(i == 10)),java必须在进行比较之前取消打包类型。即使使用statesquals(TEN)也会使用方法调用,这种方法调用比==语法更昂贵且(IMO)更加丑陋。

Re memory, the object has to be stored on the heap (which also takes a hit on performance) as well as storing the value itself.


A sneaky gotcha? i.equals(j) when i is null.


I always use the primitives, except when it may be null, but always check for null before comparison in those cases.




Firstly, switching from using a primitive to using an object just to get the ability to set it to null is probably a bad design decision. I often have arguments with my coworkers about whether or not null is a sentinel value, and my opinion is usually that it is not (and thus shouldn't be prohibited like sentinel values should be), but in this particular case you're going out of your way to use it as a sentinel value. Please don't. Create a boolean that indicates whether or not your integer is valid, or create a new type that wraps the boolean and integer together.


Usually, when using newer versions of Java, I find I don't need to explicitly create or cast to the object versions of primitives because of the auto-boxing support that was added some time in 1.5 (maybe 1.5 itself).




I'd suggest using primitives all the time unless you really have the concept of "null".


Yes, the VM does autoboxing and all that now, but it can lead to some really wierd cases where you'll get a null pointer exception at a line of code that you really don't expect, and you have to start doing null checks on every mathematical operation. You also can start getting some non-obvious behaviors if you start mixing types and getting wierd autoboxing behaviors.


For float/doubles you can treat NaN as null, but remember that NaN != NaN so you still need special checks like !Float.isNaN(x).

对于float / double,您可以将NaN视为null,但请记住NaN!= NaN,因此您仍需要特殊检查,例如!Float.isNaN(x)。

It would be really nice if there were collections that supported the primitive types instead of having to waste the time/overhead of boxing.




In your example, the if statement will be ok until you go over 127 (as Integer autoboxing will cache values up to 127 and return the same instance for each number up to this value)


So it is worse than you present it...


if( i == 10 )

will work as before, but


if( i == 128 )

will fail. It is for reasons like this that I always explicitly create objects when I need them, and tend to stick to primitive variables if at all possible




Thee java POD types are there for a reason. Besides the overhead, you can't do normal operations with objects. An Integer is an object, which need to be allocated and garbage collected. An int isn't.

你的Java POD类型是有原因的。除了开销之外,您无法对对象进行正常操作。 Integer是一个对象,需要进行分配和垃圾回收。 int不是。



If that value can be empty, you may find that in your design you are in need of something else.


There are two possibilities--either the value is just data (the code won't act any differently if it's filled in or not), or it's actually indicating that you have two different types of object here (the code acts differently if there is a value than a null)

有两种可能性 - 要么值只是数据(如果填写或不填写,代码将不会有任何不同的行为),或者它实际上表明你在这里有两种不同类型的对象(如果存在,代码的行为会有所不同)值而不是null

If it's just data for display/storage, you might consider using a real DTO--one that doesn't have it as a first-class member at all. Those will generally have a way to check to see if a value has been set or not.

如果它只是用于显示/存储的数据,您可以考虑使用真正的DTO - 一个根本没有它作为一流成员的DTO。这些通常会有一种方法来检查是否已设置值。

If you check for the null at some point, you may want to be using a subclass because when there is one difference, there are usually more. At least you want a better way to indicate your difference than "if primitiveIntValue == null", that doesn't really mean anything.

如果在某个时候检查null,则可能需要使用子类,因为当存在一个差异时,通常会有更多。至少你想要一个更好的方式来表明你的差异,而不是“如果primitiveIntValue == null”,这并不意味着什么。



Don't switch to non-primitives just to get this facility. Use a boolean to indicate whether the value was set or not. If you don't like that solution and you know that your integers will be in some reasonable limit (or don't care about the occasional failure) use a specific value to indicate 'uninitialized', such as Integer.MIN_VALUE. But that's a much less safe solution than the boolean.




When you got to that 'Later on' point, a little more work needed to be accomplished during the refactoring. Use primitives when possible. (Capital period) Then make POJOs if more functionality is needed. The primitive wrapper classes, in my opinion, are best used for data that needs to travel across the wire, meaning networked apps. Allowing nulls as acceptable values causes headaches as a system 'grows'. To much code wasted, or missed, guarding what should be simple comparisons.

当你到达“后期”点时,在重构过程中需要完成更多的工作。尽可能使用基元。 (资本期)如果需要更多功能,则制作POJO。在我看来,原始包装类最适合需要通过网络传输的数据,这意味着网络应用程序。允许空值作为可接受的值会导致系统“增长”时出现问题。要浪费或错过很多代码,保护应该进行简单比较的内容。



Using the boxed types does have both performance and memory issues.


When doing comparisons (eg (i == 10) ), java has to unbox the type before doing the comparison. Even using i.equals(TEN) uses a method call, which is costlier and (IMO) uglier than the == syntax.

在进行比较时(例如(i == 10)),java必须在进行比较之前取消打包类型。即使使用statesquals(TEN)也会使用方法调用,这种方法调用比==语法更昂贵且(IMO)更加丑陋。

Re memory, the object has to be stored on the heap (which also takes a hit on performance) as well as storing the value itself.


A sneaky gotcha? i.equals(j) when i is null.


I always use the primitives, except when it may be null, but always check for null before comparison in those cases.




Firstly, switching from using a primitive to using an object just to get the ability to set it to null is probably a bad design decision. I often have arguments with my coworkers about whether or not null is a sentinel value, and my opinion is usually that it is not (and thus shouldn't be prohibited like sentinel values should be), but in this particular case you're going out of your way to use it as a sentinel value. Please don't. Create a boolean that indicates whether or not your integer is valid, or create a new type that wraps the boolean and integer together.


Usually, when using newer versions of Java, I find I don't need to explicitly create or cast to the object versions of primitives because of the auto-boxing support that was added some time in 1.5 (maybe 1.5 itself).




I'd suggest using primitives all the time unless you really have the concept of "null".


Yes, the VM does autoboxing and all that now, but it can lead to some really wierd cases where you'll get a null pointer exception at a line of code that you really don't expect, and you have to start doing null checks on every mathematical operation. You also can start getting some non-obvious behaviors if you start mixing types and getting wierd autoboxing behaviors.


For float/doubles you can treat NaN as null, but remember that NaN != NaN so you still need special checks like !Float.isNaN(x).

对于float / double,您可以将NaN视为null,但请记住NaN!= NaN,因此您仍需要特殊检查,例如!Float.isNaN(x)。

It would be really nice if there were collections that supported the primitive types instead of having to waste the time/overhead of boxing.




In your example, the if statement will be ok until you go over 127 (as Integer autoboxing will cache values up to 127 and return the same instance for each number up to this value)


So it is worse than you present it...


if( i == 10 )

will work as before, but


if( i == 128 )

will fail. It is for reasons like this that I always explicitly create objects when I need them, and tend to stick to primitive variables if at all possible




Thee java POD types are there for a reason. Besides the overhead, you can't do normal operations with objects. An Integer is an object, which need to be allocated and garbage collected. An int isn't.

你的Java POD类型是有原因的。除了开销之外,您无法对对象进行正常操作。 Integer是一个对象,需要进行分配和垃圾回收。 int不是。



If that value can be empty, you may find that in your design you are in need of something else.


There are two possibilities--either the value is just data (the code won't act any differently if it's filled in or not), or it's actually indicating that you have two different types of object here (the code acts differently if there is a value than a null)

有两种可能性 - 要么值只是数据(如果填写或不填写,代码将不会有任何不同的行为),或者它实际上表明你在这里有两种不同类型的对象(如果存在,代码的行为会有所不同)值而不是null

If it's just data for display/storage, you might consider using a real DTO--one that doesn't have it as a first-class member at all. Those will generally have a way to check to see if a value has been set or not.

如果它只是用于显示/存储的数据,您可以考虑使用真正的DTO - 一个根本没有它作为一流成员的DTO。这些通常会有一种方法来检查是否已设置值。

If you check for the null at some point, you may want to be using a subclass because when there is one difference, there are usually more. At least you want a better way to indicate your difference than "if primitiveIntValue == null", that doesn't really mean anything.

如果在某个时候检查null,则可能需要使用子类,因为当存在一个差异时,通常会有更多。至少你想要一个更好的方式来表明你的差异,而不是“如果primitiveIntValue == null”,这并不意味着什么。



Don't switch to non-primitives just to get this facility. Use a boolean to indicate whether the value was set or not. If you don't like that solution and you know that your integers will be in some reasonable limit (or don't care about the occasional failure) use a specific value to indicate 'uninitialized', such as Integer.MIN_VALUE. But that's a much less safe solution than the boolean.




When you got to that 'Later on' point, a little more work needed to be accomplished during the refactoring. Use primitives when possible. (Capital period) Then make POJOs if more functionality is needed. The primitive wrapper classes, in my opinion, are best used for data that needs to travel across the wire, meaning networked apps. Allowing nulls as acceptable values causes headaches as a system 'grows'. To much code wasted, or missed, guarding what should be simple comparisons.

当你到达“后期”点时,在重构过程中需要完成更多的工作。尽可能使用基元。 (资本期)如果需要更多功能,则制作POJO。在我看来,原始包装类最适合需要通过网络传输的数据,这意味着网络应用程序。允许空值作为可接受的值会导致系统“增长”时出现问题。要浪费或错过很多代码,保护应该进行简单比较的内容。