
时间:2022-01-05 12:38:28

I'm currently trying to move an existing spring-application to spring-boot and therefore recreate things that worked without boot.


I want to configure some properties (like spring.datasource.*) from an external source. specificly a folder with several properties files.


I set up a configuration class that creates propertyPlaceholder configurers like this:


public class PropertySourceConfiguration {

public static PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer defaultsPlaceHolderConfigurer() throws IOException {
    PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer propertyConfigurer = new PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer();
    propertyConfigurer.setLocations(new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver().getResources("classpath*:/*-defaults.properties"));
    return propertyConfigurer;

public static PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer externalPlaceHolderConfigurer() throws IOException {
    PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer propertyConfigurer = new PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer();
    return propertyConfigurer;

This seems to work for most things (like amqp or my own config properties) but when i try to use spring-data-jpa they are ignored. basicly setting spring.datasource.url (and other things used for auto-config) in those files has no effect.


looking through the logs of the PropertySourcesPropertyResolver i figured out that these configurer fall under the localProperties group which is not used when looking for spring.datasource.*.


is there a way to fix this or a better way to add external properties files to my context?


I know i could set spring.config.location to do something similar but i can not pass command-line properties to my application and need to do this config from within my application. afaik this is not possible with this property.

我知道我可以设置spring.config.location做类似的事情,但我不能将命令行属性传递给我的应用程序,需要在我的应用程序中进行此配置。 afaik这是不可能与这家酒店。

EDIT: setting spring.config.location:


Attempt 1:

public class ServletInitializer extends SpringBootServletInitializer {

    protected SpringApplicationBuilder configure(SpringApplicationBuilder application) {
        return application.sources(CampaignServiceStarter.class);
    public void onStartup(ServletContext servletContext) throws ServletException {
        servletContext.setInitParameter("spring.config.location", "file:/my-config-path/*.properties");

Attempt 2:

public class ServletInitializer extends SpringBootServletInitializer {

    protected SpringApplicationBuilder configure(SpringApplicationBuilder application) {
        return application.sources(CampaignServiceStarter.class).properties("spring.config.location=file:/my-config-path/*.properties");

in both cases the external properties were not picked up at all (even in places where it worked before, like the amqp config)


1 个解决方案


How to use external configuration is explained in this section of the Spring Boot Reference Guide.

Spring Boot Reference Guide的“Spring Boot Reference Guide”一节中介绍了如何使用外部配置。

The spring.config.location is a path to the directory which contains your application.properties file. It takes a comma separated list of values so you could specify multiple paths. It doesn't take the wildcard. It is a path so not an expression to match multiple property files. If you want to change the default application then use the spring.config.name to make it something else.


The defaults of Spring Boot are opinionated as the rest of Spring Boot (with the default configuration etc.).

Spring Boot的默认值与Spring Boot的其余部分(默认配置等)相同。

If you want to do more extensive (pre) configuration you should use an ApplicationContextInitializer to manually add the PropertySources to the Environment. This is mentioned here in the Spring Boot Reference Guide.

如果要进行更广泛的(预)配置,则应使用ApplicationContextInitializer手动将PropertySource添加到Environment。这在Spring Boot Reference Guide中提到。

An example of how the initializer might look.


public class ConfigurationInitializer implements ApplicationContextInitializer {

    private static final String DEFAULT_PROPS = "classpath*:/*-defaults.properties";
    private static final String EXTERNAL_PROPS = "file:/my-config-path/*.properties";

    public void initialize(ConfigurableApplicationContext applicationContext) {
        final Resource[] defaultConfigs = applicationContext.getResources(DEFAULT_PROPS);
        final Resource[] externalConfigs = applicationContext.getResources(EXTERNAL_PROPS);

        final ConfigurableEnvironment env = applicationContext.getEnvironment();
        final MutablePropertySources mps =  env.getPropertySources();
        for (Resource r : externalConfigs) {
            mps.addLast(new ResourcePropertySource(r.getFilename(), r);
        for (Resource r : defaultConfigs) {
            mps.addLast(new ResourcePropertySource(r.getFilename(), r);

Then when building your application object add it as follows.


public class ServletInitializer extends SpringBootServletInitializer {

    protected SpringApplicationBuilder configure(SpringApplicationBuilder application) {
        return application.sources(CampaignServiceStarter.class)
            .initializers(new ConfigurationInitializer());

Now the configs should be added to the list of property sources.



How to use external configuration is explained in this section of the Spring Boot Reference Guide.

Spring Boot Reference Guide的“Spring Boot Reference Guide”一节中介绍了如何使用外部配置。

The spring.config.location is a path to the directory which contains your application.properties file. It takes a comma separated list of values so you could specify multiple paths. It doesn't take the wildcard. It is a path so not an expression to match multiple property files. If you want to change the default application then use the spring.config.name to make it something else.


The defaults of Spring Boot are opinionated as the rest of Spring Boot (with the default configuration etc.).

Spring Boot的默认值与Spring Boot的其余部分(默认配置等)相同。

If you want to do more extensive (pre) configuration you should use an ApplicationContextInitializer to manually add the PropertySources to the Environment. This is mentioned here in the Spring Boot Reference Guide.

如果要进行更广泛的(预)配置,则应使用ApplicationContextInitializer手动将PropertySource添加到Environment。这在Spring Boot Reference Guide中提到。

An example of how the initializer might look.


public class ConfigurationInitializer implements ApplicationContextInitializer {

    private static final String DEFAULT_PROPS = "classpath*:/*-defaults.properties";
    private static final String EXTERNAL_PROPS = "file:/my-config-path/*.properties";

    public void initialize(ConfigurableApplicationContext applicationContext) {
        final Resource[] defaultConfigs = applicationContext.getResources(DEFAULT_PROPS);
        final Resource[] externalConfigs = applicationContext.getResources(EXTERNAL_PROPS);

        final ConfigurableEnvironment env = applicationContext.getEnvironment();
        final MutablePropertySources mps =  env.getPropertySources();
        for (Resource r : externalConfigs) {
            mps.addLast(new ResourcePropertySource(r.getFilename(), r);
        for (Resource r : defaultConfigs) {
            mps.addLast(new ResourcePropertySource(r.getFilename(), r);

Then when building your application object add it as follows.


public class ServletInitializer extends SpringBootServletInitializer {

    protected SpringApplicationBuilder configure(SpringApplicationBuilder application) {
        return application.sources(CampaignServiceStarter.class)
            .initializers(new ConfigurationInitializer());

Now the configs should be added to the list of property sources.
