Rails: cattr_accessor和类变量

时间:2022-03-19 12:38:38

Running this code:


module A
  def self.included(klass)
    klass.send(:cattr_accessor, :my_name)

  def set_my_name_var
    @@my_name = 'A' # does NOT work as expected

  def set_my_name_attr
    self.class.my_name = 'A' # works as expected

class B
  include A

  cattr_accessor :my_other_name

  def set_my_other_name_var
    @@my_other_name = 'B' # works

  def set_my_other_name_attr
    self.class.my_other_name = 'B' # works

b = B.new

puts "My other name is " + B.my_other_name
puts "My name is " + B.my_name

puts "My other name is " + B.my_other_name
puts "My name is " + B.my_name

Breaks like this:


My other name is B
TypeError: (eval):34:in `+': can't convert nil into String

If we swap last two blocks of code (so that b.set_my_name_attr gets called before b.set_my_name_var), everything is works fine.


It looks like it treats @@my_name as class variable of module A, not class B (as I would expect it to). Isn't it confusing? Where can read more about module class variables?


1 个解决方案



When you have your set_my_name_var method in module A doing @@my_name = 'A' this is setting a module variable in A. This behaviour doesn't change when the method is called via an including class. This also leads to another fact that sometimes catches people out - if you were to include A in multiple classes there is only one instance of @@my_name, not one instance per including class. The following example illustrates this:


module Example
  def name=(name)
    @@name = name

  def name

class First
  include Example

class Second
  include Example

irb(main):066:0> f = First.new
=> #<First:0x2d4b80c>
irb(main):067:0> s = Second.new
=> #<Second:0x2d491d8>
irb(main):068:0> f.name = 'Set via f'
=> "Set via f"
irb(main):069:0> s.name
=> "Set via f"



I think I have figured out what is happening that will explain why it doesn't seem to work the way you expect. cattr_reader (and by extension cattr_accessor) contains the following:


class_eval(<<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__)
  unless defined? @@#{sym}  # unless defined? @@hair_colors
    @@#{sym} = nil          #   @@hair_colors = nil

  # code to define reader method follows...

The following sequence takes place:


  • B is defined
  • B是定义
  • module A is included
  • 模块包含一个
  • the included callback does klass.send(:cattr_accessor, :my_name).
  • 所包含的回调是klass。发送(:cattr_accessor:my_name)。
  • an @@my_name is created in class B that is set to nil.
  • 在类B中创建一个@ @@my_name,并将其设置为nil。

Without the cattr_accessor then after calling set_my_name_var when you say @@my_name within B it would refer to the module's variable. But with the cattr_accessor in place a variable with the same name now exists in the class so if we say @@my_name within B we get the value of B's variable in preference to A's. This is what I meant by masking. (B's variable has got in the way of us seeing A's)


Maybe the following will illustrate. Imagine we'd just got as far as your b = B.new and we do the following:

也许下面的例子可以说明这一点。假设我们得到了b = b。新,我们做以下工作:

>> A.class_variables
=> [] # No methods called on A yet so no module variables initialised
>> B.class_variables
=> ["@@my_other_name", "@@my_name"] # these exist and both set to nil by cattr_accessor
>> B.send(:class_variable_get, '@@my_name')
=> nil # B's @@my_name is set to nil
>> b.set_my_name_var # we call set_my_name_var as you did in the question
=> "A"
>> A.send(:class_variable_get, '@@my_name')
=> "A" # the variable in the module is to to 'A' as you expect
>> B.send(:class_variable_get, '@@my_name')
=> nil # but the variable in the class is set to nil
>> B.my_name
=> nil # B.my_name accessor has returned the variable from the class i.e. nil

I think cattr_reader does this to avoid uninitialized class variable errors if you try to use the getter before the setter. (class variables don't default to nil in the same way that instance variables do.)




When you have your set_my_name_var method in module A doing @@my_name = 'A' this is setting a module variable in A. This behaviour doesn't change when the method is called via an including class. This also leads to another fact that sometimes catches people out - if you were to include A in multiple classes there is only one instance of @@my_name, not one instance per including class. The following example illustrates this:


module Example
  def name=(name)
    @@name = name

  def name

class First
  include Example

class Second
  include Example

irb(main):066:0> f = First.new
=> #<First:0x2d4b80c>
irb(main):067:0> s = Second.new
=> #<Second:0x2d491d8>
irb(main):068:0> f.name = 'Set via f'
=> "Set via f"
irb(main):069:0> s.name
=> "Set via f"



I think I have figured out what is happening that will explain why it doesn't seem to work the way you expect. cattr_reader (and by extension cattr_accessor) contains the following:


class_eval(<<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__)
  unless defined? @@#{sym}  # unless defined? @@hair_colors
    @@#{sym} = nil          #   @@hair_colors = nil

  # code to define reader method follows...

The following sequence takes place:


  • B is defined
  • B是定义
  • module A is included
  • 模块包含一个
  • the included callback does klass.send(:cattr_accessor, :my_name).
  • 所包含的回调是klass。发送(:cattr_accessor:my_name)。
  • an @@my_name is created in class B that is set to nil.
  • 在类B中创建一个@ @@my_name,并将其设置为nil。

Without the cattr_accessor then after calling set_my_name_var when you say @@my_name within B it would refer to the module's variable. But with the cattr_accessor in place a variable with the same name now exists in the class so if we say @@my_name within B we get the value of B's variable in preference to A's. This is what I meant by masking. (B's variable has got in the way of us seeing A's)


Maybe the following will illustrate. Imagine we'd just got as far as your b = B.new and we do the following:

也许下面的例子可以说明这一点。假设我们得到了b = b。新,我们做以下工作:

>> A.class_variables
=> [] # No methods called on A yet so no module variables initialised
>> B.class_variables
=> ["@@my_other_name", "@@my_name"] # these exist and both set to nil by cattr_accessor
>> B.send(:class_variable_get, '@@my_name')
=> nil # B's @@my_name is set to nil
>> b.set_my_name_var # we call set_my_name_var as you did in the question
=> "A"
>> A.send(:class_variable_get, '@@my_name')
=> "A" # the variable in the module is to to 'A' as you expect
>> B.send(:class_variable_get, '@@my_name')
=> nil # but the variable in the class is set to nil
>> B.my_name
=> nil # B.my_name accessor has returned the variable from the class i.e. nil

I think cattr_reader does this to avoid uninitialized class variable errors if you try to use the getter before the setter. (class variables don't default to nil in the same way that instance variables do.)
