如何在SQL Server 2000中传递大于varchar(8000)的字符串参数?

时间:2021-11-10 13:03:35

You get a compilation error if you define the string parameter to have a size greater than 8000



The size (9000) given to the type 'varchar' exceeds the maximum allowed for any data type (8000).

Any ideas?

4 个解决方案



you need to store it as TEXT instead of varchar for string larger than 8000 in sql 2000

你需要将它存储为TEXT而不是varchar,用于sql 2000中大于8000的字符串



You can't use text as a parameter value for a stored proc in SQL 2000<< Sure you can.

您不能将文本用作SQL 2000中存储过程的参数值。“当然可以。

What you cannot do is define a local variable as text




You can't do that in SQL 2000, use the "text" data type instead.

您不能在SQL 2000中执行此操作,而是使用“text”数据类型。

Choose SQL 2000 Data Types

选择SQL 2000数据类型



You can't use text as a parameter value for a stored proc in SQL 2000, so usually the technique is to break up the information into chunks of 8000 characters or less and reassemble in the proc.

您不能在SQL 2000中将文本用作存储过程的参数值,因此通常的技术是将信息分解为8000个字符或更少的字符块并在proc中重新组合。



you need to store it as TEXT instead of varchar for string larger than 8000 in sql 2000

你需要将它存储为TEXT而不是varchar,用于sql 2000中大于8000的字符串



You can't use text as a parameter value for a stored proc in SQL 2000<< Sure you can.

您不能将文本用作SQL 2000中存储过程的参数值。“当然可以。

What you cannot do is define a local variable as text




You can't do that in SQL 2000, use the "text" data type instead.

您不能在SQL 2000中执行此操作,而是使用“text”数据类型。

Choose SQL 2000 Data Types

选择SQL 2000数据类型



You can't use text as a parameter value for a stored proc in SQL 2000, so usually the technique is to break up the information into chunks of 8000 characters or less and reassemble in the proc.

您不能在SQL 2000中将文本用作存储过程的参数值,因此通常的技术是将信息分解为8000个字符或更少的字符块并在proc中重新组合。