
时间:2021-08-26 12:06:54

Im trying to perform a parameterized query in SQLite from C#, and the method im using is along the lines of creating a static command with


        SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand(
        "SELECT [ID]" +
            ",[email]" +
            ",[serializedata]" +
            ",[restrictions]" +
        " FROM " + UserTable +
        " WHERE @search = @searchparam", SQLConnection);

        cmd.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@searchparam"));
        cmd.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@search"));

and calling it like this:


        Command.Parameters["@searchparam"].Value = searchdata;
        Command.Parameters["@search"].Value = search;
        SQLiteDataAdapter slda = new SQLiteDataAdapter(UserSelectUsernameCommand);
        DataSet ds = new DataSet();
        User[] array = new User[ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count];
        int index = 0;
        foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
            array[index] = new User(this, row);
        return array;

but im getting an error along the line of " '@search' is not a correct column name " or something like that. if i use a constant column name, and only use the data for parameters it works, but i dont want to create 10 different commands for when i need to search by different column names.


What is the issue here?


2 个解决方案



Generally things like column names (or table names) can not be parameterised - and the fact that there are different indices means that it will have to be a different plan internally. So you will have to use concatenation - but be careful to white-list the known column names to prevent sql injection:

通常,诸如列名(或表名)之类的东西不能参数化 - 并且存在不同索引的事实意味着它必须在内部是不同的计划。所以你必须使用连接 - 但要小心列出已知的列名以阻止sql注入:

    SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand(@"
    SELECT [ID],[email],[serializedata],[restrictions]
    FROM " + whiteListedUserTable + @"
    WHERE [" + whiteListedColumnName + @"] = @searchparam", SQLConnection);

    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@searchparam"));
    Command.Parameters["@searchparam"].Value = searchdata;



You cannot use a query parameter in that fashion -- to indicate a column name. You can only use it to supply values.

您不能以这种方式使用查询参数 - 以指示列名称。您只能使用它来提供值。

Consider something like this instead:


    SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand(
    "SELECT [ID]" +
        ",[email]" +
        ",[serializedata]" +
        ",[restrictions]" +
    " FROM " + UserTable +
    " WHERE [" + search + "] = @searchparam", SQLConnection);

    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@searchparam"));

If you control all of the input to this function and none if it can be supplied by someone other than you, this should be safe. But if search comes from an untrusted third party, be sure to make the appropriate security checks on the value.




Generally things like column names (or table names) can not be parameterised - and the fact that there are different indices means that it will have to be a different plan internally. So you will have to use concatenation - but be careful to white-list the known column names to prevent sql injection:

通常,诸如列名(或表名)之类的东西不能参数化 - 并且存在不同索引的事实意味着它必须在内部是不同的计划。所以你必须使用连接 - 但要小心列出已知的列名以阻止sql注入:

    SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand(@"
    SELECT [ID],[email],[serializedata],[restrictions]
    FROM " + whiteListedUserTable + @"
    WHERE [" + whiteListedColumnName + @"] = @searchparam", SQLConnection);

    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@searchparam"));
    Command.Parameters["@searchparam"].Value = searchdata;



You cannot use a query parameter in that fashion -- to indicate a column name. You can only use it to supply values.

您不能以这种方式使用查询参数 - 以指示列名称。您只能使用它来提供值。

Consider something like this instead:


    SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand(
    "SELECT [ID]" +
        ",[email]" +
        ",[serializedata]" +
        ",[restrictions]" +
    " FROM " + UserTable +
    " WHERE [" + search + "] = @searchparam", SQLConnection);

    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@searchparam"));

If you control all of the input to this function and none if it can be supplied by someone other than you, this should be safe. But if search comes from an untrusted third party, be sure to make the appropriate security checks on the value.
